The aliens, called Neobiotics and looked like techno-organics, attacked the Tricons, but paid no heed to the Maximals. Titus and Mimik easily overcame the Tricons, who were forced to retreat, but before they arrived back at their base, a few Maximals managed to recover their ship and secure in the catacombs. After the battle, a female techno-organic named Backlash met up with and joined Final and Blaize. After the escape by the Tricons, the Neobiotics welcomed the Maximals and Vapor answered a feq questions for them, but then returned into their ship.
The Neobiotics split up, Vapor taking a few drones to the planet's core, Mimik to the Tricon base, and Titus to the Tri-Dynasty's base. About this time, a space pod crashed onto Cybertron and a few Maximals managed to save the Maximal Sky Fire from it, taking her back to their base. Back at the Tricon base, Mimik was engaged by a few Tricons while Final and Co. went to the Tri-Dynasty base, arriving after Titus did. Eventually though, Titus ended up attacking thos at the Tri-Dynasty base, and a few Maxiamls joine din too. Titus was forced to retreat after the base was destroyed and receiving heavy damage. Mimik likewise retreated back to the ship and Vapor returned as well, after taking a sample from the planet's core with Primator's okay. Meanwhile, on the surface, the Maximals came across a Maximal named Preacher, who joined up with them and they returned to their base. The Neobiotics returned to their ship and began their true agenda, with Deadpool and Prototype in their hands.