Name: Don Juan
Aliases: The Archbishop Don “The Magic” Juan, The Magic, The Archbishop
Faction: Predacon
Affiliation: The Lightly Browned Empire
Type: Modeless
Size: 8 ft. Medium
Gender: Male
Primary Function: Pimp Daddy
Secondary Function: Heavy Assault
Theme Song: “Area Codes” - Ludacris
Quote: “Pimpin' ain't easy baby.”

Strength: 6
Speed: 4
Stamina: 5
Skill: 9
Firepower: 10
Intelligence: 7
Aim: 7
Discipline: 7
Luck: 8

Physical Description: Don, like most other modeless bots, has a luxury that normal Transformers don't. He can wear clothes, and wear them he does. His entire body is colored ivory, but most of it can't be seen. Let me first state that every piece of clothing he wears is colored a royal purple and any decorations will be mentioned later. On his feet he wears suede shoes with gold metal rings for the black laces. For pants he wears full length pants made of silk, colored purple. He wears a black leather belt with a huge gold Predacon insignia buckle encrusted with diamonds. He wears a matching purple silk shirt, button up and collared, with a pocket over his left pectoral muscle. In the pocket he always keep a white handkerchief embroidered with the letter DJ in purple. Around his neck he wears three gold necklaces. One is just a simple chain, the second one has a gold medallion encrusted in diamonds on that says Don Juan and the third, a larger chain, holds a gold wall clock that hangs down to the middle of his chest. An you can't forget the obligatory purple velvet cloak outlined with pure white fur. On the back on this clock his name is embroidered in gold. He keeps his arenal in holsters that line the inside of his cape. On his right hand he wears a gold ring on each finger. The thumb ring i just a solid gold band, the index ring has a ruby on it, the middle has an emerald, the ring finger ring an amethyst stone and the pinky ring a big ol' diamond. On his left hand he just has one solid ring across his four fingers that says Don and has diamonds encrusted on it. He usually carries his cane in his right hand. His face is shaped very much like a humans, just squared around the edges. His optics glow purple, his nose is rather small for a male's and he was a slick smirk that, when he smiles, reveals a couple gold teeth in his mouth. And to top it all off, he wears a big ol' purple velvet rimmed hat with a huge gold feather sticking out of it.

-Leadership: A Pimp has got to be able to rally his ladies on a moments notice, doesn't he?
-Persuasion: A smooth talker from creation made only better by his pimptitude.
-Social: Come on, he's a pimp.
-Teaching: Pimpology
-Autofire Weapons
-Hand to Hand Combat: Don Juan has become a proficient hand to hand combatant, mostly with the use of his pimp hand slap.
-Heavy Weapons
-Melee: Fencing

-Cane Sword: Measuring five feet in length and made of tritanitum, the cane is colored purple with a gold tip bottom and the top has a gold ornament replica of his right hand, every detail is included down to each of the rings. Don can pull the top out and reveal a thin gold colored blade. Folded over 200 times to ensure the strength and durability of it, the blade measures 3 feet in length and is able to pierce through medium strength armor cleanly. Used only when he needs to, which is when the enemy gets too close or when he runs out of ammo.
-Pulse Pistols x4: Picture
The most commonly used weapons, these pistols are based off the ones found in the TV series Farscape. Able to fire 25 blasts per charge, a single blast is able to pierce weaker armors and put some dents in most other armors. He carries four of these because of the limited amount of blasts and it takes each pistol 20 minutes to fully recharge, which he really can't afford in the middle of battle. Colored purple with gold trim.
-Assault Rifle: Picture
Based of the assault rifle from Unreal Tournament 2004, this gun is able to hold 80 rounds per clip and fires at about 10 rounds per second tops. A single round won't do much, but when an entire clip is emptied on a single target, it could rip weak-medium strength armors easily. Clips are loaded in the rear and Don usually carries five extra clips with him. The gun is colored purple with gold trim of course.
-The Love Gun:
His trump card. Based off the Flak Cannon from Unreal Tournament 2004, it able to fire off canisters off ball bearings. Due to the power of the cannon, the canisters are ripped upon upon firing, sending the bearings at high speeds in all directions. One ball bearing can easily tear through medium strength armor and dent heavy armors will a bunch of bearings can really mess you up. Used only when he needs to because the cannon can only hold canisters and he only carries three spare canisters with him at a time, he commonly relies on it as his ace in the hole.

