Opera's Killer Moves
Killer Moves are the special attacks that fighter-class characters in Star Ocean:The Second Story can use. But Opera has the most unique and useful Killer Moves in the game. Because not only do most of them hit multiple times, but they also have long range capabilities. And some even have both short and long range capabilities, making Opera a variety-type fighter. Included is the MP cost of the Killer Move, what element it is, the Proficiency it must reach to change, and a description of it.

Flame LauncherUsing Flame Launcher at a short distance skewers enemiesOpera using Flame Launcher from a long distance
MP: 7
Learned: Initially Learned
Proficiency: 200
Element: Fire
At long range, Opera fires a ball of flame at the enemy which explodes on contact, hitting multiple times. At short range she shoots flames out like a flame thrower which hits the enemies several times. It's extremely good, especially for her first Killer Move! However, the long range one can miss if the enemy moves before it's fired.

Photon PrisonOne blast can freeze foes long enough for your team to safely escape
MP: 10
Learned: Initially Learned
Proficiency: 270
Element: None
Opera fires a tiny capsule at the enemy which traps it in a casing of ice. It's nice for freezing certian enemies, but at first it won't even freeze an enemy for a second, but later keeps them trapped for quite a while. You may not find much use for it in the beginning though.

Alpha on OneOpera's most popular Killer Move
MP: 23
Learned: Level 24
Proficiency: 440
Element: None
I love this Killer Move! Opera fires three balls of light which home in on the enemy. As the Proficiency increases she will fire 5 balls. It's one of her best Killer Moves, rivaled only by Hyper Launcher. It's especially great against bosses, as Opera can stay in the back ranks of battles and constantly fire away. It's extremely good against those pesky mages who like to lurk in the back.

Spread RayOpera jumps and fires
MP: 16
Learned: Level 34
Proficiency: 540
Element: None
Opera jumps into the air and fires her gun a couple of times at the enemy. It's fairly good since she stays in the air while firing, but it has the tendency to miss the enemy if they're pretty fast. But it's useful if it's a slow enemy or another character has them pinned up.

Cold WindA tornado of ice will soon engulf an enemy
MP: 25
Learned: Level 41
Proficiency: 300
Element: Water
Opera kneels down and fires a huge beam of ice the swirls around at the enemy to hit multiple times. It's good as it can push the enemy away, which is really good if the enemy is pounding away on another character.

Gravity ShellThe only one-hit Killer Move that Opera has
MP: 20
Learned: Level 54
Element: None
Opera fires a capsule in the air which opens up and emmits bolts of electricity. It's pretty good. It won't hit multiple times, however, so you'll probably rarely use it. This is Opera's only one-hit Killer Move.

Lightning BladeGreen lightnin' surrounds OperaLightning comes rumbling from her gun
MP: 20
Learned: Level 69
Proficiency: 200
Element: Lightning
At long range Opera charges her "Kaleidoscope" with green lightning and then shoots it at the enemy. At short range, Opera charges her "Kaleidoscope" with green lightning and then thrusts it in the ground, causing a wave of lightning to swarm around her. It's a very valuable Killer Move. The long range version is really good and hits enemies multiple times, while the short range version knocks several enemies around Opera back...and puts quite a dent on their HP too!

Laser BitQuite possibly the strangest Killer Move...
MP: 8
Learned: Opera must use "Machinery" until she makes a "Black System"
Proficiency: 300
Element: None
Opera splits a laser beam into pieces with a prism. It can hit an enemy multiple times, which it good. But it's a rather odd Killer Move. For one the range isn't all that great and the beams go different ways. It's not that bad, but when compared to Opera's other advanced Killer Moves, it isn't all that great either.

Healing StarThe best healing Killer Move, which can save your team if the healer is caught in the line of fire
MP: 9
Learned: Opera must use "Machinery" until she makes a "White System"
Proficiency: 999
Element: None
Opera fires a beam into the air which splits into 4 stars which trail to all 4 characters in battle to heal them. It's better than Bowman or Claude's healing killer moves in that it heals everyone. And when it's powered up at 999 Proficiency it will heal over 5000 HP to all party members. A great alternative to Rena or Noel's Cure All spell. Or if one of them happens to be in danger at the moment.

Hyper LauncherOpera prepares to shoot a HUGE laser at the enemies
MP: 34
Learned: Opera must use "Machinery" until she makes a "Green System"
Proficiency: 500
Element: None
Great move. Opera fires a huge, powerful beam at the enemy. Which hits them several times. This Killer Move will even hit a group of enemies and it's relatively quick! Probably Opera's best Killer Move. And it can even push several enemies back.