Meanwhile, the Neobiotic ship crash landed on Earth, and the Maximals set out to try and repair the ship. Shortly afterwards, they were being rounded back up into the Neobiotc vessel by a militaristic force of humans, called the Terraspace Force, led by Commander Jake Stone. The Maximals were taken to the Terraspace Force complex in the middle of the Atlantic, and being held there for safety reasons, though they were given free roam of the complex. After discussions about who they were and what happened, Stone let them roam around the complex. Some of the Maximals, like Primator and Essex, returned to the ship to see what they could do to get it up again. Others simply chose to wander or do other things.
Back on Mars, the Tricons were being held as prisoners before they were taken before Vladimir Kreeger, leader of the Kreeger Faction, a terroist organization bent on destroying the Terraspace Force and taking Terraspace for themselves. After a chat about each other, Kreeger freed the Tricons, but left them with a proposition: help the Kreeger Faction destroy the Terraspace Force and they could have the Spacebridge buried deep within the Earth. The Tricons were given an hour to think the proposition over, but at this time, Isotron, who was with SED aboard the Tricon vessel, managed to escape the Mars colony, with the help of Flare, and make his way to Earth to join back up with T2 and the rest of the Tri-Dynasty.
Back on Earth, a new Maximal appeared on the scene, a raptor named 10110, a former slave who was welcomed into the Maximal ranks. In the meantime, Primator made a discovery concerning the Neobiotic ship and the organic goo he could produce. When he threw it into a stove like apparatus, it glowed brightly, bnut soon died down. He kept feeding it, but had Essex give a sample of the goo to the Terran scientist Neon to try and replicate it, but to no avail. In the main courtyard, Oscillate, with his newly discovered potential, began mediatating, but soon took up teaching Prodigy of his ways. At the same time, Final, Blaize, and Syren were trying to escape from the complex, but that route when down.
When the Tricons returned to their ship, Deadpool accidentally discovered a hidden message from Megatron, which gave orders on constructing a new leader to take his place, so Maolduin spear-headed the project, and also created his "offspring" Firewire, a fibrocon like him. Together, with the spark provided by Megatron, their created the body and gave life to Gothic, the new Tricon leader. About the same time, the Tricon Phantoma appeared, claiming to have been offline on the ship. Under the new leadership of Gothic, the Tricons accepted the offer of Kreeger's, but kept the three new Tricons a secret from the humans. They were given two battle cruisers, the Existenz and the Vulcon and led the first wave towards Earth.
Back on Earth, the Maximals were experiencing a few problems of their own. Final and her pets, along with Corkscrew, managed to escape aboard an armored skimmer, but Stone sent three squadrons in pursuit. After the recovery of Isotron and SED from their wreck, T2 went about healing them, and in the process, gave them new bodies. It was soon after, though, that the alarms went off and the attack had begun. The Kreeger Faction, in conjunction with the Tricons, were attacking Earth, more specifically, the Austrailian Terraspace Force complex. Stone set off to oversee the battle in his Thunder Hammer, and soon after, the Maximals left to join in the Laserhawk. The Tricons, meanwhile, found little resistance and took the complex easily, but not for the Kreeger Faction, but for the Tricons themselves.