Lauren, a finalist of Mark's Big Brother 3 : University Edition, tells us how she got to where was, From being accepted into the game, until the Final Round.

WOW..I made the Big Brother House!! Wicked! I talked to Aimee and Webber at the very beginning before anyone else.. we started up a little alliance. Then Leslie was on icq, she's my girl, we'll be Final Two together. and Sarah.. the Threesome from the summer..then Shannon, Aimee and Jane? and Kristy? Bitch Power!!! Who ever Bitch Power was, was formed!

Then the Game actually started

Round 1 - Sarah was HOH.. for some reason she Marked Trica and Webber.. cause I was with Webber, I voted Tricia, as did the rest of the Bitch alliance, which honestly I never felt part of because I only talked to Leslie. Thats why I emailed Leslie all the time, she says I told her what to do, I told her what I was doing and didn't care who voted the same as me! But whatever, Bye Tricia, no hard feelings.

Round 2 - Leslie was HOH - Kristy and Angela. We thought Angela was a threat and a possible break up to the Bitch Power, so Bitch Power got her outta there! No clue why she put up Kristy, probably as a dumbee vote!

Round 3 - Shannon. Bitch Power killing the HOH! Special Round - Webber, Aimee and Kyle.. well Kyle's Defence disgusted me in all honesty! And Aimee and Webber, they're my peeps.. bye bye Kyle..

Round 4 - Sarah HOH - Jane and Matt are threats, one has got to go, and I thought they had a little alliance going on possibly. I thought Jane was more threatening than Matt though, but I thought it was interesting Bitch Power Marked her seeing how I thought she was part of Bitch Power. This is when I felt Bitch Power was down the drain. I didn't really care what they thought and I didn't talk to any of them!
So, I stuck with Leslie, Webber and Aimee

Round 5 - Where did Matt come from?? He's suddenly alive after not voting in the first Round and not really stepping up in challenges, but he's HOH now and Marks my two best girls: Leslie and Sarah. Since I never talked to Sarah I figured Leslie was a safer girl to have around. I voted for Sarah, easy choices so far.

Round 6 - It starts. The New Alliance : Leslie, Webber, Aimee and I are gonna be Final Four. Webber wins, given the answers to the Challenge by Matt. Marks Kristy and Shannon and has something going on with Matt. I get mad. Krisy is a dumbee vote to get rid of Shannnon. Shannon asks me not to vote for her, first time the girl talks to me all game. I vote Shannon.

Round 7 - Aimee HOH - Now I know what's going on. Matt talked to Webber wanting Webber to Mark Leslie and I for Banishment. Webber didn't, that's why now that Matt is Marked, Webber votes for Kristy. He feels bad. But I say bye to Matt because he's a major threat to the New Alliance! And I was mad at Webber until he explained himself during Round 9!

Round 8 - I'm HOH!!! I have the power to get rid of anyone. Being bitter at Webber, I consider it, but realizing it is important to stay true to the New Allaince because its the only one I was really in (in which I talked to all members). I kicked out Kristy with both my votes. Finally after all her dumbee Rounds, she's gone!

Make sure you tell Kristy she was a sweetheart, and i'm proud she made it this far.. but you have to respect alliances in this game, even if it means getting rid a good player.. sometimes they are threats, sometimes they are easy targets.. sometimes it's all strategy.. and sometimes it just sucks!

Round 9 - Webber explains what's going on. I'm cool with it. I become HOH because the times on icq/hotmail were messed. (Aimee had sent her correct answers in using ICQ before Lauren, however, Lauren's e-mail message was recorded as coming in eariler than Aimee's) Ah well, it made my life a lot easier. Aimee was going to Mark Leslie and Webber and wanted me to kick out Leslie. I couldn't do that so I was going to put out Webber and Aimee would've been mad. But anyway, I won, and did the only right thing to do : Mark who Aimee would have because in my eyes, she did win. This made Leslie mad, but she would've done the same thing. Aimee votes her out of the Big Brother House.

Round 10 - 7 Rounds Safe, three Rounds Head of Household. In the Final Two. But who do I take with me?! Both Webber and Aimee are great players. I have no clue who I'd have a better chance of winning over. I didn't even think I would get this far. I don't think I'll win though, just because Bitch Power doesn't seem to like me. But in the latest poll, it seems like I might win. But Aimee is close. So if I take Aimee will I lose? But I said I would take Aimee to the Final Two. She wouldn't think twice if she had won, but Webber would be easier to beat. I mean, I said Leslie would be Final Two with me, but it's not my fault i didn't rightfully win HOH in Round 9!

Oh Dear Oh Dear...

I decide to bring...