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"The Brujah are almost completely composed of rebels that are searching for the ultimate way to express their individuality. These 'rabble-rousers', as some call them, are the punks, skinheads, femi-nazis, bikers, freaks, socialist and anarchs. They seem to be inclined to the stubborn side of things, and are extremely aggressive, ruthless, sensitive to slights and extremely vengeful. They seem to be the most uncontrollable of all the Kindred."

"They are united by their desire to overthrow he social system, vampire or mortal, and replace it with their own -- or nothing at all! They are devoted to their cause until they are so wrapped up they become blind to other shades of truth."

"They may be fractious, but they aid each other in times of need, regardless of past squabbles and antagonisms. If the Brujah call is made, others will respond, but the gathered host will be enraged if they think the call was unwarranted."

"The clan itself is poorly organized and only occasionally hold informal meetings. They rely on their chaotic behavior to gain the results they desire. Other Kindred allow them their eccentricities; certain activities that would get other Kindred extinguished, each them only the remark 'Oh, a Brujah.' "

Nickname: Rabble

Disciplines: Celerity, Potence, Presence

Weakness: Tend to fall into frenzies easier

For more information on disciplines for the Brujah, go to the disciplines page.

This information was gathered from Vampire: the Masquerade. A book published by White Wolf. (c)1992