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This discipline allows empathy with and power over the animal world, as well as the animal within, and embodies the Beast which lurks within the soul of every Cainite.

Level 1 - Sweet Whispers: With eye contact, the vampire may communicate with an animal, and request favors… if the animal feels like listening. No roll is needed for communication.

Level 2 - The Beckoning: By making an animal call, the vampire can summon animals of a particular species that can hear her call. However, she can only call one species at a time. A call can not be retracted.

Level 3 - Song of Serenity: The vampire may steal the Beast of an animal or mortal, pacifying it. Someone who has no Beast may not use or regain Willpower, and slowly become more and more apathetic and incapable of creative thought, until their Beast is returned, this will also pull a vampire out of frenzy.

Level 4 - Sharing of Spirits: With eye contact, the vampire may possess an animal, but goes into torpor in so doing. The vampire cannot do anything against the animals' nature. This occasionally leads to the vampire retaining some instincts of the animal.

Level 5 - Drawing Out the Beast: The vampire may transfer her Beast to someone else, who will frenzy instead of her. If the victim leaves while in frenzy, the vampire's Beast will be left within the victim, and she may have to go to some length to regain it. In the meantime, she may not use or regain Willpower, is incapable of frenzy, and slowly becomes more and more apathetic and incapable of creative thought, until she regains her Beast. The victim is affected in the opposite way.

This Discipline is one of Extrasensory awareness, empathy and perception. Those with Auspex tend to be strongly affected by environmental phenomena, especially beauty. Loud noises can be very disturbing. Nearly all Auspex powers require some type of Perception "roll" to determine how much is learned and understood.

Level 1: Heightened Senses: The vampire can sharpen any of all of her senses, at will, for as long as she wants. However, trauma caused by sensory overload (IE very bright light, loud noises, etc.) while in this state last much longer. The Storyteller, who may describe details more fully, decides how this comes into play. The vampire will also sense things that she would otherwise not sense, that might be important, such as danger.

Level 2: Aura Perception: The vampire may read the aura of another. Conditions contributing to aura colors, and their corresponding effects, are in the chart.

Condition Aura Colors
Afraid Orange
Aggressive Purple
Angry Red
Bitter Brown
Calm Light Blue
Compassionate Pink
Conservative Lavender
Depressed Gray
Desirous or Lustful Deep Red
Distrustful Light Green
Enraged Crimson
Envious Dark Green
Excited Violet
Generous Rose
Happy Vermilion
Hateful Black
Idealistic Yellow
Innocent White
Love Blue
Obsessed Green
Sad Silver
Spiritual Gold
Suspicious Dark Blue
A Vampire Appropriate color is pale
Confused Mottled, shifting colors
Daydreaming Sharp flickering colors
Diabolist Black veins in aura
Frenzied Rapidly rippling colors
Psychotic Hypnotic, swirling colors
Magic Use Myriad sparkles

Level 3: The Spirit's Touch: The vampire may touch an object, and get psychic impressions of the last scene it was involved in or the most emotionally charged incident the object was involved in.

Level 4: Telepathy: The vampire may read a target's mind. If the target is a vampire, a Willpower point must also be spent. The thoughts perceived are in a stream-of-consciousness form, which reflects that reading minds is usually easier than understanding what is being read.

Level 5: Psychic Projection: The vampire may leave her body, and travel in astral form. In this state, she may travel up to 500 miles per hour, connected to her physical body by a silver cord. The integrity of this cord is reflected by the number of Willpower points she has; if she goes down to zero willpower points, this cord breaks, stranding her in the astral plane. In this state, the vampire may use mental disciplines, but may not interact with the physical reality, except that she may manifest as a ghostly form for one scene by spending a Willpower point. Otherwise, she is nearly imperceptible in physical reality (except to those with Auspex, Mind 2, etc.). Due to the lack of a physical body, Wits replace Dexterity, Manipulation replaces Strength, and Intelligence replaces Stamina. All damage causes loss of Willpower points, rather than Health levels.

This Discipline explains the superior quickness of vampires. A rating in Celerity allows a vampire to move extremely quickly in time of stress and take multiple actions in a single turn. While anyone can decide to split their actions during a single turn, a character with Celerity can perform extra actions without penalty.
One extra action is allowed per point of Celerity. One blood point must be spent every turn that the character uses Celerity, even if he does not take all the actions allowed. For instance, if a vampire has Celerity rating of four, and wishes to take three actions in a single turn, he will need to spend a blood point.

