Faction: Vehicon
Alliegince: Megatronian Loyalist
Rank: Major-General of the Vehicon Army
Type: Neo-Metal
Vehicle Mode: Helicopter
Function: Leader
Height: 12 ft. 6 in.
Size: Large
Theme Song: "Hellraiser Returns" from Gundam Wing
Quote: "Everyone needs three things; something to do, someone to love, and something to dream about."
Physical Description:
-Vehicle Mode: Blades’ vehicle mode, as always, is a helicopter. This time around, however, he has gone for something of his own creation. His fuselage is long and streamlined, with the cockpit submerged into the overall outline. From the side, midway along, a small fin extends. From these hang a pair of gatling lasers (one on each wing) on swivel mounts. Further back his fuselage sweeps up from the bottom and continues straight at the top, forming the tail of his craft. A small rotor, used for changes in direction and to steady him in flight, hangs on the left side of the tail, the blades just missing the two smaller fins that jut out the sides. His rotors are still the quadruple-spoked design, with the four rotors connected to a single, central point. He has no landing gear this time; the underbelly of his vehicle mode is flat at the base and curves slightly to meet the sides. He has no sharp edges, giving him a very fluid look. He is mostly a matte black color, though the tips of his wings are a very deep crimson and his rotors are a gleaming silver.
-Transformation: When he transforms, Blades’ alternate mode is no longer so obvious. Though the cockpit is visible on his chest, and indeed is pretty much all of it, there is nothing else that shows definitively what type of craft he was. His arms unfold from within the center of his fuselage, leaving a slight depression which the cockpit places itself in. His legs are the tail of his helicopter mode, the direction reversed so that the raised tail can provide his feet. When he transforms, his legs thicken out, so that they can support his weight, as do his feet. His head extends upwards from the same area as his arms, locking into place with an audible click.
-Robot Mode: In robot mode, Blades still retains a fair resemblance to his original incarnation. Though he has gained an added 3 feet in height, he is still well proportioned for it, being neither gangly nor hulking. His head is similar, with the familiar boxy makeup and the optional mouthplate. His optics glow a dull, sickly green. From the sides of his head, a pair of thin aerials rise out of small, rectangular housings. The top of his head looks like he is wearing a helmet, which extends from his forehead, covers the top of his head and ends at the base of his neck. More of the ‘helmet’ extends out over his cheeks, the front edges slightly overlapping his facemask when he’s wearing it. Down the center the top of his head is a small, raised strip, which goes from slightly above his forehead to just above the base of his skull.
His shoulderpads are not exceptionally large, but do cover from the top of his arm to midway down his upper arm. From their base they raise up and out, sweeping up in a pair of curves, one after another. The upper molding follows a similar pattern, but is one solid curve. From within these his arms extend out. The upper arm is thinner than the lower, the widening occurring just below the elbow. His lower arms would naturally be the same size, but a thick guard runs up the outside of each, wrapping around the wrist. The whole effect forms an L shape. His hands are powerful but not thick or stubby. Rather, they are somewhat slender, designed more for delicate work than inflicting massive pugilistic damage.
His waist is a raised ridge, somewhat like a belt, with a crotch piece and little hip. His legs are attached to the empty areas, so that they form a complete space. Again, the upper halves are slightly thinner than that lower. His lower legs widen out slightly past the knee, so that they are a few centimeters wider around. His feet are thick, with a slight indent between his heel and the front of his feet. Excess metal extends up over his knees to form guards over those delicate joints.
His overall color-scheme is still the matte black. As has been stated earlier, his eyes are a dull green. Along the bottom of his shoulderpads is a strip of gold, a colour that can also be found on the solid ribbing of his cockpit, the pommels of his sabers and his joints. The blades of his sabers themselves are polished steel.
Strength: 7
Speed: 8
Skill: 9
Stamina: 9
Intelligence: 9
Firepower: 9
Discipline: 9
Aim: 8
-Autofire Weapons: Blades is trained in the use of autofire weapons, such as the gatling-lasers mounted on his wings or used in robot mode.
-Expert: Sculpture: During the Year of Peace the Vehicons were rewarded with after defeating the Decepticon hordes, Blades turned his mind towards sculpture. His skill with bladed weapons translated well, and he is an accomplished sculptor.
-Flight: Assisted: In the soles of his feet and his back, Blades has small thrusters which allow him to fly in the atmosphere and move about freely in zero gravity.
-Hand to Hand combat: A master of various forms, Blades is a serious threat to anyone in close combat.
-Leadership: As he evolved as a Vehicon, Blades was often thrust into the role of command. As such, he has learned valuable lessons regarding leading troops.
-Melee: Swords: His signature weapon, the rotor saber is still his most-used implement. As such, he has trained to become proficient in its use.
-Navigation: Astronavigation: Another ability which he gained through work, rather than innate programming. His time as pilot of both the Destron and the Destronger left him an eminently capable starship pilot.
-Stealth: While awaiting the proper time to reacquaint himself with the other General’s, Blades was forced to hide himself. As such, he quickly learned to mask his presence and conceal himself.
-Strategy/Tactics: As both second in command of the original Vehicon force and leader (in Burnout’s absence) of the Vehicons later, Blades was forced to learn, quickly, how to use his forces. Though by no means a military genius, he knows the rudiments of battle strategy.
