Faction: Vehicon
Allegiance: Megatronian Loyalist
Type: Basic
Sub-Type: Player
Vehicle Mode: Communications Hovercraft
Function: Communications and Espionage Coordination
Height: 8 ft.
Size: Medium
Gender: Female
Age: 343 Stellar Cycles
Theme Song: "Wish" from the movie Run Lola Run
Quote: "We all lead multiple lives. Some of us even do it for a living."
"Yes I see the giant cannon in my face. My, how you intimidate me with your large phallic device. Now what do you want already?"
Physical Description:
-Robot Mode: Black, with variably glowing yellow highlights. 8ft, attractive though a bit
intimidating fembot. Body design features rigid (but shapely) arms and legs and a less armored but strong and flexable torso. Optimized for acrobatics and athleticism. Abdomen is structured as a few external support beams over an array of servomuscular discs that allow her almost serpentine movements. Upper torso covered by a thick but very flexable and supple armor layer. This is one of the first things male bots tend to notice about her, despite only average chest measurements. Under and between these chest measurements is an assembly looking kind of like a blade pendulum, or to a human observer perhaps a bra or part of some sort of strappy lingerie ensemble that her outer supports seem to form. Okay, out of the guttey already.
Two large curved half hemisphere wings on back,
round panel opening for tapes on upper back. Blades on outer forearms, lower legs have spiked tips at the knees, and has retractable stilleto heels which you may or may not see depending if she's trying to look good, trying to run, or trying to stab you through the spark with a flying kick.
Two long, rotating antennae protrude from dish depressions in the top front of her head, and another antenna assembly curves around the back of her head. Helmet has two small microphones that come out towards her mouth, though since she transmits most audio coms internally without speaking, it's unclear what they're for. Her face is feminine, cold,
and sinister, though she occaisionally lets some warmth through with a smile. Very occaisonally.
Linear yellow highlights are in patterns that suggest magnetic field lines, but also reinforce her overall insectoid s&m look. Especially
dense horizontal bands of yellow around abdomen. In general, though, less yellow than her previous incarnations, and some more variation in the shade of black. Intensity of glow is highly variable- blinks seemingly randomly, turns off entirely when being stealthy, glows softly when pleased, harshly when angry. Glow can be and often is conciously controlled- it usually only reflects her mood when she isn't paying attention to it, doesn't care, or has emotions too extreme to control.
Robot mode flight ability extended over her previous body to be about 80% of that described under Vehicle Mode below. Robot mode flight generally more agile but slower.
-Transformation: Head folds into vehicle rearward section, mostly coming up from her back. Legs split upwards and feet lock into aft section to form main structural frame. Arms retract into upper body armor, which simultaneously shifts outward and reshapes to form wings. lower torso sort of unrolls to become most of vehicle underbelly. Bra-like assmebly becomes front bumper and rest of connected front torso support becomes a arcing support for the dome shaped vehicle canopy, formed from two joined wings.
-Communications Hovercraft: Sporty dome-topped hovercraft with small semicricular wings. Features dual front mounted nailguns, bladed front bumper and wing front edges, dual function underbelly levitation and gravimagnetic intake, bidirectional rear thrusters, upper aft media slot. Convertable to opentopped directional satellite tranceiver (canopy flips over to become satellite dish). Two seat back to back crew compartment with interchangable driving and tactical/communications stations.
Magneto-gravimetric propulsion system most analogous to maglev trains. Capable of low altitude flight of around 200mph, but can reach supersonic speeds as a ground vehicle on Cybertron's metallic surface. Can travel over walls, upside down surfaces, and often jumps from one to another. Travels about 20% slower over non-ferrous metals, 60% slower over nonmetals- not much faster than via air. In flight, her speed drops off gradually. Above 10,000 ft. she can't accoplish much greater than jogging speed without air current aid. Virtually immobile in outer space without a nearby object or magnetic field to interact with.
Strength: 9
Stamina: 6
Skill: 10
Speed: 9
Aim: 7
Firepower: 8
Discipline: 7
Intelligence: 9
-Communications: Being a tape player is only her newest enhancement to her communications abilities, and she has upgraded her already advanced Megatron-supplied internal coms array to match her own specs. Can communicate on all channels, number of frequencies and multifrequency channels she can monitor and transmit over at once is unknown, but she hasn't come close to her limit yet in the course of her duties as a Vehicon. Expertise in cryptography, wiretapping, spoofing messages, social engineering. Though she can't just automatically break someone's radio encoding, she.. well, no that's not true, she can, it's just that code cracking takes time. Best to change encryption schemes often when she's around. Effective broadcast range similarly unknown, but assumed to be limited by her power capacity. As a Predacon, she once had transdimensional communications capabilities. It is suspected that she has built these in again, but she apparently has sworn off actually using them except when absolutely necessary. What her standard for "absolutely necessary" is, of course, unknown. One wonders if she even knows. Anyway, she thinks transdimensional contact is more trouble than it's worth 99.9% of the time.
-Espionage: Knows the ins and outs, very skilled, though she usually uses her expertise
to supervise the efforts of her tapes.
-Close Range Fighting: Impressive strength for a bot of her size and skill (say "for a girl" only if you're in the mood for a trip to the cr chamber), her martial arts skill is almost unmatched. Specializes in using knives for a quick, quiet kill, also has a powerful array of kicks, and even some wrestling moves.
