Name: Impact
Serial Number: VMME-123-456-
Spark Identity: Predacon

Faction: Vehicon
Allegiance: Megatron loyalist

Type: Basic
Vehicle Mode: B-2 Bomber Plane
Function: Demonlitionist

Height: 5 1/2 feet
Size: Small
Theme Song: "Fuel" by Metallica
Quote: "BANG!!! BANG!!!!"

Physical Description:
-Robot Mode: Impact is a brownish-yellow, petite and thin femmebot with various demolitions-related accessories on her. She has thin arms and legs, a small bustline and torso, and a rounded smiling face. She has two mismatched hands- the right hand is a normal feminine five-fingered hand, with a metallic bracelet over the wrist. The left hand is a large metal mitt with a metal gauntlet over the forearm. Impact wears large boots of sorts up to her knees, with built-in kneepads. There is a cut-off point at her ankles, from which sneaker-like feet emerge. She has wide yellow optics and a small perky nose, and even has "hair" of sorts. Two pigtails fashioned out of unneeded wires and conduits form out of ports on her temples, giving her a half innocent-half crazy look. This look has to do with an incident that took place recently, in which a particularly nasty bomb Impact was making blew up in her face. When she awoke in the medlab and looked in the mirror, she saw that a clump of wires was hanging out a large hole in the side of her head. She decided she liked the look and later crafted the pigtails. She wears a munitions belt loosely around her hips, and her flamethrower gas tanks are strapped to her back. Her bomber wings are folded up on her back, along with her cockpit. She has a nuke symbol over her chest and a lit bomb decal on her right shoulder. Her weapons hang from various sheaths and loops on her belt. She speaks in a frenetic, enthusiastic voice and moves as if she is constantly on a sugar rush.

-Bomber Mode: As the Bomber, as she calls it for short, Impact is a long brownish-yellow plane with a firebomb payload underneath the wings. The Bomber itself is scarred and scuffed with strips of the top layer torn away. It has a wingspan of 30 feet and the plane itself is 50 feet long. Back near the exhaust port there are dual fuel ports that form Impact's flamethrower tanks in Robot Mode. The cockpit has scratched black glass windows and dual machine guns. The Bomber doesn't fly very fast or high, but is good for strafing and bombing swoop operations.

-Transformation: The cockpit splits in two: The bottom end slides over backward to become her back as the dual fuel ports slide up over the cockpit to become her flamethrower tanks. The glass end becomes her chest, with the front end pointing downward. The wings shorten until the end of each wing is only as far as her elbow, with the rest folding into her shoulder as her arms fold out. The exhaust port and tail wrap around to become her pelvis, with the exhaust port closed up in her crotch area and the tail turning sideways to become her backside. Her legs fold out from under the plane.

Strength: 6
Speed: 6
Skill: 8
Stamina: 10
Intelligence: 6
Firepower: 10
Discipline: 4
Aim: 3

-High Heat Tolerance: Impact is capable of withstanding temperatures of up to 1000 degrees due to fluctuating moisture control cells in his armor's alloy. Due to this function, Impact can easily walk through flames, resist magma and steam, and endure the heat of an explosion- but not the kinetic force. Meaning, an explosion will still knock her on her arse but at least she won't be burning while it does.
-Extremely Tough Armor: Years of being blown up and apart led Impact to develop an extremely tough alloy armor that can take a lot of damage before she needs extensive repairs. To effect, this means she can be bumped around like a pinball before needing sizable repairs. A necessity in her line of work.
-Strong Left Fist: If you read the Robot Mode description, it lists Impact's left arm as being somewhat broader and longer than her right, with a huge metal mitten instead of a five-fingered hand. This is her bomb-throwing arm, and the hand has a tougher grip, greater density and harder punch than her right hand.

