Quotes Page
Taban: You're actually going to do it?! What a fine lad!
Soldier: Wait! Who goes there? Check out that hair!Are you one of Magus's troopers?
Soldier 2: Hardly! This kid never would have made the cut! Show us your stamp collection, son!
Frog: Power thine guard and thou'rt allowing the enemy in. Thou'rt here to save the Queen? The lair is deep within. Will thee accompany me?
Lucca: A... FROG? Crono, it's a talking FROG! I hate frogs!
Frog: My guise not incur thy trust... Very well, do as thee please. But I shall save the Queen.
Lucca: W, wait! You don't seem like a bad... ...uh, person-frog-thing... I mean....
Leene: You came to rescue me! Thank you, Frog.
Note: I don't think Leene would have called him "Frog" She seemed very comfortable refferring to him Glenn when she is shown in the flashbacks. . . .
Marle: Enough with the false modesty! You have a real gift! I would trade my royal ancestry for your genius in a heartbeat!
Chancellor: Admit it! You confused her and tried to take over the throne! Terrorist!
Chancellor: The execution is 3 days away. Do NOT let him out of your sight.
Supervisor: Execution?! Strange, but I don't seem to recall hearing anything about an execution.
Chancellor: WHAT!!! How dare you question ME! The paperwork's probobly just been held up in the system!
King: Silence Princess Nadia! The throne comes before your personal wishes!
Marle: What?! Just becouse I have a title doesn't mean I'm not a person!
King: You pick up strange ideas venturing outside!
Marle: I didn't "pick up" anything! It's called "common sense!"
Lucca: Yeouch...!
Marle: There's no way the Chancellor can reach us here. But, where are we?
Lucca: The civilization here seems so... advanced... we're in another world.
Doan: Huh... You're strange... You're different from us...
Marle: I think it's becouse we're healthy!
Doan: Heal-thy? Got a nice ring to it! We'll try growing the seeds...
Robo: Wh, what are you doing?
R-64Y: You are defective.
R-67Y: You have been tained
Robo: Pardon? I'm malfunctioning?
R-64Y: Affirmative.
Robo: A defect... I'm a defect...
Spekkio: What're you looking at? I'm Spekkio. The Master of War! I've seen all kinds of battles from here. How do I look to you guys?
Party: Strong!
Spekkio: I see. Let's put it this way. If you're strong, I look strong. If you're weak, I look weak. You are strong of will! That's why the Old One let you through. Long before you were born.... ... There was a kingdom where magic flourished. Everyone there could use it! But in time, people began to abuse their powers. It got so bad that no one was allowed to use magic except wizards. But you have it...determination, I mean! Magic needs power of the heart. It needs inner strength. Magic is divided into 4 types: Lighning, Fire, Water & Shadow. You, the punk hairdo! You're "Lightning". The one with goofy glasses is "Fire". That's the biggest toy I've ever seen... Hey, you're not alive, are you? You've got great strength, however, since I can't measure your inner character, I can't give any magic to you. But your laser weapons will suffice. They can inflict "Shadow" type damage. Not just magic, bt EVERYTHING is based on the balance of those 4 powers. Think "MAGIC", and, starting from the door, walk clockwise along the walls of my room 3 times. Very good! Ipso facto, meeny moe, MAGICO! So, fortified with magic!
Old Man: Hey... Well, well, well... People who lived long ago enjoyed ALL such powers. Now, I know you're itching to go ripping back and forth through time, but first you need to return to your era. And you must hurry. The longer you remain here, the harder it will be to change that which must be changed... Stop by whenever you're in the area!
Soldier: Magus's troops have launched an attack! They're breaking through our defenses! Knight Captain Stop sniveling! It shames the Knights of the Square Table! We shall DESTROY Magus's troops and bring honor to our king!
Soldier: But, we are far outnumbered!
Knight Captain: This is our last line of defense! We must let no one through!
Kid: I'm the wind! Whoosh!
Kid: Stop! Are you here for the Masamune? Thought so... Wait a second, okay? Oh bog brooooother... Where are you, Masa?!
