You can begin this side quest when you are making your journey from Lindblum
to Burmecia during disc 1. Go to Chocobo's Forest, located east of Lindblum's Dragon's Gate.
When you arrive there, you'll see moogle named Mene. Talk to Mene and he'll explain how he
and his friend, Choco, are looking for a place called Chocobo's Paradise, and how he needs
your help to find it.
Chocobo Hot and Cold
Chocobo Hot and Cold is a mini-game that you can play at three places: Chocobo's Forest,
Chocobo's Lagoon, and Chocobo's Air Garden. When you first get your chocobo, you
will only be able to go to Chocobo's Forest, but as your chocobo grows, it will get new abilities.
To play Chocobo Hot and Cold, talk to Mene and pay him 60 gil to play the game. For 60 seconds,
you will be able to search for items while riding and dig them up. To dig, press the square button. When
you do this, Choco will say one of four things: Kweh, which means you're not close to any treasure; Kweh!?,
which means you're getting close to treasure; Kwehhh!?, which means you're very close to treasure; or
K-KWEHHH!!!, which means you have hit a spot with treasure. When you hit a spot with treasure, a number
will appear, showing the depth of the treasure. Tap the square button rapidly to dig the treasure up. The deeper
the treasure is, the more valuable it is.
Among the treasures are items called Chocographs. These items are
like maps that lead to a buried treasure chest somewhere on the world map. It gives you a picture of a spot where the
treasure chest is located, and it also gives you a clue that describes the spot that you are looking for. These treasure
chests usually hold very valuable items in them. A list of the chocographs and there treasures is below:
1. Streamside-2 Elixirs, 3 Hi-Potions, 4 Ethers, 2 Germinas Boots
Chocobo Abilities
As you collect more and more treasures from Chocobo Hot and Cold, Choco's beak will
gain levels, and the higher beak level you have, the easier it is for Choco to dig. Also, some
chocograph treasure chests contain a smoke that will put Choco to sleep, and send him to
the dream world. Here, the god of chocobos, Fat Chocobo, will give Choco a new abilitiy, such
the ability to walk in water, or scale mountains, or even fly. As he Choco gains new abilities, he
will be able to reach many more different places, which will enable him to find many more
chocograph treasures. Once Choco has the ability to walk through shallow water, he can reach
Chocobo's Lagoon, which is located . And when he has aquired the ability to fly, he will be able to reach Chocobo's
Air Garden, but you must have a dead pepper to reach this place.
Dead Peppers
You can find dead peppers while playing Chocobo Hot and Cold. These items allow Choco to
find many treasures on the world map. And as you read before, you can also reach Chocobo's
Air Garden. All over the world map, there are cracks in mountain sides and bubbles in the seas.
To find obtain the treasures hidden beneath these places, you must take Choco to the exact spot
where the crack or bubble is, and use a dead pepper. Choco will then go crazy, and dig or dive for
the treasure. You can get many rare and valuable items by using the dead peppers. To reach Chocobo's
Air Garden, Choco must have the ability to fly. Unfortunately, this place is on a cloud, and moves to many
different locations. So, to locate Chocobo's Air Garden, you must find a shadow somewhere on the world
map, and Choco must be in flight when you do find it, or you won't be able to get in. When you are directly above
the shadow, use a dead pepper. As always, Choco will go berserk, and then he will fly up high into the air, and end
up in Chocobo's Air Garden. Another thing you can do with the dead peppers, is open up the entrance to Mognet
Central, where you can begin another side quest.
Chocobo's Paradise
Chocobo's Paradise is located on an island at the north-west corner of the world map. You can only get on the island
by flying Choco to it. There is a mountain located on the island, and a crack on the one side of it. Use a dead pepper
while Choco is right next to the crack. The crack will open up into an entrance, which leads to Chocobo's Paradise.
Inside, you will be able to understand what all the chocobos say. Walk around this place until you find the room that
Fat Chocobo is in. If you have found all of the chocobo treasures, Fat Chocobo will tell Choco that he must stay in
Chocobo's Paradise. He will then give you the Fat Chocobo card. After this, you will head to the entrance, where
Choco will catch up and tell you that he can't abandon his friends and rejoins your party.
Good Luck
2. Between Mountains-5 Potions, 5 Hi-Potions, 2 Tents, 2 Cotton Robes
3. Uncultivated Land-10 Antidotes, 1 Jade Armlet, 3 Wing Edges, 1 Cargo Ship Card
4. Healing Shore-Chocobo Upgrade
5. Abandoned Beach-9 Phoenix Pinions, 5 Phoenix Downs, 12 Peridots, 1 Diamond Gloves
6. Cold Field-5 Echo Screens, 7 Hi-Potions, 3 Tents, 1 Theater Ship Card
7. Forgotten Lagoon-8 Gysahl Greens, 5 Ethers, 7 Hi-Potions, 1 Dragon's Claws
8. Faraway Lagoon-37 Potions, 6 Magic Tags, 1 Shield Armor, 1 Gaia Gear
9. Abandoned Lagoon-6 Softs, 4 Ethers, 1 Feather Boots, 1 N-Kai Armlet
10. Bird's-eye Lagoon-8 Potions, 4 Phoenix Downs, 3 Ethers, 1 Magician Robe
11. Small Beach-4 Remedies, 2 Elixirs, 8 Rising Suns, 1 Oak Staff
12. Dawn Lagoon-Chocobo Upgrade
13. Forbidden Forest-7 Ethers, 2 Elixirs, 10 Wing Edges, 1 High Mage Staff
14. Green Plains-Chocobo Upgrade
15. Dusk Plains-12 Phoenix Downs, 14 Ores, 1 Kaiser Knuckles, 1 Iron Man Card
16. Forgotten Plains-17 Ores, 5 Ethers, 14 Opals, 1 Demon's Mail
17. Sea at Dusk-15 Phoenix Pinions, 1 White Robe, 1 Diamond, 1 Masamune Card
18. Ocean-27 Ores, 1 Light Robe, 1 Whale Whisker, 1 Alexander Card
19. Cold Lagoon-11 Peridot, 9 Opal, 15 Sapphire, 19 Topaz
20. Mist Ocean-Chocobo Upgrade
21. Outer Island-21 Amethysts, 16 Garnets, 1 Genji Armor, 1 Ragnarok
22. Outer Island 2-11 Sapphires, 1 Circlet, 1 Pumice Piece, 1 Hilda Garde 3 Card
23. Fairy Island-33 Potions, 15 Annoyntments, 1 Holy Miter, 1 Dark Matter Card
24. Forgotten Island-1 Ribbon, 1 Rebirth Ring, 13 Amethysts, 1 Ark Card