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Weyrling Training

Welcome to Weyrling training! I am Reia and this is my dragon, Kyoeth. You have all newly Impressed and now are in my care. It is up to me to turn you all into dragonriders. To do so, I must lay down a few rules:

Basic Weyrling Rules

Rule 1: No romantic relationships. Friends are good, close friends are even better. But there is to be no hint of romantic and/or sexual relationships while you are in training.

Rule 2: If I ever, EVER, catch you leaving the Weyr with out my express permission, you will receive the harshest punishment the Weyrleaders and I can think up. If for some stupid reason you do so _without_ your dragon, I will bypass the Weyrleaders and throttle you myself.

Rule 3: No trying something until you are taught. Such as, but not in anyway limited to: flying, chewing firestone, flaming, and going between. Also, no daring or teasing their weyrlings to do anything.

Rule 4: All weyrlings are equal. To make sure that every one of you becomes the best dragonrider you can be, I will occasionally have separate lessons for different groups of weyrlings. None of these mean anyone is any better or worse than anyone else. If you break any of these rules, for any reason, you WILL be punished.

Weyrling RPG rules

I will do my best to keep weyrling roleplay going. A new lesson should come out AT LEAST once a week. Responses can be anything from questions during the lecture to practice after. Have fun. But do respond.

If for some reason you break a Weyrling rule (For story purposes I hope!) there will be in character consequences. There have to be. If you consistently break rules, there will most likely be out of character consequences. Weyrling training is serious stuff and we can have people thumbing their noses at the system.

Daily Schedule

6:00 am Wake Up
6:15 am Morning Feeding of your Dragons
6:30 am Morning Stretches
7:30 am Breakfast
8:30 am Clean up of Barracks
9:30 am Lecture
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Chores
3:00 pm Study
4:00 pm Class
5:45 pm Dinner
6:45 pm Drills
8:00 pm Chores/Study
10:00 pm Lights Out

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