After the Apocalypse Storm, the Brotherhood all but dissolved. Kangus, Wraith, and Bigwheel went missing, Blitzkreig presumed destroyed, and Air Rider and Chainlink were tampered with and turned into Loyalists. This went on for a while, until Kangus resurfaced, now known as Kahngus. Chainlink had managed to get past the memory blocking installed by Megatron and rejoined the Brotherhood, and even brought Air Rider, then known as Vector, back to his original self. It was now that the Brotherhood grew. Bigwheel and Wraith both returned, the noble knight Airplague joined, along with newcomers BlastMaster and Darkchylde.
Then Unicron struck, but the Brotherhood stood strong, seeing that survival was more important than other matters, they teamed with the Loyalists and managed to destory the Dark God forever, but Cybertron was destroyed in the proccess. Darkmount managed to survive and so did the Brotherhood, but Kahngus had, by now, become some what of a vegetable, and Air Rider and Airplague assumed leadership of the Brotherhood. Then began the nine month period of reconstruction, and their old member Runic returned. Also, during this period, Airplague began the plan to rebuild Cybertron using Kahngus' grav-generators and pull the shards of Cybertron back together, creating New Cybertron, with Darkmount as it's epicenter.
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