Masa: What is it, Mune? Not again!? So! You want to get a name for yourself by grabbing the Masamune? What a buffoon!
Mune: Humans are so... silly! It's how you USE the sword that's important... not who owns it! Masa You can't even understand something as simple as that. That's why you're human.
Mune: What should we do?
Masa: The usual... test them. You can entertain us for awhile.
Mune: Allright! Here we go!!! Whoooosh!
Frog: 'Tis thee, Crono! Thou art here to practice thy skill in swordplay? What? The King has been injured?! ... I see... 'Tis a nary thing I canst do... Please be on thy way. The hero I am not. I can do naught.
Tata: I'm sorry everyone. Some frog guy dropped this in a cafe. I thoguht I'd sell it, but then everyone started calling me a "Hero". I couldn't bear to get rid of it! I just can't fake it any longer. Please take this!
Lucca: I think she likes you Crono...
Ayla: You strong too. Ayla respect strong people. Men and women.
Lucca: Where have they been keeping her?
Robo: Y, yes?
Ayla: You different, but strong too.
Robo: It's becouse I'm a robot.
Ayla: Rawboot? What that? Ayla don't know.
Robo: It's a machine that looks like a man!
Ayla: What you say? No rubbish or Ayla, head go boom! Crono, where from?
Robo: It is beyond her grasp.
Lucca: We're from way after the day after tomorrow.
Ayla: Ha, ha, you funny. Ayla like funny people.
Ayla: Kino! What you do?! Say NOW!
Kino: Ayla... Kino take Crono stuff.
Ayla: Why take?!
Kino: Kino like Ayla best. Ayla like Crono, but Kino not like...
Robo: Miss Ayla, please do not promote violence.
Ayla: Kino! You know why I punish?
Kino: Ayla no like Kino...
Ayla: No! Ayla like Kino BEST! No more do bad stuff, okay?! That wrong!
Melchior: You found some Dreamstone?! Then I'll repair the Masamune! HOW on earth did you get the Masamune... and the Dreamstone? No, don't tell me. I don't think my heart could take it. It'll take a little while to fix this...
Guardia: But Cyrus, the Kingdom needs you! And Leene and I need you. You must return to us!
Cyrus: As long as there is life in these bones, I shall return! By your leave...
Cyrus: Prepare yourself, polywog! En guarde! Nirvana Strike!!!
Frog: King GRAAAAACK! How dare you pick on a helpless amphibian! Filthy medal! I won't forget this!
Cyrus: Glenn, there's times when people simply have to grit their teeth!
Glenn: But... it hurts when I get hit. They...
Cyrus: You're a marshmallow, Glenn...
Cyrus: Hey Glenn... I've been thinking about becoming a Knight...
Glenn: I knew you were going to enlist! You'll make a great warrior!
Cyrus: Why don't you join too?
Glenn: I...don't think I'd make the cut.
Cyrus: But, why? You're better with a sword than I am!
Glenn: I don't know... I think I'd really lose it if I had to hurt someone.
Frog: My name is Glenn! Cyrus's hopes and dreams... And now the Masamune! Fortwith I shall slay Magus and restore honor!
Ozzie: Welcome Glenn! Or should I say, Sir Froggy! Mwa ha!Say, loks like you got some replacement for Cyrus! Magus is a tad busy right now. You'll have to take up your business with me... ...the swordsman Slash, and Flea, the magician... And...! You'll have to defeat all 100 of the beasts in Magus's castle!
Frog: It's been ages, Sir Slush!...
Slash: That's SLASH, you slimy dot! Still playing a comedian, eh Glenn? You'd be singing a different tune if Cyrus hadn't been there with you last time! You'd have to fit right in with those boney fellows you just busted up!
Flea: Male... Female...what's the difference? Power is beautiful, and I've got the power! Poor little Froggy... You must be lonely now that Cyrus is gone... And to be turned into something so hideous! Dreadful! But since you've brought new friends over to play... ...I'll show you all a good time!
Frog: Magus!!!
Magus: I...it's that stupid frog! Kissed any princesses lately?
Frog: I rather enjoy this form. And I oweth it all to you! I have something for you!
