The Would-Be Finale

December 10, 2001

This is what would have happened had the game ended as planned. I hope you enjoy this, and I can't wait to see you all at Christmas. Here We Go... Just take yourselves back to the time.. :

The Votes Are In!

Who Will Win? Aimee Or Lauren?

The Judges are just beginning to arrive to the Big Brother house for tonight's big Finale. Let's listen in to see how they are going to vote, who the think should win, and all of the juicy details :


Alrighty, well I'm going to vote for LAUREN to win...cause I made a promise that I would be faithful 'till the end and I would feel bad not living up to this. Besides, I totally think she deserves it, she has put a lot of work into the past three challenges, more than I can say I did. She stayed low under the radar, never being marked and played this game in the best way possible. She is by far the best player in the game and deserves to win.
As for who else I think should have won, I'm not really sure. I still maintain that Lauren played this game the best and totally deserves to win. I think Webber did a superb job playing this game as well. Coming into this game with Bitch Power, I totally thought that the boys would be gone early in the game, but some how he managed his way to 3rd place. I commend him for this.
As how the game went down, well if I were to play again, I don't think I would join such a big alliance, sure it's great cause you totally power over the game, but it's difficult to maintain and as some point you have to turn on your fellow alliancees. I dunno, it was a fun game to play and I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the Big Brother house. Thank you for all your hard work and deication to keeping the game rolling and interesting. i commend you on your website making abilities...this TOTALLY amazes me!

Leslie xox


I Vote for Lauren. She played well, kept it low for the most part of the game and then near the end when it counted the most she played it up, winning many challenges and putting the fate of a lot of players in her hands. She knew what her strategy was, and didn't let anything throw her. Good job baby kins!!!


I vote for Aimee to win. Because Lauren lied, it was the three of us till the end! I deserved to win, because I am me.... jk. I think Leslie deserved it, she played well and had everyone on her side from the start.
Neither of you deserve to win, I love you both but I wanted other people to win more, lets say more deserving people..... lalala. Love you all it was a fun game!


I pick Lauren to win. I chose this because I never had conflicting issues with Lauren ever, I never heard one bad remark come out of her mouth, that is the type of person i like and thinks deserves to win. I thought that the game was played pretty well by all, the game is just like all the other reality games, politics! I'm not really going to explian why I say this because people might think that I'm talking out of my ass or won't understand, but that's that. I think that Lauren should win, just because of my reasons before, I have not had very much contact with her, so i don't have a bias. I thought that everyone played a good game, the two people who have gotten to the end have deserved it.
The only comment I have to say is about one of the former contestants, Shannon. I am talking about her remarks she made about Angela. That was really mean, immature and stupid. You talked about how Angela flipped out because of a game, well it is a game and it is suppost to be fun and Angela seemed to have fun with it, you just did the same thing, you filpped out talking about Angela, saying she was taking the game too seriously, well it seems that you were taking it too seriously as well. YOU SHOULD TAKE YOUR PILLS!


I vote for Aimee. I think that it would be nice if she won because she got voted out so early in the last game. I have nothing against both Lauren or Aimee, and it was a really hard decision. I don't really know what else to base my vote upon. They were both equal. I have a feeling that Lauren will win though. I enjoyed the game very much, I think you had some really great challenges and the website was awesome. Thanks for inviting me into the house.


I Vote For Aimee.


alright, my vote is for Aimee to win. It was a fun game, and i had a good time. you did a great job by the way, thanks for keeping us all entertained. um, who do i think should've won? besides, me, haha, well i kinda wanted Matt to win. we had our little alliance, me him and Angela, and after she was voted out, i really hoped that if i couldn't win that he would. what else can i say? it was fun, thank you


Deciding the winner is a very hard decision for me to make. First off, I was in an alliance with both Aimee and Lauren. I told Lauren that I'd flip a coin in deciding who would win, but I've decided against that. I changed my mind because I thought that if I was in the same position I wouldn't want the vote for me either way to be trivialized. So let's weigh the pros and cons:
Aimee is an obvious underdog in this final vote, like I would have been, but she generally played the game like I have liked it to be played. Although, Aimee has been maniupulated repeatedly in the game by others. Lauren was a very smart player and for the most part she alligned herself well, she found another person with power to help her and two people with less percieved power to push her through votes (ie. Aimee and I). However, Lauren was a very deceptive player; She manipulated others and even brought Leslie into our alliance without the okay of Aimee and I. So as I weigh what reasons I would want people to vote for me, It feels more correct to vote FOR Aimee; and that is my final decision.
Thanks, Matthew Daniel Webber


I want Lauren to win cause i don't think Aimee likes me. haha, that's a stupid answer. aimee said i wrote her hate e-mail, yeah sure, she's on crack. and lauren is jimmy's cousin so i gotta go with my boy jimmy. i deserved to win!!! but besides that, i really wanted Matt to win cause he's a kewl guy. we had an alliance from the beginnging and he stuck with it even when i was voted out. he kept me informed on what was going on inside the big brother house. i don't really have anything else to say. i think i said it all.