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Primordial Soup


(Game) Team ValuesResultOpponentRaceCoachScoreCasualtiesFans (FAME)WinningsFan FactorNotes & Highlights
(1) 100-100LossFast and FuriousWood ElfBalden0-32-215,000 (+1)40,000-A hard game to be cold-blooded. We came out hard, and almost scored, but Hungry wasn't hungry enough and couldn't take the handoff. Then they ran around us for ages, causing much frustration. Louie did shine, causing two permanent injuries.
(2) 100-106WinAurelia RavensHigh ElfSteveo4-03-012,000 (+2)70,000+1The exact opposite of last game, with some extra icing for us. We scored offensively in the first, and then managed three defensive touchdowns in the second. The poor elves didn't know what hit them. Lizards, that's what!
(3) 114-104WinLingua LungaLizardmanGiorss2-10-222,000 (-)70,000+1Twas a long and hard-fought game against our kin. With glorious aplomb, Wingtips sauntered in the winning touchdown in the last moments of the game.
(4) 120-109WinSons of AhrimusKhemriSteveo1-02-216,000 (-)70,000+1This was a horrendous game. Every block we threw was bad. The scaled ones spent most of the first half lying down due to their own failures. Fortunatley, the Khemri were at least as crap-tacular.
(5) 129-129WinFilthy BeastsNurgleHairless1-01-323,000 (-)70,000+1This was a frustrating game, where many dice went against us. Fortunately, skinks are versatile and Redhead managed to save the day, even though she got niggled and retired doing it.
(6) 134-138WinAurelia RavensHigh ElfSteveo3-10-229,000 (+1)30,000+1The elves broke out fast, running past us and scoring easily. Then we turned it around, scoring with both Lumbering Louie and Greyback. Lambchops ran one in at the end to not be outdone by Greyback as the team scorer :)
(7) 139-134WinOrcland Thunder RocketzOrcAurin1-02-329,000 (+1)60,000+1With a full eleven players, we received the ball and sauntered in in three turns. That was the last drive we lined up a full team. However, we managed to hold them in the first fairly well, and then some clumsiness on their part gave the ball to Poison Teeth. He didn't know what to do with it, but he did know not to let go, so he didn't, securing the win.
(8) 142-143WinBig FoodOgreFjuri3-12-126,000 (+2)50,000-There was much friendly bashing this game, with little smushing. Wingtips almost died, but his heart started again just in time! As their final action, they launched a Pinguin straight at Lambchops. Fortunately, Death bounced off and hit Doc, who is made of harder stuff and sprained Death's groin...

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#NamePositionSkills GainedcptdincsvpspInjuryOther NotesGame
12The SavantLizard       NiggledDodgeing into a cage to smack a ball carrier, The Savant fell and injured himself. He was let go, even before the game ended.1
8RedheadLizardSide Step 2   6NiggledCruelly blitzed by a rotter after failing to pass for a sure touchdown. She had scored her second touchdown this game, meaning that her skill was wasted :(5
10Horny BoyLizard 1     Smashed HipWhile guarding to let Lumbering Louie score a touchdown, his hip got broken and his brain got addled. Not even the healing blood could fix both problems.6