(Malkavian antitribu only)

Level 1 - Passion: Roll; Charisma + Empathy, difficulty Humanity or Path
The vampire may cause her victim's emotions to be pronounced and exaggerated. This does not control the victim's emotions; it only increases their intensity. This power lasts for one scene.

Level 2 - Mind Tricks: Roll; Manipulation + Subterfuge, difficulty Perception + Self-control
The vampire may cause her victim to see things in her peripheral vision. These hallucinations may be based on phobias, fears, or anything the user pleases. This lasts one scene.

Level 3 - Eyes of Chaos: Roll; See Storyteller.
The vampire may look for patterns in things whose patterns may go unseen to most other individuals. Note that such patterns can be found everywhere, but are not always useful.

Level 4 - Confusion: Roll; Manipulation + Intimidation, difficulty Perception + Self-control.
By making eye contact and verbal contact with the victim, the vampire can put a victim in a daze. In this state, a vampire must spend a willpower point to perform any coherent action. Most memories will also be jumbled. The daze lasts for 30 minutes.

Level 5 - Total Insanity: Roll; Manipulation + Intimidation, difficulty Willpower.
By getting her victim to focus on her, the victim will gain five derangements, chosen by the user. This lasts one hour.

This Discipline reflects the mystical ability of vampires to influence the minds and actions of others. Dominate is an aspect of the power of the mind and the will. If affects the judgment and mental functioning of the target, not the emotions.
Dominate always requires eye contact with the subject, in order for it to be used. This means that it can only be used on one subject at a time.
It is impossible to Dominate a vampire who is of stronger blood - the vampire must be of equal of earlier genration that the subject for this discipline to be effective. Vampires may resits by spending a Willpower point for each success.
Cannot dominate someone to do something against there nature or blatantly suicidal. It is not possible to dominate a vampire of a lower vampire than you are.

Level 1: Command the Wearied Mind: With eye contact, the vampire may give a one-word command to a target. This command may only be one word, but it may be used with slight emphasis in a sentence, to hide it. This command is obeyed instantly, unless it is ambiguous, in which case temporary confusion ensues.

Level 2: Mesmerize: The vampire can give commands to a target, which may be as simple or detailed as desired. Eye contact must be maintained throughout the command, but is not necessary once the command has been given.

Level 3: The Forgetful Mind: With eye contact, the vampire can alter her target's memories.

Level 4: Conditioning: Once the vampire has successfully dominated his victim five to ten times the victim's Self-control, the victim will act as if dominates even in the vampire's absence. Such a victim will continue to obey the vampire, even when not dominated, and the difficulty for all other vampires to try to dominate her is increased by two.

Level 5: Possession: With continuous eye contact, the vampire may possess a mortal, but goes into torpor in so doing. Each success by the vampire costs the victim a willpower point. The actual possession (and torpor) occurs when the victim has no willpower points.

A type of supernatural toughness and vigor which allows Kindred extra advantages in resisting the harm to which their kind is especially vulnerable. All vampires have a powerful constitution. And are able to shrug off the injury inflicted by guns and weapons of all sorts. However, most are very susceptible to sunlight and fire, and are easily harmed by them. Those with Fortitude are not easily bowed by even these elemental forces, and are even more resistant to "normal" injuries.

Level 1 - Insight: Roll; Perception + Occult, difficulty Willpower
The vampire may look into the eyes of a target no longer living, and see the last things they saw up to an hour before death.

Level 2 - Summon Spirit: Roll; Perception + Occult, difficulty spirits willpower(see storyteller)
The vampire may summon a spirit, talk to it and ask questions. The vampire must know the name of the spirit, and have a fetter, to use this power.

Level 3 - Compel: Roll; Manipulation + Occult, difficulty spirits willpower (see storyteller for we are the spirits)
The vampire may attempt to control a spirit, once she has summoned it.

Level 4 - Haunting: Roll; Manipulation + Occult, difficulty spirits willpower
The vampire may force a spirit into the world of the living, for one day of permanently put it into an object.

Level 5 - Soul Stealing: Roll; Manipulation + Occult, difficulty Survival + Occult
The vampire may force a soul out of its body, treating it as a spirit. The unoccupied body deteriorates as if dead or in torpor. Can also use other disciplines to re-insert a new soul.

Level 1 - Cloak of Shadows: The vampire may be unnoticed by most, by hiding completely motionless in a shadow, or in a place that putts an object between him-self and others that might see him. The object must cover 50% of the vampire's body. No roll is required.

