Name: Freschtine
Faction: Maximal
Primary Function: Psychoanalyst
Secondary Function: Field Medic
Beast Mode: Poison Dart Frog/Snapping Turtle
Type: Fuzor
Gender: Male
Height: 5 ft.

Theme Song: "Standing On The Shoulders of God" - Noize Inc.

Physical Appearance:
-Robot Mode: Freschtine is short and his bottom half is boxy. His legs take on the form of a turtle’s legs, look like small tree trunks, with the short, blunt feet, but the feet retain the sticky nature of a frog’s feet. His legs are colored neon green with black sectional, rectangular patches on the outside of his upper legs. His mid section is colored the pea green of the underbelly, with the neon green hexagon located where a human abdomen would be. His chest is neon green with half of his beast mode head over each pec. On his back, his turtle shell has decreased in size slightly, but remains the pea green with spiny outcroppings. On his shoulders, an outcropping, similar to the ones on his shell, sticks out away from his head. His arms are long and lanky, colored neon green, with a black patch encircling each upper arm. Each arm ends in a hand with three long fingers on each. His head has an orb shape, colored neon green with three black stripes going down the top of his head. He also retains the optics of his beast mode, where the right one is pure white while the left one is black with a small black pupil. His right optic has a circular shape while his left one has the shape of one like Vegeta’s. (See a picture to see what I’m talking about.) His mouth looks like a normal mouth, except no visible teeth, and he has a small nose, upon which rests a pair of small spectales.
-Beast Mode: In beast mode, Freschtine looks mainly like a Poison Dart Frog, colored neon green with black splotches scattered about his body, but on his body, he has a Snapping Turtle shell, where it is colored pea green and has numerous spiny outcroppings protruding from the shell. His hind legs extend from the shell and look like that of the frog’s, except instead of long toes, the foot is a short, blunt stub, like a turtle, and the bottom is entirely sticky. His fore legs are entirely like a frog’s, long, slender, with long, sticky toes. The underbelly of the shell is color the pea green, with a neon green hexagon in the middle. The head looks like that of a frog, with his right eye larger than his left, his right eye colored purely white while the left is black with a white pupil. The mouth looks like a frog’s, but the tip comes to a curved tip, forming a tough, small beak.

Strength: 4
Speed: 5
Skill: 10
Stamina: 7
Firepower: 4
Aim: 8
Intelligence: 8
Discipline: 9
Luck: 8

-First Aid: Freschtine has received a full and thorough study and degree in the area of First Aid and Field Medicine.
-Physician: Field Medic: Has undergone extensive studies in the area of Field Medicine.
-Physician: Specialist: Freschtine has been trained in all fields of psychoanalysis and pyschology, excelling in psychoanalysis.
-Firearms: Has been trained in the use of various forms of firearms, but rarely uses this skill.

-Blaster: A simple, standard issue blaster. Similar to the ones used by the Autobots and Decepticons, it fires a small blast of beam energy at a rate of three blasts per second. Kept in his shell.
-Laser Rifle: This is a rather big rifle, it’s appearance taking it’s origins from that of a Terran rifle. The gun has a black body with a shoulder rest, has a trigger like a Terran rifle, and also has a black scope fixed on top that has a 100 yard range. The barrel is long and black. It fires a one second laser beam, colored red, and needs recharging after an extended period of time. While it looks rather harmful, it can only pierce the weakest armors and barely cause a scratch on the strongest of armors. Kept in his shell.

-Shell: His turtle shell is his biggest piece of equipment. It doubles as both a strong shield, able to withstand all firepower up to medium-high strength, but also acts as his pocket of sub-space, where he keeps both of his weapons and all of his equipment.
-Psychoanalyst Set: This is a package that contains a compact, foldable chair, and data pad, and an electronic pen. Used for his various psychoanalystic sessions with his teammates.
-Medical Instruments: Kept in a large white box, marked with a red cross, is a wide variety of medical instruments, ranging from syringes, laser scalpels, welders, etc.
-Hover Stretcher: A small, compact stretcher that consists of three metal slabs, with a hover generator on each one, and in each slab are electric generators that create a electric net between the slabs to hold the patient. Able to carry most bots with ease.
-Monopoly: He carries around an old Terran version of the game, which appears to be an original set.