-Rotor Sabers: Blades just wouldn’t be Blades without these weapons. Made from the rotors in his helicopter mode, they are altered in this form. Whereas the rotors are straight, these are curved, so that they resemble the Terran katana. The hilt is a solid, unmarked cylinder half again as long as his fist, with a thin, straight crossguard extending out from the top. At the front, the crossguard curves downwards, meeting up with the pommel to enclose the fingers of the wielder.
-Gatling-Laser: In his vehicle mode, Blades possesses a pair of these weapons, one on each side. In robot mode, he is able to effectively use only one at a time, the weight and recoil being otherwise too much for him. In both cases the barrel is a pentagon, five smaller cylinders grouped together with a pair of rectangular bands running around them near the front and base. In vehicle mode the barrel is attached to a square mounting, which in turn is attached to a swivel joint on the bottom of each of his two wings. In robot mode the barrel attaches to a hollowed out rectangular structure, which is then fitted over Blades’ fist when he fires. Within this is the trigger and the powerpack. In both forms, the weapons are quite powerful, able to punch through medium armor with only five or six solid hits. In vehicle mode he has almost unlimited ammunition, as the power comes directly from his internal powerplant. In robot mode the powerpack is a self-contained unit, and can produce enough energy to fire four hundred rounds. It can be recharged easily, as long as Blades has access to some type of power generator.
-Laser Pistol: A small, ordinary laser pistol. Blades’ keeps it as a holdout weapon, in case he has been otherwise disarmed. It is not particularly powerful, but can do damage if fired at sensitive areas (eyes, mouth, joints). The energy clip inside holds twenty rounds, and can be recharged easily if Blades has access to a powersource.
-Silencer: For the pistol. About six inches long and jet-black like the rest of him. Though it doesn’t totally cloak the sound, it takes very powerful audio sensors to overcome its effect. It also prevents the muzzle flash from giving him away.
-Signature Damper: Built into Blades. This piece of equipment can mask his presence from long range scans, passive sweeps and less thorough searches. It doesn’t render him invisible, so visual detection is still a threat, and it can’t stop concerted searches. It can be activated or deactivated at will.
-Communications link: An exceptionally powerful comm line. It can broadcast and receive over vast distances, as well as intercept, encrypt and decrypt messages.
-Spark Extractor: Standard equipment on a Vehicon, Blades decided to hold onto it in this new form. After all, it came in handy when he needed to ignite the laser core.
Personality: In his life, Blades has been many things. Quiet, calm, collected, caring, vicious, empathic, bitter, proud. He has been all these and more, and they are but a portion of his self. As a living, growing being, Blades’ personality is not now what it once was, and will not be what it is now forever. For now, however, he is a relative normal bot. He is friendly and easygoing, quick with a quip or a verbal jab. He loves Impact a great deal, and would do most anything for her. He is loyal, but not foolishly so, and is willing to go so far as to disobey a direct order if it is foolish, ill-considered, or too risky for too little gain. He respects Megatron for what he has done, but at the same time knows that it is not so very hard to seize power anymore. Though he strives to protect his friends and preserve the Vehicons, he prefers to do so without taking power directly. Instead, he simply manipulates orders, influences comrades, and pursues whatever agenda he feels will best serve his current mission. Only once has he ever challenged Megatron’s authority directly, and that one time was more than enough. He understands, now, that the situation would have to deteriorate drastically before he could even hope to take control of the Vehicon forces, and he also realises that such a distraction would be ill advised, given the power and proximity of the Brotherhood.
Speaking of whom, there is a special place in Blades’ heart for that organization. He finds them ridiculously ego-centric and suspects their leadership of being on a megalomaniacal drive for control of the whole Transformer race. He despises their cover as being a group dedicated to freeing Cybertron, both because Cybertron has never truly been free and because this freedom seems to be attainable only through the deaths of Megatron, Burnout, and himself. Though willing to die for his comrades, Blades would fight viciously against either the Brotherhood or the Angels if they attempted to seize power once more.
Despite his reformation into a bot of good standing, Blades is still capable of committing nearly any act. He recognises the usefulness of fear and terror in a military campaign, and would not be averse to torture, should the need arise. He is more than ready to kill another living being if it suits his purposes, though he generally attempts to dispatch them as quickly and painlessly as possible. He is not cruel or vindictive, he simply knows that there is no such thing as a ‘clean’ war, and that people who persist in trying to fight one will fall.
History: Blades was created in the very beginning of the Vehicon Era, and is one of the oldest Vehicons to still remain functional. In his time, he has battled the Maximals and Predacons, Decepticons, other Vehicons, and even the Chaos-Bringer himself, Unicron. He has had two loves, Alcione, who has died, and Impact, who is his current girlfriend. He has survived the great Apocalypse Storm, and piloted a starship into the very mind of Unicron. He has died and returned, rebuilt better than before and freed of the dangers of his spark being stolen, or liberated, by replacing it with a laser core of his own. Briefly, he possessed a fortress of his own, though that was destroyed in Unicron’s devastating attack on Cybertron. He made an enemy of the Brotherhood of Steel early on in his life, and has fought them bitterly every step of the way. He has made and lost friends, both passing acquaintances and great companions, and mourns the deaths of his comrades.
Recently, he was demoted due to an ill-advised action undertaken on his part, and retains a standing equal to Burnout’s only unofficially. His constant companion, a copy of his neural net created after his ‘death’ has taken form, and the pair of them are rather close, though not terribly so.
Mission istory:
*still collecting.*
Created By: Ironhide