There will be alot more fanfiction, I just haven't finished the html for all the stories yet, so please bare with me. :) Also I wish to thank all of the various writers, you are all very talented, and I could never have had a fanfiction page, if it weren't for all of you. So thank you very much, and God Bless.
If anyone out there has any type of literature about CT, please feel free to send it to, and I'll get it up here as soon as possible.
Please Email The authors your reviews, I am really appreciative of their excellant writing skills, and I'm positive that they'd love to hear your thoughts. :)
**Click on G, PG, and so on to see a list of the stories**
G Rated Stories-39 Stories
The roots-This was conceived prematurely to Chrono Cross and the new Chrono Trigger. Lavos has been defeated, and life seems normal, but evidently, they didn't get to the very root of the problem. Crono and the others are about to find out a lot more about the universe they live in. (Please R/R)
Chrono Trigger 182-A parody sung to the tune of "What's My Age Again?" by Blink 182. THE REPERCUSSIONS OF TRYING TO SMOKE A SPOON, FOLKS! Heh, just kidding. Don't hit me. >_<
Their Prized Possession-My twisted theory on how Marle got a pendant so similar to Schala's.
Heroes All -A small poem on the heroes of Chrono Trigger.
They'll Never Say:-This is just a stupid little thing that doesn't deserve to be read. Though Chrono is a mute. . .
Eryone's CT Poem-A short poem I wrote about CT, to get my mind off the book
Reminicing-Magus is, and always will be my most beloved RPG character. Having written this short, but heartfelt reflection on his thoughts after the events of CT, I hope you'll R&R? ^_^ Magus is a damned GOD, and i've restarted my game over and over just to see him rock. :)
The Right Time-Something I wrote on a whim. A few of the more emotional scenes from the game involving Chrono and Marle.
A Chrono Trigger Christmas-Written in about 40 minutes this time. Things turn out a bit better than expected. I knew there was a reason I had never tried to write romance before...mainly cuz' I can't.
Blanket Scenario: Magus and Glenn-People, it's a SPAM isn't supposed to have a plot...still written in 12 minutes, still the same story
Clarity-A fic written in under a half hour, and it looks it. In which someone's percetions are challanged.
Shift, Prolouge-The start of my first non one-shot. Prolouge contains no actual CT characters. C&C appreciated.
Silent Comfort-A Spam fic, really. Written in 20 min or so. Don't really like it...definitly not proud of it...but here it is, none-the-less. Giving a summary would be giving it away, thus the filler.
Soyokaze-A reply to a challange fic, an 11 minute wonder, and a spamfic. Cool, huh? One of the characters is so minor, she doesn't have a name!
Still Waters, Hidden Current-A late night wonder with somewhat depressing results. Don't really like the way it turned out. Deals with Glenn, and sort of with Magus. C&C appreciated, as always
Trigger Inane!-THIS IS NOT A REAL FIC! that' you've read that, please do not judge this fic as a measure of my work...I don't know what I was on when I wrote's a revenge fic.
In Honor of Magus-A short little poem-like piece I wrote that I felt truly captured the essence of Magus, past present and future.
Split-Image History-Based on one of the multiple endings of the game: Crono and friends destroyed Lavos,... leaving Magus to figure out his future after being sent back in time to Zeal kingdom.
The Little Green Mystic-A short about a mystic's trip through the Denadoro mountains, working for Magus.
The Wings of Time and Fate-A Chrono Trigger poem. Look at it through the eyes of any of the main characters! *Originally written for Magus, however.*
How Cute!-Lucca and Marle go back in time and see themselves as babies! Pointless, but a joke here and there.
Poetry in Action-Incredibly short, but I don't think it really matters. My most inspired peice of work I've ever written, this is the only thing I've ever created that seemed just right . . . If hope you all like it, but truthfully, this story will always have a place for me, even if it gets flamed.
Chrono Trigger: The Narnia Chronicles-Or at least until I can come up with a better title. Anyway, Magus is visted in his dreams by a beautiful girl from Zeal... who says she knows where Schala is! Thus is the beginning of Magus, Crono, Glenn, Marle, and Lucca's journey into the world of Narnia...
Wave of the Future-When Lucca recieves a distress call from Robo saying that someone's stolen Epoch from the future, her and Crono set out to help apprehend the thieves. However, they quickly realize that time is not on their side.
