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Darkling: the darker side of fey blood infuses the creature granting the following spell-like abilities, which can be cast once per day: Darkness, Invisibility or Haste. At 5th level, all of these spells can be cast once per day (.5).

Darkling Visage: the darker side of fey blood lurks under the skin, when unleashed the creatures visage and aura twist and darken creating the effect of a Scare spell centred around the creature, usable 2 times per day (.25), the creature also gains +2 on Intimidate checks.

Ethereal Beauty: imbued with unnatural beauty and grace of movement the creature gains +2 (.5) or +4 (.1) to either Dexterity or Charisma, and can use the spell Charm Person or Animal once per day. At 5th level, the creature may extend this power to also cast Charm Monster once per day.

Feyling: true fey blood runs through the creatures veins allowing it to call upon one of the following spell like powers once per day: Faerie Fire, Misdirection, or Major Image. At 5th level all of these spells can be cast once per day (.5).

Resist the Call: these beings are naturally resistance to Enchantment spells that influence behaviour. They receive a spell resistance of 15 against these spells or powers (.25).

Spell Resistance: powerful fey blood creates a natural resistance to magic granting an SR 15 (.5), or 20 (1).

Subtle Grace: the creature selects any three 0-Level Druid or Bard Spells and is able to cast these once per day, as spell like abilities (.25).

Trickster: imbued with illusionary and misdirection spell-like abilities, which can be cast once per day: Silent Image, Blur or Confusion. At 5th level, all of these spells can be cast once per day (.5).