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Bright Light Vulnerability: when caught in direct bright light without a hood or head covering the creature suffers -4 penalty in combat and to any Skill or Ability checks. This can be reduced to a -2 penalty with a deep hood. If suddenly confronted with full sunlight the creature must make a Reflex check or be stunned for 1d3 rounds (- .5).

Elemental Susceptibility: These creatures suffer a -2 penalty to saving throws against any one primary element type. This option can be taken against any paraelemental type but the penalty increases to -4 (- .25).

Feared: the appearance or aura of this creative causes distrust or fear in most other creatures causing a -4 penalty to diplomacy checks (- .25).

Increased Water Consumption: creatures must drink twice as much water per day (- .25). A creature with improved water consumption this option.

Rajaat's Curse: This curse only manifests when the character is targeted by an alteration spell. The creature must make a Fortitude saving throw or their form will involuntarily alter taking 1d6 rounds in which the creature can do nothing but endure the pain. The DM takes control of the change and must substitute the creatures present Abilities with different options (- 1).

Weakness - Bronze: this creatures suffers greatly when cut by any bronze weapon resulting in double basic weapon damage (- .5).

Weakness - Elements: these creatures are extremely vulnerable to any one type of elemental magic, suffering an additional +1 damage per damage die of the spell (- .25), or +2 per die damage per die (- .5). The creature must specify a primary element i.e. fire, water, earth, air.

Weakness - Iron: these creatures are susceptible to the touch of iron, which causes double base weapon damage (- .5).

Weakness - Obsidian: truly cursed, these creatures are susceptible to the touch of obsidian, which causes double base weapon damage (- 1).