Banished Houseguests Speak!

Round 10 - Webber

How do you feel about the vote?
Well, It wasn't really as much of a vote as such... more of a singular decision made by Lauren. I would have liked to stayed to the end but i suppose I will live with the Bronze Medal.

Did you see it coming?
Yeah, I mean it was a 50/50 chance it was going to be me.

Do you feel that Lauren betrayed you?
Not specifically.. Aimee, Lauren and I were in an alliance from the beginning. So one of us had to go.

Who do you think will win?
I think Lauren will probably win but I'd be equally happy with Aimee as the winner!

You survived 3 Rounds of being Marked, how did you beat Tricia, Kyle and Leslie each time?
My main strategy in this game was to make people think that I wasn't a threat. I played up the fact that I was probably "least likely to win" and because of this I survived. In the end, Lauren was debating whether to take me of Aimee to the finals. I could have easily been a part of the final two. In truth, I was one of the biggest threats this entire game, but people didn't even realize.

Did you ever feel controlled? Did you ever control anyone?
Leslie and Lauren had this plan for them to both be in the final two. As a means to there ends sometimes I felt controlled. However, there was one time in the game where I did the controlling. Matt had decided to "allign" with me to get into the final four, but at the same time I was quietly alligned with 2 of the people he wanted to get rid of the most. At one point Matt gave me the answer to the Head of the Household challenge because he couldn't take part, so I used that as a means to get rid of people that I wanted gone.

Smart move. Are you happy with the way you played the game?
The way that I played got me a lot further than ANYONE expected... I think that says something about my strategy.

Is there anyone who has been Banished who you would have liked to see in the Final Two?
Leslie probably deserved to be there, but Aimee wanted her out because she was a threat. Other than that Good Ol' Matthew Daniel Webber should have been there.

Round 9 - Leslie

How do you feel about the vote?
A little dissapointed, but I understand why things had to be this way.

Did you see it coming?
Once I saw who was going to be the deciding factor, I know it was coming.

Why is that?
I knew Aimee wanted me out... I'm assuming she saw me as a threat.

Do you feel betrayed?
A little bit, cause Lauren and I did say we were going to the Final Two together, and that we would split the prize :)

Were you lied to?
No, I don't believe I was ever lied to.

Who do you think will win?
I have no clue, it all depends on who wins the next HOH.

Who do you want out next?
I guess it's a bit of revenge when I say Aimee :)

Who will surprise you if they win?
Aimee will surprise me if she wins. Not that I don't the she is a capable person and that she shouldn't win, it'll just surprise me.

Did you ever feel controled?
Kind of. it's funny cause people always thought that i was the manipulating one, but a lot of the time i would get an e-mail from lauren telling me what to do. true i agreed with what she was saying most of the time and i was actually planning on doing exactly what she suggested, but yeah.

Are you happy with the way you played the game?
pretty much. tho i know i should have been a little more faithful to the Bitch Power alliance, but I hadn't heard from it in a while, so I thought that maybe it was dead and I started to worry, so I moved on and found others.

Note : Bitch Power was an alliance formed at the beginning of the game by almost every female in the Big Brother House.

Do you have any defence to the negative things said about the way you played the game?
i'm sorry if you don't like my style, but it is just a game....

Round 8 - Kristy

How do you feel about the vote?
It sucks, but I'm just happy for making it this far I guess.

Did you see it coming?
I wasn't suprised at all, I totally saw it coming.

Do you feel betrayed?
Nah, I wondered why Leslie nominated me in the beginning though.

Were you lied to?
I wasn't in a big alliance really, so I didn't get the honour of being lied to:) I was however in it to the end with SOB, so I was scared after she was banished.

Who do you think will win?
I think Leslie will probably win, but you never know.

Who do you want out next?
I don't know. They're all cool people.

Who will go next?
I think Webber or Aimee. Even though she has a lot of money:P

Did you ever feel controled?
Not really

Which Houseguest were you happiest to see leave?
I think Angela. But only because it was the first time I was nominated, and if she didn't leave, I would have!

Round 7 - Matt

Coming Soon.

Round 6 - Shannon

How do you feel about the vote?
i dont feel that mad, a little bit at leslie though i thought we were in an alliance but i guess not...

Did you see it coming?
not really but someone had to get voted out so meh

Do you feel betrayed?
yeah a bit by leslie

Were you lied to?

Who do you think will win?
i think matt will win actually he is a smart guy

Who do YOU want out next?i would say leslie or lauren

Who will go next?
hmmm maybe aimee or kristy... most likely one of them i would say

Did you ever feel controlled?
a few times by leslie i found she could be a bit manipulative about who she wanted out and i love that girl in person but in the game she was very different of how i know her to be

Which houseguest were you happiest to see leave?
angela FOR SURE. she was the whiniest, bitchiest, most self-centered person i have ever encountered. i mean seriously, OH MY GOD who flips out that much about a game??? i can understand being a little mad or sad about getting voted out but she went psycho, and i think she scared the crap out of aimee for writing her a hate email. which says it all right there who the hell writes a hate email cause of a *game*... take your pills angela the doctor gave them to you for a reason.

