After the departure of the Transformers from Earth, the humans gained a vast amount of new technology and began developing even faster. First came robots implants, then large size mechs, and eventually the colonization of the surrounding planets and the construction of free floating colonies. Humans began moving from the Earth to these colonies and life was good. Eventually, while every age, there came a terrorist revolution led by a man named Victor Kreeger. Strikes were made against not only the Earth, but the various colonies as well. The very actions of the Kreeger Faction brought around the birth of the Terraspace Force. Eventually, Victor Kreeger and his closest associates within the faction were killed by the Terraspace Force and the Kreeger Faction dispersed, like it was never around.
Five years passed. Victor’s son, Vladimir, was involved in a near fatal accident, caused by a contingent of the Terraspace Force, that destroyed his body, but his life was saved by transferring his mind into a cybernetic body. Vladimir vowed that he would make the Terraspace Force pay for what they did to him. He began traversing the colonies and Earth, regathering the Kreeger Faction as they moved in secrecy. Eventually, Kreeger found a severely wounded man and saved his life, having his specialists implant cybernetic parts into his body. When the man came around, he dedicated his life to serving Kreeger and took the name Stryker, becoming Kreeger’s top general.
Eventually, they amassed a large enough force that they struck, and they took over the Mars colony. Kreeger "convinced" the scientists of that colony to work for him, and he soon gained a massive amount of ships and weaponry. All the while, Stryker went from colony to colony, gathering more troops for the purpose to overthrow the Interspace Federal Government and the Terraspace Force. Soon after, they firmly established their position on Mars and wait for the right moment to strike down their foes.