Level 2 - Unseen Presence: The vampire may go unseen, and even be subconsciously avoided, by others. No roll is required unless someone is looking for the vampire, or if the vampire acts out of violence.

Level 3 - Mask of the Thousand Faces: The vampire may assume another appearance. This is only in the minds of others. This power may be used for impersonation, a mask must be practiced or it may have obvious flaws.

Level 4 - Vanish From the Mind's Eye: The vampire can disappear from view and can move easily than lower levels.

Level 5 - Cloak the Gathering: The vampire can hide one extra target, for each point he has in stealth. Roll is made once and its efficacy is applied to the entire group, but all members must stay in line of sight of the caster.

This Discipline defines the superior strength that vampires possess. This additional physical might allowing great feast to be accomplished, far beyond what a normal mortal would be able to perform. Potence allows vampires to jump and leap great distances, lift greater weights, and inflict greater harm upon objects and individuals when they are punched of hit.
System: The character's rating in Potence provides her with automatic successes on nearly any strength roll- one automatic success per rating point. Thus she can succeed at most strength rolls automatically without needing to make a roll at all. In Melee and brawling combat, the automatic successes on the damage roll. You do not need to burn a blood point for this discipline it is always on.

(Effects any one in your presence, except, summon)

Level 1 - Awe: The vampire can make others attracted to her. 1 succuss - One person; 2 successes - Two people; 3 succuesses - Six people; 4 successes - Twenty people; 5 successes - Everyone in the vicinity

Level 2 - Dread Gaze: The vampire can adopt a threatening presence against a victim, who must resist not fleeing.

Level 3 - Entrancement: The vampire may enchant the target, which will seek to please the vampire, of her own free will. The effects last for the scene.

Level 4 - Summon: The vampire may make another target come to him. The vampire must know the target. The effect only lasts for 24 hours, and may therefore have to be repeated. The target will home in on the vampire as quickly as possible, without knowing why. The target will always find the caster presence even is the vampire changes location after using this power.

Level 5 - Majesty: The vampire is automatically respected and feared.

Level 1 - Glean of Red Eyes: The vampire may see in the dark. When she is using this power, her eyes glow red. This change takes one turn to complete.

Level 2 - Wolf Claws: By spending one blood point, the vampire may grow one-inch claws on her fingers, which do aggravated damage. This change takes one turn to complete, and effective until retracted.

Level 3 - Earth Meld: By spending one blood point, the vampire may sink into the ground, gaining shelter from sunlight. This only works on earth; this power may not be used on concrete, asphalt, or even earth under a linoleum floor.

Level 4 - Shadow of the Beast: By spending one blood point per turn over three turns; the vampire can transform into their totem animal. This may also by done, by spending three blood over one turn, if the vampire's generation allows it.

Level 5 - Form of Mist: By spending one blood point per turn over three turns; the vampire can transform into mist. This mist may not be separated by wind, but it can be moved by it, and Potence must be used to resist being blown around. Spending three blood points over one turn may also do this, if the vampire's generation allows.

Level 1 - Silence of Death: By spending a blood point, the vampire may create a zone of a twenty-foot radius around her, within which no sounds will be heard, and no one will hear anything only the user will hear sounds made outside the zone. The sounds still exists and can be pickup by recording or transmitting equipment.

Level 2 - Weakness: Roll; Willpower, difficulty Stamina + Fortitude
By bringing three point of blood to the palm and touching a victim with it, the vampire may reduce her victim's Stamina by one, for one scene.

Level 3 - Diseased: By bringing three points of blood to the palm and touching a victim with it. The vampire may reduce each of her victim's physical attributes by one, for one scene.

Level 4 - Blood Agony: By coating a bladed weapon of adequate size with her blood, the vampire may use the weapon to inflict aggravated damage. Assume that one blood point is rubbed off each time the blade hits something, whether it does damage or not.

Level 5 - Taste of Death: Roll; Dexterity + firearms, difficulty based on range.
The vampire may spit blood at a range up to ten feet for each dot she has Strength of Potence, and each blood point so used does two points of aggravated damage.

Level 1 - Eyes of the Serpent: The vampire may paralyze anyone with whom she makes eye contact, for as long as eye contact is maintained. When the vampire uses this power, her eyes change into those of a serpent.