Robot Mode:
-Dual Tank Flamethrower: This is an old-fashioned flamethrower mounted on Impact's back. It has two three-foot medium-armored cylindrical tanks strapped to Impact's back via couplings in her shoulders. The tanks carry up to 100 gallons of fuel each, and are gassed up through a nozzle on the top of each tank. A five-foot long rubber hose emerges from the back, leading to a muzzle thrower shaped roughly like an HK-MP5 submachine gun, except instead of bullets it shoots flame, baby! With a range of 75 feet, that is. When not in use, the thrower and cord coil up into a compartment on the right tank. The gas it runs on is oh so combustible, and to that end Impact is walking around with a timebomb on her back and open to attack. Doesn't seem to bother her, though.
-Grenade Launcher: This is a one 1/2-foot long greenish tube that fires bouncing grenades filled with a combustible solution. It can only hold one grenade at a time, and loads with a joint in the middle that opens the launcher in half. The grenades look like small missiles, greenish with yellow cones. The bombs have an explosion radius of up to 50 feet, and their range varies depending on the position of the launcher upon firing. Impact can also bounce the grenades off walls or skip them along the ground. When not in use, the grenade launcher is stored in a sheath on Impact's back, and extra grenades are kept in pouches on her belt.
-Firebombs: These are specialized combustible cannisters thrown by hand. They are about the size of a soda can, dark gray with a small gauge that reads its timer. They have a fuse of up to 10 seconds via a pullpin you can release. The Firebomb Launcher deactivates the pullpin automatically. Impact can also graft them to walls and program them to detonate either on a timer, proximity sensor, or with a handheld remote she keeps on her. Extra firebombs are stored in pouches on Impact's munitions belt.
-Gatling Rocket Launcher: This is a large, long, unwieldy multi-barrel rocket launcher. It is long and silvery, with a very large round barrel with four barrels within it. It is four feet long and has a diameter of one and a half foot, with a shoulder support near its back on the underside and a grip and trigger near the barrel's underside. To fire, she holds this massive rocket launcher with the shoulder support over her right shoulder, her right hand holding it, and her left hand on the trigger grip. The rocket launcher fires up to four rockets in succession, but has a massive kickback. Impact can barely squeeze off one shot before being knocked backwards by the recoil, but is working on steadying her aim. The rockets have internal fuel supplies that will allow them to run non-stop for two minutes, but knowing Impact, they never need to exploit that trait. They have a general blast radius of 100 feet, and are maybe one foot long each. She loads the rocket launcher by dropping rockets into each barrel and priming them. When not in use, the rocket launcher is slung over Impact's back, and she keeps extra rockets in long pouches on her munitions belt.

Vehicle Mode:
-Dual Machine Guns: These are long ventilated machine guns located on both lower sides of Impact's cockpit. They fire weak to strong-strength armor piercing bullets in a 15-bullet spray, with a range of up to 50 miles. The guns hold 250 bullets each.
-Firebomb Payload: There are two warhead-based firebombs on the underside of each wing. They are held to the wing by release graft mechanisms and, once dropped, have a 15-mile blast radius upon impact.

-Lighter: This is a compact, flip-open steel lighter that ignites a tiny flame upon rotating a metal dial next to the flame. Admit it- that description was completely unnecessary. The lighter serves little or no offensive usage; it's mainly for Impact's enjoyment. If she thinks you just did something really cool, she'll let you know- you'll see her lighter's flame waving in the air. It can also be used to light her way through darkness, natch.

Personality: Impact is on a constant high. She is almost like a cheerleader, in that she's very bouncy and bubbly and optimistic. Normally that would sound pretty good, but she took it to a more demented level. She is always yelling in a Cactus Jack-kinda way, and placing random sound FX throughout and punctuating with pep rally-esque terms of endearment. Basically, it takes something bad to make her speak with anything less than a gaggle of exclamation points. She's very physical, kind of a tomboy. She considers her teammates all to be her friends, with rare exceptions, and despite her reckless, crazy manner, can actually be very sweet and friendly. Impact is a diehard pyromaniac, would you expect anything else from a demolitionist? She finds fire to be the ultimate artistic expression of verve and relentless energy. Or, maybe she just likes watching stuff burn. Occasionally after burning down a structure, she will walk amongst the flames with a joyous expression. She talks to fire, referring to it as her friend, buddy, compadre, whatever. She has kind of an ongoing oneupmanship with herself to create ever bigger explosions until she finally crafts the Big One. Her handiwork has reached a point where one should be very afraid she should ever make a bang with the sheer ferocity of the Big One. It would have to be huge to top some of her earlier accomplishments. Also, and she considers this slightly embarrassing- odd, considering her lack of care over others' opinion much of the time- really big explosions have an, ahem, effect on her. A special effect. You know- a girl's effect, is what I mean to say. Feh, you do the math.

She treats a lot of people friendly enough, but she does have a definite mean streak. When her temper flares, stuff tends to go boom in a big way. In this angered state, one can expect to hear her ranting and arguing as explosions of increasing enormity go off. Impact is not very nice about public property. As a soldier, she's wild and sometimes too emotional, and must not be trusted to pilot ships or handle combustible elements. Though this may sound rebellious, she actually outright worships Megatron. She finds him to be her hero and mentor, listens with awe to every word he says, looks upon him with reverence, collects his memorabilia, quotes him, so on and so forth. She will flout lower authorities if she is angered or gone off the deep end, but she absolutely does not disobey Megatron. Or at least, that might have been the case once, but she may have someone who means just as much to her- her boyfriend Blades. As a slightly odd girl and always involved in time-consuming activities, Impact never did have so much of a social life, and though she hasn't told anyone, Blades is her first boyfriend. She loves him dearly, and shares with him a deep friendship and hedonistic romance. She doesn't give a damn about cough or decorum- if he wants to snuggle, she'll snuggle! Of course, her devil-may-care ways with him have led to some less than enviable circumstances- she was once nearly thrown in the brig for insubordinance after joining Blades in a small protest of authority, and Burnout will likely suffer mental trauma the rest of his life for having witnessed Blades' and Impact's "watermelon trick" first-hand. And the flares of temper exhibited by Impact upon the return of Blades' ex-girlfriend Alcione, AKA Andariel, were too telling to be ignored. But in general, Impact is a good friend, good girlfriend, and a hell of a soldier. She's just a little...special.