Round 5 - Sarah

Coming Soon

Round 4 - Jane

How do you feel about the vote?
I really can't say I was too surprised by the results of the vote. I'm sad I can't play the game anymore, but it was a good time while it lasted!

Did you see it coming?
Oh yeah. Totally saw it coming! As soon as I learned I'd been marked for banishment, I was like, well, it's been fun, but it's over now, I'm gone for sure....

Do you feel betrayed?
Nope, I can't say I feel betrayed! Actually, the reasons given for voting me out weren't so bad...I'm too nice? That's actually really sweet, and in some ways I guess it's a compliment to be voted out.

Were you lied to?
Definitly not lied to, by anyone (well not that I know of anyways!!)

Who do you think will win?
I'm not sure who will win...but I'm hoping for Matt.

Who do you want out next?
Oh...I don't know...I'd feel bad saying...

Who will go next?
Hmm. Good question. I think it really depends on who wins head of household, and who they mark for banishment. Whoever is viewed as the biggest threat i guess...I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Did you ever feel controlled?
Can't say that I did

Round 3 - Kyle

I feel so imortant doing this interview!!!

How do you feel about the vote?
I feel fine about the vote, people thought that I had to go so they decided it. It is not a big deal for me though.

Did you see it coming?
I kinda saw it comming when i was nominated, I knew that the people wouldn't vote off Amiee because she must have alliances, and I really knew they wouldn't vote off Webber because he could be voted off at any time, so he's not a threat.

Do you feel betrayed?
I don't feel betrayed at all, it's a game, I didn't make any alliances, this really doesn't reflect how people look on me at all, it was just a fun game while it lasted.

Were you lied to?
I might have been lied to, but I don't care, I was told by a lot of people to look out for Leslie because she cheats and lies, so I really didn't talk to her for that reason.

Who do you think will win?
I think that either Sarah or Leslie will win, I'd like Sarah to win just because she is so coool!!! (Yay Sarah!)

Who do YOU want out next?
I want Shannon out next, just because she nominated me, and because she is voted most likely to be voted off next, and it seems that a lot of people want her voted off as soon as possible in the house.

Round 2 - Angela

Sorry about the delay in my little interview here but i was put in a mental institution because i was so depressed about being voted out. look what you did to me?!

How do you feel about the vote?
the vote sucked ass. i wanted to win this game so bad, and to be voted out in the second round wasn't very pleasant. but you know, i guess i did have a really good chance of winning and everyone was afraid of me so hey! i rule! but yeah, the vote sucked.

Did you see it coming?
no! not at all! i thought everyone loved little 'ol me. i mean, i was voted favorite female houseguest. i guess they were all jealous of me.

Do you feel betrayed?
of course i feel betrayed. i wanted to go all the way and certain people who were supposed to help me decided to go behind my back and vote for me. those jealous bitches.

Were you lied to?
hell yeah! i won't mention any names, but i made an alliance before big brother even started. two very nice loving people stuck to it, but the rest of those back-stabbing liars didn't. you know what? i think i will mention names. SHANNON lied to me. we were supposed to have an alliance and then she went behind my back and got me voted off. well i'll tell you what, she sure as hell ain't gettin a christmas card from me!

Who do you think will win?
oh, my matty will definitely win. he's got the power. respect.

Who do YOU want out next?
hmm.....let's about SHANNON! i want her out! out i say!

Round 1 - Tricia

How do you feel about the vote?
I feel like people did what they had to do. Smart move Sarah nominating me by the way. We've both played the game before, so we know how eachother work. For the two that didn't vote me, thanks guys. I know who you are and I love you to death!!

Did you see it coming?
I did see it coming... actually when I saw that I was nominated I was like man, something seems familiar here. The little tramp! Just keeping up tradition. I knew I'd be voted though, the players are smart and they know what they're doing.

Do you feel betrayed?
I feel betrayed in a way by some people, but again I know they were just doing what they needed to do. Just be careful guys, who you think you can trust now WILL backstab you in the end. Trust me.

Were you lied to?
The game barely began, so I never had the privilege of being lied to.

Who do you think will win?
I think Leslie will win. She knows the game, and she's a great houseguest. Play it up Les.

Who do YOU want out next?
I want Sarah gone, obviously. She's very conniving and she can easily sway people her way. Be careful peeps, she knows how to play you and although you think she's on your side, I'd just be careful.

I miss you all houseguests, and remember! It's just a game! :) Hugs- P

Thank you Tricia, and Good Luck in the Future!