Name: Chamber
Aliases: N/A
Serial Number: VMME-712-
Spark Identity: Zzyxx/Fortress Maximus

Faction: Vehicon
Allegiance: Megatronian Loyalist

Type: Triple-Changer
Vehicle Mode: Heavy Flame Tank
Alternate Mode: Barrage Attack Cruiser
Function: Front Line Fortification

Height: 15'
Size: Large

Theme Song: "Praise of a Fallen Soul" Dropkick Murphys
Quote: "Science intrigues me. Flames complete me. Both weapons destroy you."

Physical Description:
Chamber under went some physical changes when reborn with a melded spark. Not only did he gain a third mode, his physical appearance in robot and tank mode have changed, and he has grown somewhat.

-Heavy Flame Tank: Similar to his original design. A pike is ejected at the middle in the lower section of the front of the tank. His fuel tank is no greater than it was, but has a stronger armor incasing it. A large portion of the tank only holds storage and the parts for his more complex third mode. His treads are now more oponed up on the outside, allowing for an easier take out of them. The fuel tank is sorrounded by two large metal plates, and the pike now has a plate overhanging it.

-Barrage Attack Cruiser: The two metal plates sorrounding the fuel tank rise up. Their fronts upon to let their cannons come out, below these plates engines appear, not very powerful but stong enough to get him going. The treads slide out to reveal maunevering wings with the treads acting as weights for faster barrel rolls, and other similar maunevers. The wings have maunvering busters on the bottom and top of the wing, and on the outside of the treads. The plate overhanging the pike folds down and rests in front of it to let a small platform appear. A small fighter drone, having Fort Max's Cog's programming rests there. The metal palte itself becomes a 'cockpit.' Repulsor pods on the bottom of the craft start up to give the craft some lift. Though this mode has a better attack rate, with the two foward facing cannons, and the fighter drone, its speed lacks greatly, at nearly half of Chamber's tank mode, and even less a portion of his robot mode speed. However the maunevering is much better than tank mode, but a little less than 'bot mode.

-Robot mode: From the HFT mode. The treads fold down to form the legs. The wings of the BAC mode are slid together inside. The arms fold out from underneath, exposing the engines, but not the cannons. The engines now work as a jetpack. The flame pike comes out of the head portion, and the fuel tank remains on his back in-between the engines. He now has to use his favorite weapon more proportianatly, as the engines draw from the same fuel location. His foward tank section pulls down, and half of the cannons can be seen, but not used. A small laser rifle is holstered on his right side. From the spark welding, his robot mode has suffered greatly in armanents, but armoring, strength, and speed have been increased. His head has been slightly altered. A small white cross is emblazoned on his forehead, and two small prongs stick out from each side, curving and then going straight up. He still remains the face-plate, though it is smaller. His eyes still burn crimson. His coloring, however, has changed slightly. His entire body has been painted in a camoflague-like red and brown scheme. Those parts not seen in tank mode are now black with a fiery red tint to them.

Strength: 9
Speed: 6
Skill: 9
Stamina: 8
Intelligence: 9
Firepower: 10
Discipline: 8
Aim: 7

Due to the melding, Chamber is now capable of interstellar flight while in cruiser mode. He still remains his telepathic control over flames, flame articulation as its known, but he must refine it again in this new body, as how the flame moved had to do with certain parts of the body.

