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Dagger Falls. This is the largest town in Daggerdale and in more modern times its seat of government. For quite a number of years, it was under the control of the Zhentarim, and in the NJ adventure in Backlands it has fallen again into the hands of Zhent renegades, who are being besieged by the followers and allies of Randal Morn.


Dagger Falls


Official NPCs of Dagger Falls

Lord Randal Morn, ruler of Daggerdale.

Captain Mestin Troll Durmark, deputy ruler of Daggerdale.

Sir Ariton Delmis, commander of the Freedom Fighters Of Daggerdale.


Map of Dagger Falls

1 - Constable's Tower. Since the Zhentarim mage Ilthond was killed by the demi-shade Gothyl there, the tower is said to be haunted, and dark, deadly magic is said to prevail there. Many patrons pass this on as rumour ,but there are actual accounts of sightings by adventuring groups and solders alike brave enough to venture close. Some state there is a treasure within waiting to be discovered. Is it only fear that keeps people away or is there truth to the stories?

2 - Garrison. During the occupation, these were the Zhentish barracks yet now it serves as the Freedom Fighters fortification. .

3 - Headquarters of the Freedom Fighters. The,well, it could be said, police station, is made of sturdy stone and is well attended to. It can house approximately 50 or so Freedom Fighters, and is usually well stocked. Adventures have been know to be able to use the barracks unique features such as stable shoeing, blacksmith and even a chemistry set. Only those in the employment of Randle Morn may enjoy these privileges.

4 - Market Square. Since the liberation of Dagger Falls, the market square has become a bustling place that fills with peddlers on Market Day once each tenday. Even on those days when street vendors are not permitted, Market square still sees plenty of trade activity and deals being made between merchants. Daggerdale is new to open trade due to its recent liberation, and the finest of merchant companies are taking full advantage!

Item to Note! In Market Square there is a pemanent market for arms.The Clanking Clat. Check out there selection. They can also get orders from Cormyr, but it costs a bit more.,

5 - Forest Gate.

6 - Thund's Rental Storage Warehouses. The former Zhentarim warehouses - the most secure buildings in town - now are a rental storage operation run by Zeke Thund. His storage areas vary in size as does his prices. Many rumor him to be in league with the Zhenterium, but there is no proof. Zeke explains that those who state such things are just jealous that his opperation survived the hard times, and this is their way of staining his business.

7 - Lathander's Light - Temple to Lathander. The temple is headed by Mornmaster Harndarr Oryn. He is served by 16 priests and three paladins. The temple was rebuilt as of late due to the simple fact that it was burnt to a cinder when the Zhents claimed Daggerfalls as their own. The newly redone Temple is no less than Magnificent. Randal Morn gave some of the Dale's own tax money to refurbish the place so that he may encourage town growth.

8 - Broken Dagger Tavern. This still seedy tavern is run by a half-ogre named Dynter. The place can only be described as a dive. Well, some say the bar has character, but the fact still remains, it serves strong, get men drunk, lacks in entertainment and great company. There have been steady improvements as since the Zhenterium were conquered, but nothing of great note. It would only make sense that as trade increases and the population of Daggerdale becomes steady, that the pub will have to improve as other places to drink become competition. We can only hope!

9 - River Gate.

10 - Dulwar the Leatherworker, shop. Check out his selection!!! Dulwar, a friend of Randal Morn, makes war harnesses, scabbards, sheaths, bracers, clothing and crude but warm boots. Prices are good and always have been.

11 - Fulgath's Caravan Supplies. Fulgath is widely hated, with a reputation for overcharging on everything. His prices are triple those in the PHB. Since the liberation, times have gotten harder for Fulgath, due to competition with the market square. Most people only go to him out of desperation and remember how he treated his fellow countrymen during the occupation.

12 - Red Rock Tavern. Dagger Falls' favorite watering hole is a Harper outpost run by the retired half elven minstrel Kessla. The bar is well respected my many Daggerdale patrons as a place of haven for the Freedom Riders and other rebels of the Movement for liberation. The bar is clean, a bit pricey, and warm. It has a wide variety of mead and spirits and caters to the traveler.

13 - Teshford Arms Inn. The innkeeper is named Olavia Tsardruyn. The house is cold and uninviting, but it's the only inn in town, and it still costs a gold lion a night for a room. The inn is now, with all the trade, making money and making improvements. When the Zhenterium controlled Daggerfalls, trade and visits from outlying areas was few and far between, so the Inn, desperate to break even, tried to take advantage of every opportunity it could. Prices are lowering on some of the smaller rooms, and in the lobby area, a bar and dartboards have just been installed. Still not a prize to brag about, but nothing like it was in the past.

14 - Dagger Falls Cemetery