Magus: Ah... The Masamune... I bet you're just dying to use it... The Black Wind begins to blow... Ok... Give me your best shot! If you're prepared for the void...
Ayla: Yummy Frog! For Ayla eat?
Frog: P, perish the thought, lass! By the way, whither the blue-haired one?
Ayla: Only find you here. Blue-hair more tasty?
Old Man: Reptites strong! They live long time before us, they smart so we hide. But Ayla say fight together... Ayla still fight?!
Ayla: Ayla fight while alive! Win and live, lose and die. Rule of life. No change of life. Old man breathe, but dead on inside.
Kino: You strong, me weak. Ayla good chief!
Note: I thought this was sorta of funny cause it rhymes. :)
Azala: So... you are here at last. This is it. then. The showdown. Today there shall be a conclusion. Will it be the Reptites or you silly apes who end up ruling the world?
Ayla: Strong survive. Ayla strong. Ayla fight!
Ayla: Ayla's word. La means fire. Vos means big. Kino! Hurry! Lavos come soon! All ride dactyl! Kino! Hurry!
Janus: Schala!!
Schala: Oh, you're back Janus! Is something wrong?
Janus: The black wind...
Schala: You feel it too? Don't worry, it'll be allright. Now, hold onto this.
Queen Zeal: Who are you? How did you get in here?
Prophet: Your majesty... They are the evildoers I warned you of.
Queen Zeal: How DARE you think you could oppose me, you...foreigners! You're worse than the Gurus! Fools! Dalton, take them away!
Janus: Hmph! Idiots... What will you do, Schala?
Schala: Let us rescue them.
Janus: I think it's useless. Besides, if they escape, you'll be in trouble.
Schala: Don't worry about me. They just might be able to rescue the Gurus.
" To those who opened the door... " I am Belthasar, the Guru of Reason. I once lived in the Kingdom of Zeal. A great disaster in Zeal somehow threw me into this era. To my surprise, Lavos exists here, and I suspect, in other periods as well. Aeons ago, Lavos descended from heavens. Burrowing deep into the world's core, he began to consume our planet's energy, and grow stronger. Lavos disappeared briefly when he was summoned away by a great wizard who lived in Guardia, in the year 600. In 1999, Lavos claims this area, and reigns from high atop Death Peak. Lavos continues to replicate... like a giant parasite, he is consuming our world. Forced to live here, I continued to conduct research on Lavos. But I am growing old. And it's impossible to keep sane in such trying times. So before I lose it completely, I shall safeguard my data, and my ultimate creation... How I long to return home... But I have grown frail... So you... YOU, who have opened the door! I leave things in your hands. Only by mastering time, itself, do you stand a chance against Lavos. The odds will be against you... But you are true heros. The world is in your hands. Open now, the last door, and take what you find there. My last invention... My "Wings of Time" ...
Strange Creature: Scared you, didn't I? It's me... BELTHASAR! I copied my memory into this thing. What do you think? Anyway, there's something I need to explain. Namely, how to transcend time!
Dalton: Phooey! Why is the Prophet allowed inside while I'm stuck with guard duty? Ha! There you are... I let the Prophet go, knowing he'd mess up sooner or later. But I've no use for you anymore. You're history!
Mune: The black energy grows... Something scary is waking up!
Masa: The ancient Red Rock has been passed down through the ages. From it, a magic pendant, and a knife were made. We embody Melchior's dreams, sealed, within the knife... Now hurry, if you plan to confront the queen. We're counting on you!
Lucca: Quickly Crono! There's no time!
Frog: Crono, use the old man's knife to stop the Machine!
Masa: Here we go Mune!
Mune: Ready, big brother!
Prophet: I've been waiting for you, Lavos. I swore long time ago... That I'd destroy you! No matter what the price! It is time to fulfill that vow. Feel my wrath, Lavos!
Frog: Be this the Earthbound village?
Elder: This island was the only refuge left, after the Ocean Palace disaster.
Lucca: This is so depressing. No era is safe, and there isn't much of a future to look forward to.
Frog: Whither hath old man Melchior gone?
