Results Of Challenges

The Killer : Mrs. White

pairings 2, 3, 4, A, B, and the final were all ties. Each houseguest received 3 votes each, but the person who sent it in first got to advance. It proves to be a House devided.

Results Of The Survey :

Results Of The Challenge :

Questions :

#1 - Which Is The Most Popular Answer?

If you were stranded on a Desert Island, which item would you take with you?
a) pillow b) blanket c) razor d) beer

#2 - Which Is The Most Popular Answer?

If you caught a friend stealing from another friend, you would :
a) in secret, tell the friend who is stealing that you know they did it and they should give it back
b) in secret, tell the other friend that they have just been robbed, but not tell them who.
c) in secret, tell the other friend that their friend just stole from them, and use the theif's name.
d) make a scene and accuse the theif of stealing.

#3 - How Many Houseguests Chose Alicia?

If you could have an alliance with any "Survivor" castaway, it would be :
a) Colby b) Rudy c) Jenna d) Alicia

#4 - How Many People Chose A Live Worm?

4) If I was forced, I would rather eat :
a) a goat's eyeball b) a bull's testicle c) a live worm d) a cow's brain

Leslie completed the challenge first. Names are in order of when Big Brother received them.