


Name : Matthew James Blair
Birthday : September 24, 1983
University : Acadia
Degree : BSc, follwed by BEd
Home Town : Fall River aka: lil' sackville (according to mr.milligan)
Height : 5'10"
Eye Color : Blueish green
Hair Color : Sort of Blonde right now, normally Brown
Qualities You Like In People : A sense of humor, a "thinker", easy going, a lil' bit of mystery, someone who's "chilled", music appreciator
Qualities You Dislike In People : the "im to good" attitude, easily upset, too "clicky", gossiper
Hero : My Uncle Mac who's biked around the world seeing 69 countries for 5 years, or one of many lil' kids who remind me every time i see them what it's like to be 5 again.

"Blessed is the influence of one true, loving human soul on another."


Actor/Actress : Edward Norton
Game : Risk
Hobby : Listening to Music, Playing Soccer
Breakfast : Most definitly Restaurant all you can eat Buffet style with all the fixin's
Lunch : 3 Jr. Bacon cheese burger's, Biggie Fries, Biggie Iced Tea at Wendy's
Dinner : Huge BBQ with potatos, corn, and pasta salad
Dessert : Cheesecake no question
Drink : Iced Tea

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