The Sweet Child of Heaven---(She, the poor child born of insanity, she will die of insanity; and there's nothing I can do about it.)--
Proto Dome-A stupid parody of when Crono and the gang reactivated Robo. R&R if you find it remotly entertaining, I guess.
Lost and Found-Magus goes looking for Schala and does some soul-searching in the progress
The Lost Sister-Magus searches for Schala, and unravels an even bigger plot...
For a Friend-Glenn's story from Cyrus' death to his meeting with Chrono & gang...
A Chrono Trigger Christmas-A story about the spirit of Christmas... childlike innocence. Will Magus find it?
The Search-Magus' search, partly for Schala, but mostly for something far more important.
The Next Journey -A sequel to my first story, The Journey. They have entered a town with a small clan up to no good, its up to Glenn and his team to stop it. To really understand this, you should read The Journey, or some partswill be confusing. Other wise then that, enjoy!
The Gift of Song-Magus is evil now, but he once had his days. He might be evil to us, but what's to say that he wasn't once good to his followers? A good culture loves a good musical icon, no?
The Day the Epoch Ran Out of Gas-All that for tea. Takes place after the Gift of Song... when Spekkio finds a magic box, and Crono talks like Jar Jar Binks. Something rotten is afoot, and the Poyozo Palace is made to suffer...
The Wizard King: Crono's Reign-An expansion on the ending of CT where Crono becomes the new Magus. (Postponed until the next time I sit around and play CT . . . Hey, FFC is out soon. Hm.)
PG-13 Rated Stories-25 Stories
Back to the Chrono Trigger! -Join the adventures of Doc Brown, Crono, and friends as they travel through time and dimension to save the space-time continuuom from certain destruction!
This is Chrono Triggered-Read about the Behind the Music take on the CT band of Chrono Triggered. From their rocking beginning to their not so rocking fall
Chrono Trigger Talk Soup-The often overused Talk Show idea for an RPG.. I just used a lot of talk shows and threw in a host.
Crono, The Dark King-I added a dream sequence that adds to Cronos motive for taking over time. I made it a bit more readable, and fixed some spelling errors. RR please^^.
The JourneyA side story of chrono trigger in a time that never hapened. Cyrus is still alive and so is Frog and Magus. They meet up with Shadow, Locke, and Celes from FF3, and 3 other characters to face their destinies as the Mystical Warriors. My first attempt for a Fic.
Adventures of Epoch-This takes place after The White Mage & the Angry Toad... And no, Magus isn't gay here.
Good and Evil-After the end of the fight with Lavos... What will become of Marle and Crono? What about Magus, Glenn and Lucca?
Ozzie Learns to Read-Ozzie, pretty much the Ultros of CT, gets his own fanfic, where he must fight the terrible disadvantages of being illiterate before succeeding in learning how to read.
Chrono Trigger: Chapters of Eternal -Here it is! I'm not sure if it's been done yet, but I'm doing this anyway! This is the novelization...type...thing of Chrono Trigger! Expect plot twists and things you've never seen in the game! Read and review, please! Critism is gladly accepted.
The Last Sunrise-Five years after defeating Lavos, Chrono has become the king of Guardia after marrying Marle. He lives a happy life with his wife and children, until the territory of Porre begins a conquest to destroy Guardia, led by a strange warrior known only as "Lynx".
Twisted Destiny-This story starts after the defeat of Lavos. But after the heroes come back from a time travel, they find their time changed. In fact, taken over by the mystics, Guardia Castle being destroyed. Now the heroes seek the cause behind this. Oh, this fic features Flea, Ozzie and Slash too :)
Time's Children-My first attempt at a serious fic. This takes place after the events of Chrono Trigger, and begins in 1013 AD. PG13 for violence and occasional language. ^^
In Search of Zeal, Volume I-After the tragic loss of a legendary kingdom, a woman with a gift awakens into a strange new world. And so begins the story of Zeal, a tale of loss and tragedy but also one of love and hope. A tale which spans the corridors of time and space...a tale we must all hear and remember.
No Third Chance-This is a DARK experiment for me. Please do not let your opinions of this fic deter you from reading my other work. C&C appreciated.