-Fool: His little personal assistant. Is shaped like a cube, but has rounded edges and two arms. Measuring 2 ft by 2 ft., Fool is the compartment and assistant of Don Juan. The bottom half of the front side can open up to a little pocket of sub-space, in which is kept Don's goblet which is always filled with a fine Courvoisier. Fool moves around via a hover generator built into the bottom of him so he is always hovering around Don Juan at all times. Fool also acts as Don PDA and Beeper, keeping the schedules and numbers of his ladies across the galaxy and is really the only way to get in touch with him is through his beeper. Fool has two arms that end with three rounded finger. The left one, however, can open it's palm and is able to shake the baby powder stored in the sub-space pocket onto Don Juan's hands for a pimp slap. Colored a metallic purple with a single red optic on the front of the body that is outlined with a gold ring.
-Goblet: A simply shaped gold goblet that has diamonds encrusted around the base and the rim. Around the middle of the cup he has a ring of circular rubies placed into it. Always filled with a fine Courvoisier to keep his thirst quenched.

Personality: Don “The Magic” Juan is the epitome of a socialite. He looks and acts high class to the right people, but under it all he is a party animal. He loves going to the clubs and dancing up a storm with all the fine fembots across the galaxy. He treats the ladies like a true gentleman, always having Fool open the doors for them and pulling out their chairs and what not. While he does whisper sweet nothings into their audio receptors, he is always trying to add the finest ladies to his intergalactic stable. And he usually won't give up until they are working for him, one way or another. He treats his ladies very well, but will not put it past him to take them down a few notches if they act out of line.

Don Juan is not a fighter by nature, rather the playa hating brought on by everyone else has made him a little bit of a fighter. The only reason he has such a large and powerful arsenal is because he uses them in defense more often than not. Whenever he is threatened or one of his working ladies is threatened, he loses it and whips out one of his toys to take care of the problem. Really the only reason he has aligned himself with the Toastmaster and his Lightly Browned Empire is because of the benefits. The benefits of less costly travel across the galaxy, the benefit of having some more firepower if needed and the benefit of meeting some more fine ladies. He holds respect form his fellow teammates, just as long as they respect him and his business. He can often be found trying to offer them the services of his ladies, as he feels everyone has an equal opportunity to experience, their services. He'll often invite anyone who wants to to come party or drink with him,but doesn't wait for an answer before leaving.

History: Don Juan was, once upon a time, a Maximal. He lived a normal life, volunteering for the military like any good bot and all. Unfortunately he found that he wasn't much of a soldier so he left. Instead of getting a job, he started chasing after the fembots and became a little bit of a slacker. It was during this time that he stumbled upon an escort service and called them up. After a fun night, the Don asked her about the business and if it was worth it. After some discussion Don decided he would start up his own escort service, except treat his ladies much better than other. And so Don “The Magic” Juan was born. After a couple stellar cycles of searching and hiring, Don Juan and Company was open for business.

It started off good, his ladies picking up enough jobs to make a little bit of profit, enabling him to expand his stable. But that's when “The Man” started to crack down. They often busted his ladies for prostitution, angering Don greatly. He fought the charges, but they were always charged. After some thought, Don left Cybertron for other planets but everywhere he went, it was the same thing. Law Enforcement, always the Maximals. He decided to leave his Maximal heritage behind and switched allegiances to Predacons because they were more receptive to the business he was in. Year passed and his business bloomed. He had more ladies on various planets than he could remember so he has a personal assistant built. Thus Fool came into his life.

As he became more rich, he also became much more of a party man. It wasn't long before he got his trademark clothes and equipment. Things were starting to look damn good for him until the law started hassling him again. He decided to finally take matters into his own hands and bought a very powerful arsenal to protect himself and his ladies. Thus he became a little bit of a wanted criminal, but his business only picked up. It was about this time that he came across the Toastmaster, who offered him many thing such as protection and an opportunity to expand his business assets in return for his services. Without a moment's hesitation, he accepted the Toastmaster's and started his life in the Lightly Browned Empire.

Known Acquaintances:
-Too many fembots to list them all.

Created By: Dice