History: Impact was born as a Predacon insect on one of the colony worlds. As a colony girl aiding her parents in terraforming and atmosphere processing on an organic world, Impact grew up as the proverbial farm girl. She escaped the good ol' bumpkin stereotype via a love of and constant intake of Cybertronian and Earth pop culture, most notably heavy metal music and video games, shooters in particular. Impact knew only sparingly of Cybertron politics and life, but knew she wanted to go there. She joined the Predacon military at a young age and left to Cybertron to participate in conflicts against the Maximals, where she showed an excellent skill for weapons and demolitions. Her penchant for bangin' metal and explosion-heavy games lent itself to bombs and the detonating of said bombs, and to this day, it is said that she was present for one too many booms- some sources say she was always naturally enthusiastic, others say the constant kinetic impact drove her a little crazy. If anything, she got a lot more adrenaline day-to-day. However, as much as she loved fighting the good fight, she more often than not disagreed with some of her superiors' morals. If she was provoked or attacked, she would fight until the last Maximal had been blown into free-floating atoms, sure- but mowing down civilians, blowing up non-military personnel, killing innocents, did not sit right with her. At all. This disagreement with policy led to numerous discipline problems, and after the umpteenth and a half down time in the brig, something in Impact's already shaken and stirred head went snap.

Using some spare wires, her lighter, an antique can of hairspray and a guitar pick, Impact blew open the wall of her cell and escaped out into Cybertron, sick to death of Predacons and their politics. She could have suffered criminal eviction, but for Predacons, stuff like that was fairly run of the mill, and Impact was considered too much of a discipline pain to worry about anyway. The Preds would come to regret that decision. Impact got hooked up with an ancient Decepticon known as Equilibrium, who led a terrorist faction known as the Reclamation. The Reclamation was dedicated to the resurgence of original Decepticons on Cybertron, to overthrow their puny Predacon progeny. How Impact was led to join this faction is unknown, but it is believed it involved not being bored and the promise of money. With the Reclamation, Impact gained notoriety for making bombing runs on Predacon and Maximal military facilities alike. True to her resolve, Impact blew up lots of stuff and injured a lot of soldiers, but rarely killed unless necessary. She was wanted by both Maximal and Predacon governments along with the rest of her comrades, but like all fun things, this would come to an end. When Megatron descended upon Cybertron with his stasis virus, Impact was quickly deactivated and taken by the Vehicon drones.

Impact's name was researched in the Cybertron media database, and when finding out what a hellion she had been, Megatron elected to have her spark taken and placed into a new Vehicon shell. With updated weapons and demolitions training, new ordinance and armor, and even- gasp!- the knowledge of how to defuse explosives, Impact became an even better demolitionist and also blossomed as a weapons expert. She doesn't know much about making new weapons, but can load, aim, and fire just about any weapon from a Vehicon-issue Mark IV tetryon disruptor cannon to a slingshot. She was stationed in a nothing post on Cybertron, not for lack of skill, but for lack of anything to do. Since the Maximals had been either extinguished or gone into hiding, a destructive force like Impact was not needed. That changed when Unicron descended upon Cybertron, just in time for Impact's transfer to the Destronger. Upon blowing her way into the ship (she couldn't remember the security key code), Impact aided the Vehicons on bridge in holding back Unicron's forces long enough for a suicide run to be made on the head. Unicron was destroyed, and a short time later, due to undisclosed events, Cybertron was destroyed as well- with Impact and her friends on it.

Cybertron was blown into shards, with the surviving Loyalists pulling together to resurrect Megatron and turn back a Decepticon invasion. It was during this time that Impact confirmed her deep love for Blades, first with flirting, then with kissing, then with hitting the hoochie in the middle of the engineering room. Badly damaged by Decepticon attacks, the Destronger tried to make a repairs parking on a planetary shard. The key word is "tried". The Destronger was crippled and the Vehicon forces put into stasis, only to be resurrected nine months later, with a repaired flagship and renewed allegiance to Megatron. At current, Impact is aiding her friends in quelling any and all threats to Megatron's regime.

Mission History:

ADV 9: Beginning of the End Part 3: Doomsday: Upon transferral to the Destronger, Impact immediately made her presence felt when she blew her way into the ship and inserted herself into the scheme of things. Upon the Brotherhood of Steel's invasion of Megatron's lair and Unicron's gradual destruction of Cybertron, Impact made it known to Blades that her loyalty was to Megatron only. At Blades' command, she took a spot on the bridge of the Destronger and went with her new teammates to face down Unicron aboard the Destronger...

Created By: Psyckogod