Welcome to my Anti-Sega site. I made this page in order to express my utter hatred for the company that calls themselves Sega. I mean, who in their right minds does like Sega?! Here are just a few reasons you can tell they suck so much:
The mutilated Genesis
Yes! Sega is finally dying! Success is at hand! Production of Dreamcasts has been discontinued as of March 30th, 2001! Apparently, they said that they had to get rid of their biggest money loser (MWA HA HA HA!). They are not making any new consoles, but are still developing games for other systems (damn....). Now all we need to do is get them to dissolve the company and stop developing crap like Sonic....
I could go on and on with these reasons, but you get the point (unless you're a Sega fan; then you're probably to stupid to read most of these words). This page doesn't have much else except this, so if anyone who reads this has a story or picture (or anything else) relating to the subject of anti-Sega, please send it to me. For now, all I have is a couple of pictures of a mutilated Sega Genesis that my my friend Andy and I personally destroyed, and a Sega document that I burned.
The burned Sega document
Danny's Anti-Sega Page does not claim ownership of Sonic or anything else Sega-related. Why would it want to? Sega sucks. I'd kill myself before claim ownership of all that crap. Ha ha, Sega! You can't sue me! Bite my ass, Sega!! HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!