Name: Deathscythe Apocalypse
Number: XXXG-01D2
Pilot: Dice Kammerer
Engineer: Dice Kammerer

Height: Head height: 16.3 meters
Weight: 8 metric tons

Armor Material: Gundanium Alloy

Standard Armaments:
-Vulcan Gun x2: Standard Vulcans.
-Buster Shield x1: Buster Shield from the Deathscythe Hell.
-Double-Ended Beam Scythe: A beam scythe that is capable of emitting a beam blade from end on the opposite sides. Also able to separate at the middle and be used as two smaller, separate scythes.

Optional Armaments:
-Heat Rod and Shield x1: Exactly like the one used by the Epyon, but kept on pack on the back when not in use.

-Hyper Jammer x2
-Active Cloak

Ability Stats:

Fighting Ability: 170
Weapon Ability: 130
Speed Ability: 170
Power Ability: 130
Armored Ability: 140

Physical Appearance: Looks like the Deathscythe Hell Custom from Endless Waltz, except it has the torso of Deathscythe Hell from Gundam Wing, and has a second pair of wings. The pair from the Custom DH are used for his active cloak, while the second pair looks like the ones from the Epyon, except they are midnight black, and used for flight. Has the buster shield on his left forearm, his double-ended beam scythe held on his back, along with the Heat Rod and Shield. It also has the head of the first Deathscythe Hell.

History: After Dice saw the blueprints for the custom Deathscythe Hell, he went to work on his own modifications and submitted it to one of the engineers. The Deathscythe Apocalypse was built. After the war, he placed the DA, along with the Meltdown, in storage in the abandoned colony Greymount, where it sat for three years, until Dice and Jennifer reactivated them after the surfacing of the Zephyre Dynasty and Crimson Genesis.

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