Personality: Freschtine is most definitely a complex character. His foremost and most obvious trait is his psychoanalytic side. Whenever he talks, he speaks with the stereo-typical shrink voice, rolling his r’s and with an Austrian accent. He enjoys just sitting down with his fellow teammates and just letting them talk about their problems in life while he listens, writes, and helps them out by offering solutions. While he enjoys helping others, he also spends a lot of time talking to himself about his own problems, explaining them, and even offers himself solutions as well. He even takes his love for psychoanalysis to the extreme, often asking enemies to share their problems to release their pent-up emotions, but it just confuses or enrages them even further. And while acting as field medic, he often tells his patients to talk about themselves and their problems, saying that that talking tends to take their minds off the pain while he works on them. While he does enjoy talking about problems, if you ask him about his past, his feelings for the Predacon Smiley will surface and he will enter a fury of rage, followed by a period of sorrow and grieving for his departed friend Velocity.

While his field medic personality is not that obvious, it does show. Whenever on the job, he is always talking complicated, like a professional surgeon or something, often asking himself for various medical instruments. While he is a medic, he does have some faults, the first being his fear of syringes. He cannot stand looking at one, and usually looks away when he is using them. His other fear is that of mech fluid. While he can act perfectly as a field medic, the sight of mech fluid just gives his the willies, often shaking when he sees some leaking from a body.

Overall, Freschtine is a Transformer that absolutely detests all forms of fighting, and only carries two weapons to ensure the safety of not only himself, but also the safety of his patients. In fact, his dislike of war led to his choice of professions. By being a psychoanalyst, his goal is to talk to Transformers and try to aid them in releasing their pent-up rage and emotions before they act upon them, and thus stops a fight. By being a field medic, he feels he is able to save lives that could have been lost in battle, and at the same time, do his psychoanalytic job, preaching the evils of war, and other stuff along those lines.

While trying to achieve what is, to him, "perfection", he does have a few pet peeves, which he knows he must overcome, but it’s not working out too well. His biggest peeve is when people do not cooperate with him, whether it be pure ignorance or an over-active teen bot. Another pet peeve is when people mock him by trying to imitate his voice and acting like a shrink. When someone does, he turns dead silent and simply walks away, even in the middle of a psychoanalytic session, but he usually forgets about it within a mega cycle. His last pet peeve is when people try and act smart by pretending their medics, and play around with the equipment, talk likes medics, etc. These situations usually end up with the wise crack having a few needles sticking out of his skid plate and Freschtine laughing hysterically.

In light of his pet peeves, he does enjoy doing many extra activities. He enjoys just sitting down, listening to some symphonic and orchestral music, and just letting his ideas flow out of him and onto his data pad in the form of short stories, which he has a large collection of stored in memory sticks, which he also enjoys reading these to others who want to listen. He also enjoys creating and constructing models of various types of spacecraft, ranging from large scale warships to small scale star hoppers. But his favorite activity, besides psychoanalysis, is playing the board game Monopoly, insisting that it takes a great thinking mind to master this game, and that there is more to it than just the business and fun factor, and that he will find it, even if it means spending his entire life doing so. He openly challenges everyone he comes into contact with to a game of Monopoly, but he is a hard opponent to beat, since he has been playing it any time he can for over a hundred stellar cycles. He is also a daring bot, willing to try everything at least once in his life, always looking for some new hobbies and also trying to better acquaint himself with the people around him.

Underneath all this lies a personality of strong ideals, a strong sense of justice and revenge, and a sense of emptiness and longing. With spending more than 3/4ths of his life as a Law Enforcement officer, he has developed a strong sense of justice, and what is right and wrong. He feels that the current judicial system is a little overjudging, often committing criminals to punishments that do not fit the crime, and feels that it needs to be changed. He has strong ideals, those being that he is very trust worthy and he feels that all beings are honorable is one way or another, and never judges a being by looks, often discovering their personality during a psychoanalytic session. He always extends his hand of trust and friendship to those he meets, but he is careful in where his loyalties lie. Ever since the death of Velocity at the hands of Smiley, Freschtine has always carried a spark of hatred for Smiley, seeking revenge, and for Smiley, at all times, but he has never manifested into a metaphysical form, yet. Along with that spark of hatred is a large void of emptiness, in which only his remembrance and longing for his friend Velocity lies, and can never be filled again.

