


Name : Patricia Catherine Chesal
Birthday : June 20, 1983
University : Dalhousie
Degree : BSc
Home Town : Fall River
Height : 5 feet
Eye Color : Hazel
Hair Color : Brown
Qualities You Like In People : Honesty, their smile, outgoing, good huggers
Qualities You Dislike In People : Self obsorbed, dishonest, don't smile, anger quickly
Hero : Laura Harper, Jesus Christ

"Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end."


Actor/Actress : Tom Hanks, Mel Gibson / Meg Ryan, Julia Roberts
Game : Mille Bornes
Hobby : Horseback Riding
Breakfast : Lucky Charms, or French Toast
Lunch : Sandwich w/ water and a granola bar
Dinner : Chicken w/ rice and veggies
Dessert : Anything Chocolate
Drink :
Alcoholic :Strawberry Daiquiri

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