Level 2 - Tongue of the Serpent: The vampire may change her tongue into that of serpents, being about eighteen inches long and forked, by spending one blood point per turn. This tongue can be used to inflict aggravated damage and drink blood. This should be considered equivalent to the Kiss, including the pleasure caused in those on whom it is used.

Level 3 - Mummify: The vampire may enter a form of torpor, in which she in only vulnerable to sunlight and fire, but completely inert. No other damage will affect the vampire in this state. This change takes one turn, and she must taste the blood of another to awaken. The vampire may not use any disciplines including those usually active in torpor.

Level 4 - Form of the Serpent: By paying one blood point per turn over three turns; the vampire can transform into a black, poisonous cobra, of about six feet in length. Paying three blood points over one turn may also do this, if the vampire's generation allows it. In this state, all Perception rolls involving smell and rolled with their difficulties decreased by two, but all Perception rolls involving hearing are rolled with their difficulties increased by two.

Level 5 - Heart of Darkness: The vampire may remove a heart on the new moon, and put it in a clay urn. He may even do this to another vampire, though this takes several hours. For the vampire to whom this is done, it reduces frenzy roll difficulties by two, and makes her unstakable. It the heart is destroyed, she will die horribly. If the heart is staked, she will enter torpor. This power is automatic, and no rolls are required by its use, but the Storyteller may force Courage rolls to actually go through with it, and may cause onlookers to violently expectorate recent meals.

(True Brujah only)

Level 1 - Time Sense: The vampire gains an automatic and perfect sense of time, and can sense any sort of time disturbances, such as uses of Temporis, the Time sphere, the Pandemonium arcanos, etc.

Level 2 - Ramble On: The vampire may put a victim into an endless loop, in which the victim will repeat whatever she was doing at the time the vampire used this power. If the victim is put into an obviously dangerous situation, she may roll Perception + Alertness vs. users Manipulation + Empathy to escape this state. This power determined by a Storyteller.

Level 3 - Zombie's Curse: Roll; Charisma + Intimidation. Difficulty Willpower
The vampire may put a victim into a state where she perceives the world as moving twice as fast, and she is moving at half-speed. In combat, most of the victim's Melee and Brawl attack rolls are increased in difficulty by two, and do half their normal damage. This power lasts determined by a Storyteller.

Level 4 - Cowalker: By spending a willpower point, the vampire may remove her-self from the flow of time, move around in any fashion she sees fit, and step back into the flow of time. She may not affect objects that she did not remove from the time stream with her (is assumed that her clothing, and all items on her immediate person, leave the time stream with her.

Level 5 - Frozen Object: Roll; Dexterity + Occult, difficulty 6
The vampire may temporarily remove an inanimate object (that is not touching an animate being) from the time stream. If the object is moving rapidly, she must also make a Wit + Alertness roll to affect it. Objects stopped in this way lose no energy. The vampire may allow an object to reenter time at will.

Level 1 - Hag's Wrinkles: By spending a blood point, the vampire may tighten or loosen her own skin. If used with Obfuscate or Vicissitude, it reduces the difficulties of appearance-altering effects by one. This can also be used to create pockets in the skin, in which small items may be hidden.

Level 2 - Putrefaction: Roll; Dexterity + Occult, difficulty Stamina + Fortitude
By spending some blood, the vampire may induce decay in a victim. For each success scored and blood point spent, the victim loses one dot in Appearance, and if the victim continues to move, her difficulties for all physical and social roll increase by one for each turn she remains physically action. Resting for a full day curse these effects.

Level 3 - Ashes to Ashes: The vampire may transform into a pile of ashes. Sunlight, fire, wind, or rain does not affect this ash, but if separated, the vampire is likely to be missing parts when she reforms. She may reform by spending two-blood points form an outside source, but required help in so doing. If separated too badly, the vampire will be destroyed.

Level 4 - Withering: Roll; Manipulation + Medicine, difficulty Willpower
Demand: success = Stamina or more
By touching a body part and spending a willpower point, the vampire may render a body useless on supernatural creatures, this lasts one night; otherwise, it is permanent. On anyone other than a vampire victim, using this power on the head is instantly fatal; the vampires, it induces torpor.

Level 5 - Infection: Roll; Willpower, difficulty Stamina + 3
By spending a blood point and touching an aggravated wound, the vampire may create an infection. Having done this, she can feed them her own blood at any range, as long as the victim carries the wound.

Level 1 - Changeling: Roll; Intelligence + Medicine, difficulty 7
By spending a blood point, the vampire may change one of his physical features-anything from the size of her nose, to an animal feature, to his eye color. The difficulty to use this power to raise Appearance is 10. By spending a blood point, the vampire may physically alter his flesh to look like someone else.

