An Issue Of Respect

November 7, 2001

In the past day, many events transpired surrounding the game of Big Brother 3 : University Edition. Nine Houseguests have voted, with the exception of Matt, and his vote is needed. Matt has ignored 19 different messages sent by Big Brother through ICQ, asking him to vote for a Winner since he initially asked people to vote on October 31. He has also sent two e-mails. Matt refused to reply to any of them. These Messages ranged from :

Alrighty, Aimee and Lauren have made their final arguments, you can see them at the website!

I need your votes for a winner! Make sure that you keep them secret from EVERYONE, you'll find out why later.

Hey guys, I don't understand the problem!
Please send me your votes for the winner, as soon as you can. Check your e-mail for an important message, the only way that we can finish the game is if you vote.
Please send in your vote
if you are agianst voting, or just don't want to, please at least give me a response. I know you have received these messages.
And Then Finally...
Matt, are you there? PLEASE reply to this message with either the name "Aimee" or "Lauren". That's all I'm asking.
These are only Four of the 19 messages that were sent. All were ignored. Big Brother had to go so far as to ask the Fourth voted-out Houseguest Jane, who lives near Matt, to ask him in person to vote. This is her third attempt :
Big Brother : Hey, can you please ask Matt why he's not responding to any of my messages?
Jane : ok. just went down. no one there. left a message on his message board though on his door...i'll check again later.
Big Brother : Thanks
Jane : ok-it looks like matt isn't going to vote, cause he's dumb and thinks it's funny for some reason, and wants the game to never finish...i don't understand....anyways, just don't count him, that's the best thing i can think of...
After receiving this upsetting message, Big Brother messaged Matt, and for the first time in Seven Days, Matt responded :
Big Brother : I don't think it's funny
Matt : whatever, im not voting, do whatever the hell you want
Big Brother : No respect for that
Matt : fuck off, voting is a privledge, democracy is based on the "right" to vote, not the fact that we have to conform to a higher power to appease to particular mass' list of demands
Big Brother : I made the game for fun, and when I picked you, you seemed like the kind of guy who would cooperate. This isn't a democracy, it's an internet game. However, this doesn't sound like Matt, so I'm not going to keep this up.
Matt : fine, dont keep it up but to reflect read your away message, and think about it why should i change my thoughts and be someone im not just so everyone else is happy.......think
The Away Message Read :
"I'd rather be Hated for who I am,
Than Loved for who I'm not."
Big Brother : Matt, I think I'm going to keep this up.
Do you understand what you're saying? you agreed to play the game, I put countles hours of work into it, and all I'm asking you to do is do what you are supposed to.
I'm not asking you to become a Muslim!
Matt : it's not that big of a deal, look at how many people voted..........7, to me, that looks like an awfully odd number, generally speaking, you cant divide an odd number by 2, therefore there must already be a winner
obvioulsy the only reason you want me to vote is because it's 4-3, im not goin to be the one to decide who wins this game...........but if you're lookin for someone to cross over to being muslim, i might be available
Big Brother : There are 10 votes in total, I only have nine, and the vote is 5-4. I need your vote to secure a win.
I can't see why you didn't make your statement last week and saved me all of this waiting.
Matt : do whatever the fuck you damn well please
Because of this, there will never be a Winner of Mark's Big Brother 3 : University Edition. Aimee recieved 5 votes, and Lauren 4, however, we cannot name either the rightful winner. Had there been one more vote in Aimee's favour, she would have won. If it had been in the favour of Lauren, there would be a tie. However, to avoid a conflict in a tie, Big Brother made an extra Challenge. The winner was Lauren, and the prize was the chance to eliminate one person's vote. She chose Shannon, who had voted for AIMEE. This would mean that Lauren was the winner. Therefore, I cannot say either is the winner. But I can say this. After working for hours and hours putting together this game, I feel extremely disrespected. The work I did was so everyone could have a good time, and nothing more. I will let you form your own opinion, but only take this event for what it is.

Before I updated the site, I asked Matt if he had anything to say. This is what he told me :

dont worry about it, i dont realy have anything to say
the game's over, that's that
thanks anyways, respect