Dark Thoughts-The entire series of nasty, evil poems (ahem, 'Songs'). R/R, or I'll sic a pack of rampaging poyozo's on you!
The Last Sunrise-Five years after defeating Lavos, Chrono has become the king of Guardia after marrying Marle. He lives a happy life with his wife and children, until the territory of Porre begins a conquest to destroy Guardia, led by a strange warrior known only as "Lynx".
My Take On Chrono Trigger-My takes on the different events in CT, my first CT fic... and yes, i know, this is really sucks
Chrono Continuum-A telling of the complete life of Janus and Schala Zeal, starting of before Zeal even exsisted. No this is not a Janus Searches for Schala fic so don't complain about that. It's PG-13 because of some rough language on Janus' part, but from him, that's to be expected...
The Purge-Continuation-Crono and Lucca find that Lavos was not so easily beaten.
Edge of Forever II: The Cycle of Fate and Destiny-Aurora desperatly seeks a way to bring her parents back from the wrongful death they suffered at the hands of Porre. While doing this she discovers who she is and what her life truly means. Thorugh all the hardship, she finds friendship and love as do others with her. Sequal to "Love on EoF"
Love on the Edge of Forever-A story set right after game. Crono and the gang are searching for his mother when they come upon a new enemy with a familar face. Throughout the struggle a love is created and hearts become one. PG13 for suggestive themes later on. Please RandR, if I get good reviews; I will continue to send parts
The Vortex Chronicles-A girl has appeared, and she is a powerful wizard. Will she help Crono and his friends or destroy them? Read to find out...
Chrono Trigger...The Continuation-This is also an old story... And I'm sure by now, you've all been warned that my old ones are not up to snuff. Anyway... This is a story about my FAVE character in CT mainly (Lucca) and it has nothing to do with Chrono Cross.
R Rated Stories-7 Stories
MST3: Love That Spans the Brink of Time-A new season, a new series, and an old cast get together in this one. The original fic is by the Unknown Gamer, and it is a 7-part series. The frst one is... well, it's hard to explain... Wait, no it isn't. It's a Lucca/Robo lemon. Yes, Lucca. AND Robo. Robo. Right. Well, I'll just shut up now.
Son of a Legend, Heart of a Slacker-Also known as The Worst CT Fanfic Ever. As we all know, Crono is the famous Hero of Time. So what will he do when his son turns out to be a pathetic, lazy bum? A parody of my real fic, Son of a Legend, Heart of a Killer.
Son of A Legend, Heart of A Killer-*NEW: Chapter 8* Kain is the son of Crono Triggara, King of Guardia. When his life is irreversably destroyed by something dark within himself, he must journey through time and his own tortured soul to make peace with himself again.
Hunter's Moon-Something evil has its sights set on Magus . . . something that could take away the last thing keeping him sane. HTML-ized version. CHAPTER 4 IS UP! HUZZAH!
South Park Trigger-It's a Chrono Trigger parody featuring South Park characters. WARNING: Contains crude language, graphic violence, and strong sexual content. Reader discretion advised
NC17 Rated Stories-12 Stories
CT gets MSTed (chapterized)-Square's scriptwriters and translation team get slammed around in this nasty MSTing.
MSTed: Chrono Trigger Eros by Raye DeLumina-So now everything's packed tight in a neat little package. Madness, mayhem, a bitter MSTier and an author who's a very good sport.
MSTed: Bonds by Raye deLumina-It's boys' night! Magus, Glenn and Crono are stuck in the castle with another sour lemon. Will they survive? With special mystery guests!!!
The Amulet of Ariashal Chron. 1: Falling Into You-The appearance of a Prince of El Nido stirs trouble in Guardia. But his efforts to tear the kingdom apart will bring everyone closer together, especially Marle and Crono.
Bonds-A short yaoi story involving revenge and humiliation.
Bonds Eternal-The series should have stopped at Everlasting... and neither Everlasting nor Eternal are as good as Bonds. But I thank PsychoTeen for giving me ideas to pull through this little mess of a short, because he rocks.
Bonds Everlasting-A sequel was requested... this takes place after Glenn has taken his revenge...
Magus and Tom Cruise-It was written on a dare a very long time ago. It's lewd, has no point, and is quite a milestone in my list of story failures. I post it because of the recent tabloid claims that Tom Cruise is gay. Be warned, it is terrible.