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Disc 1

1. Chrono Cross: Time's Scar (Opening Theme)

2. The Brink of Death (Boss Battle)

3. Arni Village

4. Time's Grasslands - Home World

5. Dancing the Lizard

6. Reminiscence - Feelings Not Erased

7. Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World

8. Another Arni Village

9. He Sang of Feeling

10. Lost Fragments

11. Drowning Valley

12. Another Termina

13. Leaving the Body

14. Shadow Cut Forest

15. Viper's Room

16. Spring's Gift (Victory Fanfare)

17. Lost Child of Time

18. Another Guldove

19. Hydra Marsh

20. Dream's Creation

21. Voyage - Another World

22. Phantom Ship

23. Death Volcano

24. Ancient Dragon Fortress

25. Grief