History: Freschtine was brought online on Cybertron during the period of peace between all factions of Transformers. For some odd reason, he chose the beast mode of a Poison Dart Frog, stating that it looked cool. After receiving his beast mode, he then set out into the world to try and find a profession. First he tried his hand at cooking. When he started out, he was doing great, making his way up to the top of his profession, but then he accidentally burned down an entire restaurant while preparing a full meal. He then realized he was not suited for this, so he tried his hand at Chemistry. Well, things didn’t turn out too good either, when he accidentally blew up a lab when he mixed some energon with some acid. He managed to get out of it alive, and he gave up on Chemistry. He then decided to try his hand at being a stand-up comedian. He played his first gig at a place called the Energon Lounge, where after the first joke, he was promptly forced off stage by flying chairs, tables, and various vegetables. Thinking that he would never be good at anything in life, he met a Maximal named Velocity, who happened to be part of the Law Enforcement on Cybertron, and had a beast mode of a snapping turtle. Freschtine gave Law Enforcement a shot and it worked out for him. He learned how to properly handle firearms and what not, but then he branched out in a field medic, where he was taught Medical Aid 101.

After completing his training in Field Medicine, Freschtine returned to normal street patrol with Velocity, and they became the best of friends, often stopping by the local donut shop and partaking in a bite or two. It was during on of these donut stops that he found a set of the Terran game Monopoly laying in the dumpster outside the shop. He took it and began playing it constantly, often with Velocity always losing. They spent the next five stellar cycles doing normal patrol, until a twisted Predacon named Smiley pulled a bank robbery. Freschtine and Velocity were called to apprehend the suspect, which they accepted. When the arrived at the bank, they found Smiley just leaving. Freschtine tried to stop him, but Smiley easily knocked Freschtine aside. Velocity then tried his hand at Smiley, but Smiley got the better of Velocity, and ripped his head off, followed by his spark. Freschtine watched on in horror as Smiley destroyed the spark and took the head as a trophy. Freschtine then had a breakdown, was decommissioned from the Cybertron Police, and spent the next few stellar cycles of his life in depression.

Finally, Freschtine was able to snap out of it and went to some local scientists. He asked if the scientists could alter his body with parts from Velocity’s body. They said it was risky, but Freschtine wanted to do it anyway. So they put him under and began operating on him. After the operation, Freschtine awoke to see his new body, similar to that of his old one, but it how had the Velocity’s shell, and a few other modifications. Freschtine then became a wanderer, with nothing in life to do, but he always asked himself one question, why?

He then rejoined the Cybertron Police under a new department, the Psychology Department. It was here that Freschtine learned and mastered his skills of psychoanalysis and all fields of psychology, and also his dislike of fighting, rooting from Velocity’s death. He spent many years in this department, learning from the best and eventually becoming the best, teaching new officers. A few stellar cycles later, the Police managed to capture Smiley, who had now become a wanted Predacon across the galaxy. Smiley was sentenced to the death penalty, but before he was sent to die, Freschtine asked why did he kill Velocity like he did, and Smiley responded by simply saying "Because I could." Freschtine left with a sense of confusion in his mind and went home. When he got home, he had found out that Smiley managed to escape before they could kill him, and that they have no idea of where he had went. Freschtine decided to take some time off from the Cybertron Police and devoted the next three stellar cycles to mastering Monopoly. It was during this time that he started talking to himself, as if he was talking to Velocity, who was inside him or something.

After living, in what appeared to be solitude, for three stellar cycles, Freschtine returned to the Cybertron Police with a new sense of justice and aspect on criminal psychology. Over the next few years, the Cybertron Police were able to crack down on and capture some of the most notorious criminals on Cybertron with Freschtine’s help. Feeling that he had done his job on Cybertron, he signed up for the Galaxy Police, thinking that he had much more to do in space, and he was also on the search for Smiley. He spent the past ten stellar cycles serving as Chief Psychoanalyst for the Galaxy Police, finding out why criminals did what they did and even helped out in solving unsolved crimes of the past with the new knowledge that he gained. But he still could not find Smiley, and he is still looking for him. Freschtine was then assigned to a small group to patrol the space back around Cybertron, which he gladly accepted. They returned to Cybertron and Freschtine went to Velocity’s memorial to pay his respects. After a little visit to the Police Dept., Freschtine returned boarded a star hopper and went to return to the Galaxy Police ship, when a wormhole appeared near the orbit of Cybertron and sucked Freschtine through. When he emerged on the other side, the star hopper began to malfunction and it crash landed on a organic planet similar to Earth. Freschtine awoke from the crash to find himself on an unknown world with unknown dangers.

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