Elder: When the disaster struck, an eerie, black portal materialized. Melchior tried to save Janus, but he was also dragged in.
Frog: A "black portal"? A GATE!!!
Lucca: ... What about Schala? Elder I don't know. No one has seen her since.
Frog: Epoch! What fate has befallen it?
Elder: Your ship is quite sturdy and safe. It's almost as if it followed you here... Oh, this must be yours.
Lucca: Marle's pendant... the one that Crono kept for her.
Elder: It was at your side, like a guardian...
Dalton: You there? What's wrong?! You're lucky to be alive! The old crone and the pesky Gurus are gone. I now rename Zeal, the Kingdom of Dalton! YOU! You're alive? Ah! That vehicle outside must be yours! It's just like the one Belthasar was building... I've decided you don't deserve such a splendid toy! Henceforth it shall be my personal chariot!
Lucca: You've got to be joking!
Dalton: No, no,no.no...! Stop the music!
Lucca: Phew, now I get it!
Frog: Fantastic! We are actually in his debt!
Ayla: Epoch in good shape! Epoch...become bird!!!
Lucca: It needed a remodel anyway!
Magus: Behold. Everything's at the bottom of the sea. Gone is the magical kingdom of Zeal, and all the dreams and ambitions of its people. I once lived there... But I was another person then....
Frog: So! Thou art... thou art that filthy urchin!
Magus: ... Ever since Lavos's time portal stranded me in the Middle Ages... I have waited to even this score... You interrupted me just when I had summoned Lavos to my castle... How ironic that, having been drawn into yet another portal, I would end up in this age. Being from the future, my knowledge of the past enabled me to convince the Queen that I was a mighty oracle. But no history book could have ever prepared me for what happened here. Unimaginable is the power of Lavos. Anyone who dares to oppose it... meets certain doom. At this rate, you too, will meet a hideous fate. Just like that poor fool, Crono!
Frog: ...! You dare to insult him?
Magus: He's history! Play with fire and you get burned.
Frog: Magus! Hold thy tongue!
Magus: You wish to fight me?
Frog: Stand back.
Magus: ... I never imagined we would settle our score in this dusty old era. Come, let us finish this charade!
Frog: Cyrus, I hath avanged thee!
Magus: Defeat me, and you will break the curse on Frog. If... you want... to bring Crono back... find Gaspar, th... the Guru of Time...
Frog: ... Vanquishing thee will neither return Crono nor Cyrus.
Magus: ... Wait. I'll come with you.
Frog: Treachery!
Magus: You know, there just might be a way to bring him back.
Frog: Nonsense...!?
Magus: Gaspar, the Guru of Time knows how to restore lost or misplaced time streams...
Old Man: Hey, where'sthat healthy kid with the radical haircut? ... This is terrible news... I have nothing to give you but this song. It's called... "Memories of Crono" I wish I could lend a hand...
Magus: Only the Guru of Time can help us now...
Old Man: Hey, where have you been? So that's your story... And just LOOK at you now... You've become quite formidable!
Magus: Heh?...
Old Man: The Guru of Time, eh...? Heard of him, of course, but what do you want with him?
Frog: We've heard he might be the one to bring our Crono back...
Old Man: To bring back the loved ones... It's what everyone wants... Crono must be proud... to have friends like you...
Hey. Here. Take this with you.
Ayla: Egg!hungry, want eat!
Old Man: Let us call that the Chrono Trigger. It is pure potential. By unleashing a specific course of event, it can have a powerful effect on time. Ask the one who made the Epoch, your Wings of Time, how to hatch it... Like any egg, it represents a possibility... It may or may not... hatch. But the Chrono Trigger gives you the potential to get your friend back... The egg will have an effect equal to the effort you put in your search. No more, and no less. Don't forget that. As long as you keep Crono on your heart. the day you are dreaming of shall arrive...
Magus: I get it... it's you, isn't it...?
Frog: Wh...what? So..... Thee art Gaspar, the Guru of Time!
Old Man: Um... well... I believe that's what they used to call me... ...ages ago...
