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Indara was once part of Orhn many decades ago, the huge country was the largest in the land. The people lived primitively upon the plains and in the jungle, game was plentiful, and life was good.

The northern inhabitants began to question the tribal leader's judgment, and began leaning towards more modern ways. Soon, the south split from the north and became what is now Indara, the more primitive and traditional of the once complete Orhn.

Indarans continued to adopt their tribal ways to this day, without much threat from other nations due to their deep seclusion in the jungles of Delua. The indiginous peoples of Indara are usually tall and thin, and have dark red skin. Those who have chosen to migrate into Indara over the years to adopt a more simple life, have began to inherit the same dark skin, even though the huge jungle canopy shades most of the floor in darkness. The Indarans worship nature and God equally, and have adopted a holy ruling system, whereupon a Priest or Priestess is raised from birth the guide and enlighten it's people.

Recent History

Countless Priests and priestesses have come and gone but none were ever as respected as the recent Priestess Duwalla. The lovely, yet pale skinned Priestess was brought up as any Holy ruler would, taught, pampered, trained. Yet she somehow seemed different, her talents were far and above all others in her tribe. Her abbility to communicate with the jungle was beyond compare, she could read the weather, predict game patterns, even calm ravaging beasts with a single soft word.

Today Priestess Duwalla rules her people as a mother would, their well being her only concern.

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Indara's Feudal System