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Welcome to the blue dragons guild!!!!!!! I'll Be your host Dracon Darkwing


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The Shadow Walk

( spell that lets the caster walk through and around the terrain in the)

Spell crafting information:

Level: sor/wiz 5 spell

Components:  (V), (M),(F)

Casting Time: 3 Action

Range: Self 

Target: Self and Group

Duration: 50 Rounds

Saving throw: none

Spell resistance: no


This spell involves the spell caster to speak the words "tolimay belinay domith lorellon bismay" while using a piece of Shadow Silk  and joining hands with his group or by himself. When casting this spell the world becomes 2D to all of the characters in the Shadows.  After the world becoming 2D you find the closest shadow and stay in them. Your character is now invisible to the world and to all enemies.  When traveling the world around them, the characters must stay in the shadows or forfeit shadow walk. When in shadow walk your character needs to do no actions when near a door or wall except walk through them. NOTE: WHEN IN SHADOW WALK YOU MUST MAKE A HIDE-IN-SHADOWS CHECK OR BE SEEN BY THE ENEMY BUT YOUR CHARACTER DOESN'T HAVE AN ATTACK OF OPPORTUNITY DONE TO HIM BUT IS RATHER READY TO ATTACK THE CREATURE, RATER THEN THE MONSTER GETTING THE ATTACK OF OPPORTUNITY, YOU GET THE ATTACK OF OPPORTUNITY.



