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L'chev uss

(The foolish and unwary find surprises and among them, waiting death)

Joi is 5'10" and weighs 130lbs.She looks young, perhaps 18. She has onyx skin and silky white hair that hangs to the middle of her back with beautifully shaped elven ears Her full lips are tinted pink. She has white eyes that glow red. Her build is vuluptuous and well-proportioned. She moves gracefully with a slow, at-ease pace. The name Joi is a human name that means "the beloved one" She wears a long golden silk dress. Her black platform sandals are silent on the floor and she has an elven bow and a quiver of silver-tipped arrows on her back and an ancient dagger sheathed at her waist that was passed down from her natural mother, a high priestess and servant of Lloth.She wears a large ruby ring on her middle finger of her left hand and carries her sister's Hatred Revival Broadsword sheathed on her back.

She was born in the drow city of Abaethaggar upon the noble house of Arkhenneld during her younger years. Her half sister,Chantal, known as the albino Drow was also raised in this house, though they'd never met. She wasn't always among the Drow and had eventually lived among the humans, absorbing their culture and ways. She remembers ONLY BITS and peices of her heritage, culture, and language. However,the Drow blood runs through her veins like any other and the Drow are a justly proud people and are quick to take offense, often fatal offense, at what they perceive to be insults or breaches of etiquette. Although their scent is displeasing to her, unlike her people, she has no particular dislike for the DARTHIIR or surface elves, people are people but she will defend herself and her pride against anything that intends to cause her any harm.