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Chrono Cross Affiliations

The dream our planet once had defeated the darkness and brought forth a brighter future. However, this was also the dawn of a new nightmare... The final battle over the legendary treasure, "The Frozen Flame" a battle between dragons, humans, and FATE that will surpass even space and time is about to begin...

Our planet's dream has not yet ended...

C.C.Affiliations is a "headquarters" site where there
will be only the best Chrono Cross sites. If you have
a CC site of your own and want to join us please email
me and I will review your page.My email can be found
at the bottom of this page. If you are approved your
site will be made a link, like the two sites below.
Chronopolis is my site, please veiw it and sign my
guestbook. This is a requirement if you want to join
C.C.A. Oh, and one more requirment, is that you must
have the C.C.A. banner, it can be found in Chronopolis.

Chrono Life

(c)1999, 2001 Square Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Playstation and the Playstation logos are registered trademarks os Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. SQUARE SOFT and the SQUARESOFT logos are registered trademarks of Square Co., Ltd. Chrono Cross is a trademark of Square Co., Ltd.
