
Name : Jane MacDougald
Birthday : October 22, 1983
University : Acadia
Degree : Business
Home Town : Bedford
Height : 5'4"
Eye Color : Green/Brown
Hair Color : Dark Brown
Qualities You Like In People : Sincerity, Sense of Humour, Thoughtful
Qualities You Dislike In People : People who think they're better than others, Selfish, Conceited, and Ignorant.
Hero : No Hero

"Dream as if you'll Live Forever... Live as if you'll Die Today."


Actor/Actress : Matt Damon
Game : Twister
Hobby : Skipping/Making up Fashion Show dances with Mark.
Breakfast : Strawberry Nutri-Grain Bars
Lunch : Tim Hortons Sandwiches
Dinner : Teryaki Chicken stir-fry, and Mexican Rice.
Dessert : Cheesecake or Icecream
Drink :
Non-Alcoholic :Diet Coke
Alcoholic :Smirnoff Ice

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