Final's Menagerie

This group, although small, has become one of the well known groups in recent history. Currently consisting of three beings, it is a rather "sensual" and dangerous collaboration. It's Mistress, or leader, is the techno-organic Final, whose skills as both an assassin and a lover have proven to be the end and beginning for some. It started with her and then she won over Blaize, the former Maximal wolf turned slave, originally for the love of another. But that soon changed as he grew very affectionate and protective of Final, and soon they were inseparable. And it remained like this, the two of them, for the duration of the Cybertronian leg of the Maximal-Tricon war. Until the third came along. Syren, a techno-organic Predacon, came into the company of the Maximals for survival purposes until she was tricked by Final to put on one of her control collars. Slowly, Syren succumbed to the pain and, through many lessons from both Final and Blaize, as well as a vision from the Oracle, she accepted them as her new family. And so Final's Menagerie was created.

While the trio are all techno-organics, they are not sided with the Maximals, but rather with the Tricons, as Final was originally a Tricon. After they returned to the Tricons under the new leadership of Gothic, Final saw her sister Phantoma for the first time in ages and they have resumed their relationship. Final's Menagerie love two things: love and pain. Whether it's feeling each other's love, giving other pain or giving/receiving painful love, they are a family. A deadly one at that.

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