well Aimee, it's been fun...and you gotta do what you gotta do to survive...i'll see you in the finals

It has come to this... It's your decision Aimee!

No one was Marked.


Hello, once again, my fellow house guests. I should be getting quite good at expressing these defenses by now, seeing as this is my third. I really have nothing to say, just, I don't want to go yet. If you vote me off, so be it. I'm not going to end up in a mental institution like some past houseguests.. However, I would love to remain in the house. Mark, you rule.

Till the next time I'm marked,




hey guys, don't vote me off... please

Good Times Are Still To Be Had.


my defense
As i sit here listening to music, the words of the song Life's for Living by coldplay run through my head and I think how perfect a song for the moment...

"Now I never meant to do you wrong, that's what i came here to say. That if i was wrong, then I'm sorry, please don't let it stand in our way. Cause my head just aches when I think of, the things that I shouldn't have done, but life is for living we all know, and i don't want to live it alone." it's been fun fellow house mates! I thoroughly enjoyed our time together, i hope we get more of it, but if not...good luck and i'll see you in the finals! :)

Leslie xox

Please don't vote me off!


hello everybody! so i've been marked for banishment you say....well i must say that makes me sad....however, i suppose someone has to go right? true it's only a game, but it's been fun. a good distraction from work as well...anyways i'm having a good time in the big brother house, and don't want to leave....but i guess that's up to you guys now. hope everyone is having as much fun as i am, and best of luck guys!!!




So word on the street is that I've been marked for banishment, well I've got a couple of things to say about that. First of all, Shannon, that hurts. I thought we were Robie Street high buddies. Second, I would also like to point out that I am just happy to have made it farther than last time. Now, there's no need to look back at the records...I was booted out in the 2nd round last game. Not that I'm bitter though! Third, here's my plea to stay in this wonderful place known as the Big Brother household. PLEASE!!! (I think that about covers it, don't you?) In conclusion, I have money...lots and lots of money.


Hey guys! Well I guess I've been marked by someone that I don't really know at all, but that's what a game is and it doesn't matter that much if I get voted off, cuz I can spend my precious hours doing something else. Anyway if you guys vote me off, then so be it, it has been fun while it lasted. Just remember to be as fair to me as I have been to you , thanks!
-Kyle (the man with a secret)

P.S. Kristy give me a call, we should smoke a big fatty together sometime, and Sarah I miss u babe I've got so much news to tell you, when are u comming back?! Bye again.


People, I am hurt! Matthew Daniel Webber is the first person in the Big Brother house to be nominated twice for expultion. Not only that, but I was also ranked the highest of "who's next to go?"
This tells me something though, I am not a threat in the house. In fact at the moment, statistically I am the "weakest link". You could get rid of me, but what's the point?


hello my roommates. i don't know why i was nominated cause i thought you all loved me. ok, so sometimes i'm a bitch and say stuff i shouldn't, but i do it cause i love you. you're all very nice people and i will understand if you vote me out. actually, i won't understand, i'll be pissed. i love this big brother house. when marky mark's big brother came out i loved it and was addicted to seeing what was going on inside the house. i hoped that someday i would be apart of that house and enjoy the happiness that was inside. and then i finally got in! yipee! and now you're getting rid of me? that's horrible. i'm hurt. very hurt. but if you keep me in the house i'll love you forever and ever! and i know that's what you want. it's all about angela's love. anywaze, i won't bug you anymore.......don't let me go!!! i love it here!!! that is all.


Hey guys! So it seems I've been marked for banishment.. It sucks, but I know someone's got to go:) I just hope that it isn't me already, you know! I was just starting to get into this game too!
Well, If you vote me out, I'll understand. If you don't, I'll understand even better!! Whatever you do, it's been awesome so far, and I hope to keep in the game with all you cool people. Good luck to all of you!! Love Kristy


I ask of my big brother friends a favour that will ring
throught the ages, please don't eliminate me from the
"BIG BROTHER HOUSE"! It is the last essence of life I hold dear and without it I will become a coldhearted, worthless shadow of a man. I think that I could add to the house dynamic by my attendance.. So Please my good friends of Big Brother.. don't banish me to the cold cold world.. for i don't know wheter i'll last out there. Sincerely
Matthew Daniel Webber, The First


so peeps, this is it eh? for me i'm going to take this publicity time to tell you all i love you and miss you tons!!! hope you're all having a good time and using your fake I.D.s to the fullest. It's been cool... living with you? for the past two or so days. Hopefullly I can stay longer, but that's up to ya'll and i understand that ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Kisses/Hugs and all those goods! ;)