Chrono Trigger Fanfiction

**Author's Email**

Legal Crap: I don't own these characters, and I don't own the game. Well,
technically, I own a copy of the game, but I don't own the rights and stuff
to it. Don't sue me.

Heroes All
By The RPGenius

A gray wasteland sprawling endlessly;
An empty world of decay...
Dreams, hope, life, all banished.
But from the ashes arrise the interminable hope.

Steady and indomitable, with an unshakeable demeanor,
His strength is the raging thunder storm,
His heart the purity of light.
He lends courage to his allies through unwavering leadership.

Cheerful and headstrong, with an adamant will,
Her loyalty is boundless, her ideals iron-clad.
Her eyes match her element, the blue of ice.
She inspires her allies through her endless faith.

Clever and inventive, with an indomitable intellect,
Her spirit is strong, her mind ready for challenge.
Her demeanor is fiery, her spirit the same.
She overcomes obstacles where brute strength cannot.

Kind and compassionate, with an indispensible sense of loyalty,
His friends and memories are all he has.
His logic is infallible, his artificial emotions true,
He encourages others through his friendship.

Chivalrous and true, with an unbreakable code of honor,
His skills know no equal, his justice no match.
His body resides in water, but his soul in the stars.
He instills dignity in his companions through his honored code.

Ambitious and simple, with an unheralded strength,
Short-tempered but naive, she has named the destroyer,
Her great power serves to protect only.
She transfers strength and will to those around her.

Cold and cruel, with an unstoppable power,
His life is bent on hate and revenge, his powers bent on darkness.
To avenge his sister, he learns the value of cooperation.
He provides confidence to those who fight alongside him.

They will use the Gate Key and the Epoch,
The soulless machine with heart,
The heartless machine with a soul,
They will use their determination to save their world
From the Eve of Destruction, the Eve of Lavos.