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Shadowform: Blessed or cursed this new race being has the ability to change form into that of a Shadow creature in day or partial light. While in this form it is immune to normal weapons, Damage Reduction 10/+1 (.5). If plunged into darkness or surrounded by light so that no shadows can exist the shadowform vanishes, leaving the creature in its normal form. The creature can move at its normal movement rate and is immune to cold while in this form. The change can be made at will.

Essence of the Black

Requirement: Shadowform

A touch causes 1d6 cold damage and temporarily drains 1 point of Strength. This is considered a touch attack and is usable at will (.5).


Requirement: Shadowform

The creature can exhale a Shadow mist, which extends in a cloud 20 feet deep and 15 feet high, inflicting 5d4 points of cold damage and 1d4 temporary Strength damage, anything killed by the mist is taken back to the Black (1). A successful Reflex check halves both cold and Str damage. This ability is usable once per day, extending to twice per day at 5th level.

Shadow Shift

Requirement: Shadowform

As with most shadows the Shadow creature can grow or diminish in size allowing the creature while in Shadowform to move between Tiny and Large size at will with accompanying changes in Abilities, Attack and Natural Armor (1).

Weaknesses (reduces ECL by -1)

Pure magical energy causes 1d6 damage per level of the spell, if released by touch to a creature in Shadowform. The creature has no saving throw; this is considered a touch attack. If the creature is a Wizard or Sorcerer only Shadow powered energy spells can be cast while in Shadowform.