Level 2 - Fleshcraft: Roll; Dexterity + Medicine, difficulty 7
By spending a blood point, the vampire may make more drastic changes in her own flesh, or that of another. (An unwilling victim must first be subdued)

Level 3 - Bonecraft: Roll; Strength + Medicine, difficulty 7
By spending a blood point, the vampire may make very drastic changes in his own bone structure, or that of another. (An unwilling victim must be first subdued) if used without Fleshcraft, with the intent of injury, the victim takes one point of damage for each dot over 7.

Level 4 - Horrid Form: By spending two-blood point, the vampire may transform into a horrible monster. This form is about eight feet tall and muscular, with six to eight fingers on each hand, and has black pus in place of skin. In this form, the vampire's damage is aggravated, his physical traits are each increased by three, and his social traits are each reduced to zero.

Level 5 - Inner Essence: The vampire may convert his body parts to blood, which may later be used to reform the body part in question; other than the head, the body part may also be regenerated. The upper torso and legs are each worth two points of blood; the arms, lower torso, and head are each worth one point of blood. The vampire can turn his whole body to blood, but cannot move and are still vulnerable to damage.

Path of Corruption
These powers must be used on a victim within arm's length.

o Contradict: Roll: Manipulation + Subterfuge, difficulty Willpower + 1
The vampire may cause a victim to do the opposite of what she was originally going to do.

oo Disfiguration: Roll: Intelligence + Medicine, difficulty Willpower + 1
The vampire may alter the facial appearance of a target. This may be used to make someone look better, worse, or just different. To use this power for impersonation you must roll Perseption + Subterfuge, Diffuculty is Double the Apperance of the person you are trying to impersonate, to get the new face right.

ooo Change Mind: Roll: Manipulation + Empathy, difficulty Willpower + 1
The vampire may choose a Demeanor, and force a victim to adopt it, for one sceane.

oooo Cripple: Roll: Willpower, difficulty Courage + Fortitude + 3
The vampire can make a victim effectively paraplegic, for one sceane

ooooo Corrupt Soul: Roll: Charisma + Empathy, difficulty Willpower + 3
The vampire may choose a Nature, and force a victim to adopt it, for one night:

Movement of the Mind
By spending a blood point, the vampire may telekinetically lift or manipulate things as if she were holding them in her own hands. You must make a Dexterity + Alertness to manipulate the object in the air.
o one pound
oo twenty pounds
ooo A person
oooo A small car (1/4 Ton)
ooooo A large pickup truck or SUV (1/2 Ton)

Neptune's Might
o Eyes of the Sea: Roll: Perception + Occult, difficulty 7
By looking into a standing body of water, the vampire may see past occurances in that body of water. You will see either the last sceane the water was involved in OR the most emotionaly charged scean the water saw. You always view it from the waters perspective.

oo Jail of Water: Roll: Dexterity + Survival, difficulty Dexterity + Dodge
To break free roll :Strength + Potance difficulty 8
The vampire may command water to rise, and trap a target. The vampire may dissolve the jail at will, but a target may only be in one of these jails at a time. This power must be used near a large amount of water.

ooo Dehydrate: Roll: Willpower, difficulty Stamina + Survival + Fortitude
The vampire may pull water out of a target, leaving exit wounds. Humans so injured lose one health level per success, and vampires so injured lose one blood point per success. To take an action the next turn, the target must roll Courage, difficulty 6, and score three more successes than the vampire scored. Failure means that she is in too much pain to act.

oooo Flowing Wall: By spending three willpower points, and touching a standing body of water, the vampire may make a wall of water. Supernatural creatures must score three successes on a roll of Strength + Courage, difficulty casters Willpower, to cross this barrier. The vampire may dissolve the barrier at will.

ooooo Blood to Water: Roll: Willpower, difficulty Humanity + 3, to 10
By touching a victim, the vampire may convert one of the victim's blood points to water for each success. This is fatal to mortals, and vampires get a +1 diffuculty to all rolls for each blood point lost this way. When the vampire sleeps, the water disappears, but the blood does not return.

