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Past Updates!

This site has actually been in existence since November of 2000,
but only now have I decided to start recording the past updates.. I know, I'm a fool, sue me.

  • April 14, 2002 -
    Alright, it has been a large span of time since the last update, but we are confident you will start to see more updates more often! I hope you have been enjoying the little Boss v.s. Employee war created by Cobra, the man is a genius I tell you. Anywho, on with the real update.

    I added a bunch of screenshots to the FF1 section, as well as the FF4 and FFX portions of the website. We are a bit behind on FFX, so if you are really looking for better coverage, check out Cluelex's Final Fantasy X Site! He is once again site of the month.

  • February 5, 2002 -
    Well, Valentine's Day is coming up pretty soon, so its time to kick out the sappy love stories! Starting off this year's roster is probably one of my all time favorites,The Gift! Next, we have a lovely piece called A Promise Written In The Stars. Finally, I've decided that the on-going mushy romance written by our own Vulcan, made the cut!

    We also got a start on the Final Fantasy X Section, check out some of the sweet screenshots! Unfortunately, on the brink of 2002 Y2K2 struck, (a.k.a. my sister) and deleted My Documents, which was holding all of my information that I was going to use to update the different sections of the website! However, I will not let that disgruntle me, for I just have to go get some more stuff!

  • Dec. 17th -
    A bit larger update than we've seen in a long time! To start things off, we have two new staff members! Everyone say hi to Dark Beauty and Vulcan! Check out her info in the staff section. Next, there is a new fanfic by Dark Beauty in the Nibelheim Library! Also, my man Phil has a new comic about his compter troubles you can read here. And finally, we have links to Tyler's hilarious comics! That's it for today, see you all later!

    Only released to the public a few weeks ago, please welcome the newest Team CBR Site! (#1) and Team CBR Site! (#2) and finally Team CBR Site! (#3) WOO HOO!!