Chrono Trigger Fanfiction

**Author's Email**
Crimson and Emerald
~ New title later. I'm here to write, not make catchy headlines. Usual disclaimers apply. I don't know why I'm posting shounen ai on the Chrono Trigger page, this game isn't really known for its bishounen. Except for Magu-chan, who has some of the most gorgeous fanart I've ever seen . . . Anyway, please R+R!
chapter one.
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Free. Twas finally free. I stretched my newly ivory limbs to find they no longer felt as frogslime. I ran my fingers through hair that shone silky and green, a reminder of what I had once been, and twould never be again.
On the side of the vial I had swallowed the potion out of, I saw a very different reflection. Long fingers felt out sculpted cheekbones, regal nose. Green lashes blinked away dust from emerald eyes.
Twas lovely, this boy I had become. Or at least better than greasy frog skin. Never again would I begin to speak, and hear my voice ribbit rather than enunciate. I was actually and finally free.
I lifted my head up to the trees above me in Fiona's woods, and laughed. Just for the pure joy of hearing my original tenor voice rather than that of a cursed frog.
* * *
So, for the first time, one of my spells had a defect. Originally, he should have never been able to reverse that spell unless I died.
And that will not be for a very, very long time, I thought, with cerulean hair brushing into my crimson eyes as I walked.
I walked through the Fiona's woods, days after the boy had reverted back to himself, to find the vial. I preformed a Seeing spell to See just what had happened before him. And before me, I Saw a ghost of a figure drink from it and transform.
In glowing blue mage-energy, a frog became man, eyes closed, deep inside the spell. And as the energy disappeared I Saw a young god, of ivory skin and sage-grass hair. He possessed beauty I didn't remember from the time I cast the spell upon him . . .
Beauty? I ended the spell abruptly to scold myself. How can you call him attractive? He's your arch enemy!
But there was no denying it. I cradled my azure head in gloved hands. What in the nine hells are you going to do with yourself, Magus?