


Name : Leslie Ribeiro
Birthday : July 18, 1983
University : University of Guelph
Degree : Molecular Biology and Genetics
Home Town : Fall River!
Height : 5'9"
Eye Color : Brown Eyed Girl
Hair Color : Brown
Qualities You Like In People : honesty, outgoing, trustworthy and fun/funny
Qualities You Dislike In People : neediness, full of themselves, loud drunks
Hero : ????

"You gotta work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like no one's watching "


Actor/Actress : Don't have one
Game : Twister, You Don't Know Jack
Hobby : Who has time for hobbies?!
Breakfast : Bagel and Creamed Cheese
Lunch : Subway... Steak and Cheese sub on Italian Parmesan Bread with Southwest Sauce
Dinner : Anything Cooked by my Mom or Dad
Dessert : I love All Desserts
Drink :
Alcoholic - Tequilla Shots
non alcoholic- Ice Tea or Lemonade

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