HFT mode:
-Flame pike: A small nozzle that sprouts from the low center front of the tank. Its capable of firing flames up to ten feet in front of him. The heat is held steady while the flame is being fired. The heat can be set before another firing. Its a dark red color. The flame can melt all but the hardest of metals, but even the softer ones take some time. The fuel capacity is near ten gallons of the fuel, which is also used for the jet engines of the BAC.
BAC mode:
-Barrage Cannons: Large projectile cannons which can launch a single rocket at a time. The cannons protrude from under metal plates to three feet. Under the metal plates the launching system and reload system are held. When not exposed the barrel slides down into and arround itself. Their are fifteen rockets loaded in each barrel. A small recoil is felt, but is usually compensated by the foward push of the jet engines. A larger problem is the heat of the blast, though Chamber's armor is heat tempered, much of what's under the armor is exposed in this mode. He has to wait at least a minute before firing a second rocket from the same barrel. The cannons are a cold red color. The rockets themselves are not very large, only about a foot long. Most of this is explosives, with the propulsion system housed in a small rod coming out of the back of the rocket's main housing. The rocket's tip is red, and the rest of the projectile is black, except for the red tips on the three fins.
-Cog the Fighter Drone: Cog's programming was uploaded from Fort Max's memories. The drone however is, a small interstellar fighter craft, with a small winch on its lower side to pick up certain things. The drone itself is colored white with a red streak down the middle and a red streak on each wing. The wings are foward swept from the back, and directly connected to the exposed engine which makes for the back end of the center array. The drone has a blast gun at the end of each wing. The drone is two feet in lenght, and its platform is three-and-a-half feet.
Robot mode:
-Flame Pike: As was stated before, Chamber's articulation of flames has been hurt slightly by his new body, and he must again atain the perfection he had before. But until he is as precise as he was, a console has been added which can be pressed to lengthen, shorten, or heat up the flame. The nozzle is a dark red, and the shaft is a red tinted dark black. The console is the same color as the nozzle. The shaft is seven feet long. The blade that was holstered at the end is gone, replaced with a small spike. An armored segmented hose from the top of the pike is connected to the fuel tank, and can be easily cut with a sharp enough blade. The hose is black, with red in between its armor segments.
-Blast pistol: A small black gun which is usually only used as a hold out weapon. Its only a little over a foot-and-a-half long. It has a small range of fifty feet, and only holds twenty-one charges. The weapon can usually only pierce weak armor, but will still cause pain to heavier armored 'bots.

-Beast Mode Sensor: Works like a sonar pulse, can detect a Maximal in beast mode for a short period of time, and inscribes the location into Chamber's sensor as a expanding circle, showing approximately how far the Maximal could have gotten in the time since initial pulse. The pulse takes five minutes to recharge.
-Self-aid kit: A small kit which contains equipment to give himself medical attention whenever his internal repair systems are not capable, or are moving to slow.

Personality: Chamber's bonding to Fortress Maximus has caused some side-affects. His personality sometimes dips into Fort Max's memories, and during times like this, he won't even answer to the name Chamber, and sometimes laps into and out of stasis. When he is not affected, he is very cool and calm, often acting without words or commands. Though at times he acts without properly thinking about what he is doing, which is what brought his first demise, at least in his mind. He sometimes feels inadaquate for his job, after making the mistake that he did. Once he actually gets into the battle, he is just as he has always been. He becomes even more like his old self when in close combat, especially melee or hand-to-hand. When in recreational times, he enjoys scuplting flames, and has created some of the most beautiful things ever seen. However, his scupltures can not last, as he must mentally hold them together. However, he can create scupltures from metal, but is not as good at this.

History: In Chamber's past life, he had been in love with a femme named Skyburn, a Decepticon. The two fled from the war for sometime, until Skyburn left him secretly in the night. He learned several years later that she had been dissasembled and her spark had been put into a bank of some sort. Himself being an Autobot, one of the last, he didn't entirely understand the plague that was sweeping the organics would affect him as well. A few days later, Megatron's poison had overtaken him as well. Chamber has been in the service of Megatron since nearly the beggining, and never truly liked him, though he has gotten used to him. He became friends with Blades, whose past he still doesn't know, though he doesn't care that much. He threw most of his own past away. Except for Skyburn. He found her in a Maximal shell. Chamber took her to a private lab and gave her a Vehicon body similar to Jetstorm's. Chamber has had some friends, and many aqcuantances. He recently struck a deal, a treaty of sorts, with the Brotherhood of Steel. They would strengthen his four remaining drones, and he would assist them at times when they require him. After Chamber died at the hands of the gesalt Omikron, Chamber's last hope was a spark melding. A diagnostic drone chose Fortress Maximus spark from a small bank that was stored on the Destronger in case of emergencies like this one. The reason for the selection of Fort Max's spark was 1.his intellegence, particulary that of war and weapons, and 2.his small medical knowledge. Though Chamber is not a medic now, he is capable of doing minor repairs which if attempted withouth this new knowledge, would most likely have worsened the patients case. For some reason, more injuries were being encounterd in the Vehicon ranks. The operation was simple, performed by Quantium and Frenzy with the help of a diagnostic and a maintenence drone.

Mission History:

Created By: Chamber