10 Questions
What Are Your Top Five Favorite Movies?
2)Fight Club
3)Vanilla Sky
4)Forrest Gump
5)Any Given Sunday
What Are Your Top Five Favorite Musicians?
1)Linkin Park
3)Bad Religion
4)Me First and the Gimmee Gimmees
5)No Use For A Name
Would you ever read someone's ICQ history?
Hell yeah
What is your favorite article of clothing?
black club monico sweater
What is your position on Abortion?
I am an adoption baby so i'm against it!!
Least Favorite Scent?
Favorite Sport to Watch?
FOOOOOOOTBALL.... No Question!
Favorite Sport to Play?
Probably dito... unless you consider crotch ball a sport
Describe your perfect mate.
HMMMMMM... I would have to say.. good personality, funny and friendly.. cute inside and out and caring...
What is the greatest thing you do to give yourself pleasure?
laugh at others misfortunes.. MuHa MuHA MuHA HA HA HA HA
umm no.. but seriously.. i would have to say movies and the bars!