Lure of Flames
By spending a blood point, the vampire may create a flame, anywhere within line of sight, that will not burn anything until released. She must also roll Dexterity + Firearms to place it anywhere other than her own body.
o candle flame
oo hand of flame
ooo torch flame
oooo large bonfire
ooooo Everything in your line of sight

Blood Thaumaturgy

o A Taste for Blood: Roll: Perception + Occult, difficulty 7
By touching the blood of a vampire, the vampire may make an approximation as to the last feeding time, the amount of blood left in a vampire, and her generation.

oo Blood Rage: Roll: Dexterity + Subterfuge, difficulty Willpower
The vampire may force a vampiric victim to spend one blood point per success, and may decide how the blood is spent.

ooo Blood of Potency: Roll: Manipulation + Survival, difficulty 8
The vampire may temporarily reduce her generation. Each success either reduces the vampire's generation by one, or adds one hour to the time period for which it is reduced.

oooo Theft of Vitae: Roll: Intelligence + Medicine, difficulty Willpower
The vampire may steal blood from a victim, at a rate of one point per turn. The difficulty is to use this power is 6 against a non-living source (IE a plasma bag).

ooooo Cauldron of Blood: Roll: Medicine + occult , difficulty Survival+[blood points to be burned] + 4 The vampire may boil some of the blood of another vampire or mortal, which will burn all at once. This causes one aggravated wound per blood point boiled, in addition to blood loss.

Spirit Thaumaturgy

o Evil Eye: Roll: Manipulation + Intimidation, difficulty Humanity
The vampire may inflict one automatic failure on the victim.

oo Spirit Sight: Roll: Perception + Occult, difficulty Willpower
The vampire may see spirits in whatever form they have taken, and may even communicate with them.

ooo Spirit Slave: Roll: Willpower, difficulty Willpower
The vampire may demand a service of a spirit in her presence, and if the spirit is capable of this task, it must perform it. The spirit is free to leave afterward.

oooo Fetishes: Roll: Willpower, difficulty Willpower
The vampire can force a spirit to inhabit an object, where it will become a permanent slave. She automatically loses one Humanity for doing this, if the spirit was not willing.

ooooo Journey: By spending a willpower point, the vampire may leave her body, and roam the physical world as a spirit. In this form, she may be attacked as a spirit, but not physically, and may use mental disciplines. She is generally visible, and appears naked, unless she uses Obfuscate.

Weather Control
By spending a blood point, the vampire may create weather anomalies. She must also roll Manipulation + Survival, difficulty dependent on the typical likelihood of the weather pattern being perpetrated. (Lightning on a sunny day in Kenya is difficulty 9; fog in London is difficulty 3.) In the event of lightning, treat the strike as a firearm, doing ten dice of damage.
o fog
oo rain
ooo storm
oooo wind
ooooo lightning

Elemental Mastery

o Elemental Strength: The vampire may spend two willpower points to increase all of her physical attributes by one. This power costs one willpower point per turn to maintain.

oo Wooden Tongues: Roll: Wits + Linguistics, difficulty age of object/100
The vampire may communicate with, and get the impressions of, inanimate objects.

ooo Animate the Unmoving: Roll: Willpower, difficulty 7
The vampire may animate and control otherwise inanimate objects. This power costs one willpower point per turn, and will not make an object perform tasks of which it would be incapable even if it could move.

oooo Elemental Form: Roll: Stamina + Repair, difficulty 6
The vampire may turn into an inanimate object of size roughly equal to her own. There is a plus 3 difficulty to all discipline rolls in this form.

ooooo Summon Elemental: Roll: Manipulation + Science, difficulty 8
The vampire may summon an Elemental. With a roll of Charisma + Intimidation vs Willpower, it may even follow her instructions...

Path of Conjuring
The vampire may not summon an object larger or heavier than herself with any power of this path.

o Summoning the Simple Form: By spending a willpower point, the vampire may create a simple, featureless object with no moving parts. She must spend a willpower point each turn to prevent it from disappearing.

oo Permanency: By spending a willpower point and three blood points, the vampire may permanently summon a simple, featureless object with no moving parts.

ooo Magic of the Smith: By spending a willpower point and five blood points, the vampire may summon a complex object with moving parts.

oooo Reverse Conjuration: Roll: Willpower, difficulty Willpower
By spending twice as many willpower points as the target did, the vampire may dissolve the conjuration of a target. The above roll is used as a roll to resist the Conjuration roll as well as to get rid of "Permanent" objects

ooooo Power over Life: Roll: Intelligence + Empathy / Animal Ken, difficulty 8
By spending ten blood points, the vampire may summon a creature that will intelligently follow her instructions. However, this creature will slowly become more insubstantial, and in a month will have faded away.