Belthasar: On "Death Peak" you will find the power to restore life. But to activate this power, the deceased must be important to the space-time continuum. And you MUST have a clone identical to that person. Only then, can a Chrono Trigger work its magic... Need a clone? The magician, Nolstein Bekkler could whipe one in the wink of an age. Bekkler loves festivals. Find a festival, and there, too, you shall find bekkler!
Old Man: So! Looks like you were successful! No, don't thank me. I didn't do a thing. I just gave you a place to begin. If you really want to thank me, make me a member of your team! By the way, the Wings of Time has come looking for you. It seems to have a heart and mind of its own... You wish to fight Lavos, correct? Many paths lay open to you. You may use that bucket. Or fly the Wings of Time to the day of Lavos. Or there's Black Omen, which floats in the sky above your world. Lavos is somehow connected with it. It's up to you to decide when and where to fight Lavos. By now you must realize you are the only ones who stand a chance against him... However, you will not be alone. I have had vague glimpses of events that will empower you... In the Middle Ages, a woman's sheer determination brings a forest back to life... A fugutive in the middle ages, Ozzie, mantains an evil hideout... There's a task to be done in the future, where machinery originated. And there's a very special stone that can shine its light on each generation, from the distant past to the far future. There's a ghost of a lofty knight, slain by Magus in the Middle Ages, who haunts the present... There's an object in the Middle Ages that sparkles like a rainbow... One of you is close to someone who needs help... Find this person...fast. Just as you touch the lives of every life form you meet, so, too, will their energy strenghten you. Fail to live up your potential, and you will never win... I am sorry that I must simply witness the coming spectacle from my ventage point here...
Ozzie: Come on in! This is the Great Ozzie's place. What the...! Whoa!! You...you're the great Magus!
Magus: You're doing well, Ozzie!
Ozzie: The nerve! Deserting your fellow mystics to serve those humans! You're a traitor! You're not our king! Why did you desert us? You pesky, low down, good for nothings! Ooh! I'll have you begging for mercy! Flea!
Chancellor: I've been worried, Princess! I understand your pain. But the king only really cares about his realm... Yes, even when your mother, Queen Aliza passed away, he worked all day!
Marle: No one could do that! It's inhuman!
Chancellor: Oh, child, it's ancient history now...
Marle: Tell me more!
Chancellor: This may be difficult... Well, Queen Aliza's condition suddenlt changed for the worst. She desperately wanted to see the king one last time, but he couldn't find the time to drop by... Said he had some work to do... But knowing nothing about death, you waited faithfully by your mother's side... Aliza passed away in sorrow... It's as the king indirectly killed her...Such a shame...
Marle: WHAT..!! Father KILLED?... MY MOTHER...?!!
Chancellor: But what do I know! There are reasons for everything, right dear? Now... so glad to see you back again. Please go and visit the king,
Chancellor: Had any of you heard of the "Rainbow Shell"? I too, had no idea until I found this... It's an ancestral will. It says "Unveil the Rainbow Shell to the people at Millenial Fair."
King: What are you talking about?! We have no family heirlooms here!
Chancellor: So this is a forgery? Why does the defendant deny the people a glimpse of the "Rainbow Shell"? Becouse he no longer HAS it!! He sold the heirloom for cash! Witness, please! Wh, what is it Nadia? We are conducting a trial here.
Robo: The Rainbow Shell will prove the king's innocence.
Marle: What ARE you saying?! It's a lie! There IS no heirloom!
Robo: We altered history in 600AD! The Rainbow Shell should be here in the castle.
Marle: Aha! The Rainbow Shell we gave to my ancestor 400 years ago is still here. It's probobly in the basement!
Merchant: I confess. I bought it from the King. He said he needed the cash.
King: Liar!! I've never even seen you before!
Judge: Order in the court!
Merchant: Heh, heh. Was I convincing?
Marle: But I'm here now. We'll talk about everything that's happened. About Crono, my mother, and...
King: Your mother... How sad! It has taken me so long to understand what Aliza meant with her last words. " Someday when Nadia grows up, she will bring her beloved to meet you. Welcome him warmly. It will be the day you remember forever."
Marle: You... heard her last words?
