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Lord of El Nido

Age: 57 (M)
Origin: El Nido
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 216lbs
Build: Solid

Innate color:


Hi% = Weak = Jab
Mid% = Normal = Slash
Low% = Fierce = Spinning slash, backslash

Tech Skills

Lv.3: G-Force-Single Foe
Utilize gravity's pull to swing sword harder

Lv.5: AirForce-All Foes
Make huge blades of thin air and hurl them at foes

Lv.7: FlagBearer-Self
Raise the national flag to raise the fighting spirit
How Obtained: After Serge is reborn, visit
Termina (Home World) with Viper in your party. Talk to
he barmaid, go into the back room, and examine tapestry.

Recruiting the General: Return to Hermit's Hideaway
(Another World) after rescuing Riddel from the Porre
Army at Viper Manor. Viper is on board the SS
Invincible, where he will join.

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