King: Of course! You were so young! You ran around saying "Daddy, it's fun having all my favorite people here!" Seeing you so happy, she left us quite peacefully.
Marle: So that's how it was...
King: Yes, why?
Marle: I used to call you "Daddy?"
King: You did.
Marle: I'm sorry... Daddy. I'm really sorry for doubting you.
King: I'll let you exist the castle, BUT! ...you be careful, now. Take care of her!
Queen Zeal: Fools! Haven't you learned your lesson?! We are immortal! We shall live forever with Lavos, who devours this planet even as he sleeps. Within 999 years he'll become the ruler of this world. The Black Omen is a path which leads to Lavos. It is a shrine which provides us with limitless power. As long as the mighty one reigns, your dreams are hopeless! You should sacrifice yourself to the mighty Lavos! HAAhahahahaha!
Queen Zeal: Behold, my pretties! Destiny, in its most brutal form. All the dreams that might have been. All the happiness, and sorrow, you might have experienced! Gone forever!!! For you there will be no tomorrow! The Dark Omen transcends time and space, waiting for Lavos to awaken! Destiny has led you here. And here you shall rest forever, unless you can defeat me, and smash the Omen! Come, dear friends. Perhaps I can persuade Lavos to share his dreams with you! Did I say dreams? I meant his eternal nightmare!
Queen Zeal: You cretins... I plan to live with Lavos, and control the universe forever. You will not get in my way!
Magus: Idiots... Nothing can live forever. Zeal... A pitiful woman, duped by Lavos. I, myself, will bring an end to all of this!
Queen Zeal: Prophet! You are doomed. I haven't forgotten what you did at the Ocean Palace. You will now forfeit your life.
Lucca: It's finally over...
Marle: But THIS could've done him in...!
Magus: We'll get to the bottom of this, Lavos...
Marle: We're in pretty deep...
Lucca: We're okay... right?
Magus: ... No turning back now.
Lucca: Now I understand... It lives on a planet, stealing away the most vital resources... It combined the DNA it found here with its own, and gave birth to those creatures up on Death Peak. Eventually the young must migrate to other planets... to repeat the cycle...
Marle: Are you saying IT'S the reason we're all here?
Lucca: Grown like famr animals, waiting to be slaughtered... All of our history... our art and science... All to meet the needs of that... beast...
Robo: Attack value is... ... off the scale! It's shorting out of my sensors!
Lucca: Impossible... You CAN'T expect to toy with an entire world and get away with it!
Lucca: We've got to say our goodbyes before the Gate closes.
Marle: You're all leaving?
Ayla: Crono was strong! Marle too! Ayla have fun!
Marle: You're my distant ancestor. So you'd better have tough kids or I'll be trouble!
Kino: Heh heh! No worry. Ayla VERY strong.
Marle: Right! Hey... What do you mean by that?
Ayla: Kino dummie! We go now!
Frog: 'Tis a feisty crowd! But they are thine kin, and 'tis of consequence. Queen Leene awaits. Your Majesty, we too shall take our leave.
Marle: Mr. Frog...
Frog: ... Long farewells ne'er necessary.
Marle: Right! Besides, actions speak louder than words!
Lucca: Yeah. Don't these things end with the princesses kissing the frog?
Marle: So.... you're going to search for Schala?
Robo: Lucca, I will miss you.
Marle: What's wrong Lucca? Aren't you going to say goodbye to Robo?
Robo: She knows.
Marle: Knows... what?
Lucca: ...... Robo was born in a bleak future. When we defeated Lavos, we changed history. Robo:... may not exist in the future.
Robo: Ha ha. Please relax. The new future has a place for me!
Lucca: Darn it, Robo! Don't pretend you don't care when you're really sad! It just makes things worse!
Robo: ...... Lucca, you have taught me these emotions. Thank you.
Marle: Tears don't become you, Lucca! Robo'll be there in the new future!
Robo: Good...bye Caution! Oil has washed over my sight sensors. Sight diminished...
Lucca: I thought Lavos made the gates... But I guess I was wrong.
Marle: What do you mean?
Lucca: I think a greater force wanted us to experience those events.
Marle: Time travel... How exhausting!