-Leadership: Well, more like "telling people what to do." Lightspeed doesn't have that leader's charisma, or have a personality that engenders much trust, but she is effective at coordinating forces, taking charge and being decisive when necessary, and even (to the surprise of some) training troops. Probably has this skill mostly because she is/was the mother of 13 (I think, I keep losing count..).
-Mental Multitasking: Appears to most bots to possess average intelligence, but this is deceiving, as she can easily maintain three or more entirely separate trains of thought at once, making her both a good deceptor, presenting different personalities to different parties at the same time, and a good coordinator, able to receive, process, and transmit large amounts of varying data.
-Silent Running: As long as she's in good working condition, her movements are silent. Damage and wear and tear will negate this, so this ability is very high maintenence. Then again, so is Lightspeed in general.
This ability is a major power drain over long periods, so Lightspeed must deactivate many nonessential systems in order to use it, including all but basic coms and repair functions, eye lasers and some active thermal regulation. She can shift around what systems are deactivated somewhat. It takes a few clicks to activate the ability, but a whole cycle to shut down, in which time she can't use it or any of her shut down systems. She can use this ability for at most one megacycle without a refuel, though her systems start giving her lots of warnings after about half a megacycle of constant activation or more than a half dozen or so short uses.
Personality: Secretive, as befits a manipulative espionage agent. Usually trustworthy, however, especially if she is committed to a cause. Will make this commitment obvious to those she wants to know. Tends to think practically and strategically, not through an emotional or ideological lens. Information gathering and integrating are her specialties, and she applies this careful, logical, surreptitious approach in all aspects of her life. This tends to make her look like she's "on the fence" a lot, but this apparent indecision, and sometimes outright insubordination in words, is usually counterbalanced by decisive and reliable action. Reacts to adversity with coolness and composure, simultaneously showing a professionalism and a gift for understatement, sarcasm, and dry wit. Violence doesn't really have any emotional effect on her, it's just a part of life (a very large part). Will kill without mercy, but not without reason. Still feels fairly young, though she's been around for a while, mainly because her life has taken many detours, and though she is a high level Secret Police operative, she still feels like an apprentice, as she has reached a level of skill that has just revealed to her how far she has to go to become a master. Can be a little full of herself, however, especially around those she sees as incompetant and Prism (more on him later). She is ambitious in this regard, always wanting more power, but she gains power through perfection of and good use of her skills, not scheming or skidplate kissing. If she sees a peer getting ahead by this methods, she will quickly take it upon herself to put them in their place. Holds Soundwave as the model for her professional life, aspiring to essentially the same role and position, but she likes to think she's a bit more crasamatic than he was. Though dark, she tries to maintain good relations with most bots, other than those she considers contemptible and useless, partially because she's got some goodness deep down, but mostly because its useful for manipulation and gathering information. She has many good acquaintances, but few close friends, and even those she tends to keep at a distance. Her enemies often don't suspect her until its too late, and by that time, she's arranged a slow, painful death for them where no one can hear their screams. For those wondering, yes, she is somewhat of a sadist, prefers rough sex, and has sortof a dominatrix thing going on. Those last two points, however, are not often seen in her, unless she is interrogating, torturing, or with the subject of the next paragraph. In fact, the Predacon board, a time frame at least a hundred stellar cycles ago if not more, is the only time and place where those things are confirmed to be a large part of her psyche. In other times and places we have seen her, her hormones are much more subdued, and she seems to have a mild attraction for strong leader types, though the dominatix thing is definitely still there. There have even been lesbian undertones now and again, but she will flatly deny this, attributing any such thing to the sick male minds of her writers and readers.
Now, ahem, a note on Prism. Prism was for much of her life her boyfriend, lover, scapegoat, sex toy, annoyance, verbal sparring partner, and property (she can even produce a copy of the deed. Prism, however, will contest its validity, and rip it up, and then get annoyed when he is told it is only a copy). She talks to him in insults, dirty talk, and cutesy talk almost exculsively, and refers to him as "Prizzy", "Prizzykins", "Prizzy-wizzy", "Prizzy-snookums", and a few other pet names. This, of course, annoys him to no end. She doesn't like him at all as a person, but enjoys using him, particularly for sex, which, by the way, is magnificent. Something about having the same beast mode, perhaps. Independent observers have stated (though not within hearing of either firefly, on fear of death or worse) that Prism and Lightspeed's relationship, while obviously dysfunctional, eventually grew some emotional depth, having dependency, or perhaps, dare we say it, love. At some point they entered into at least a common law marraige, and are confirmed to have had at least thirteen children, who, in their twisted ways, they loved and cared for very deeply, even as they blantantly used them to form their own little personal covert ops army.
Prisma has recently resurfaced as Prisma (by some mix up the universe's greatest masochis- I mean, masogenist(sp?) got stuck in a female shell. Ha!), putting Lightspeed in the awkward position of still having outwardly denyed emotions for him/her, but none sexually. Blacklight, one of her sons, also recently resurfaced, she has a more familiar evil twisted motherly affection for, perhaps just more focused since he is the only Lightspawn to be found so far.
History: Began life as a typical Predacon bandit and mercenary, serving as a crew member on various pirate ships and such. Then accidentally ran across the body of the an ancient Decepticon, a spy, by the looks of it, in stasis lock- or so she thought. He suddenly came alive, plugged a device into her head, and then died. The device transferred his memories to her, a sort of immortality plan that didn't quite work, as her original personality and memories remained. The implanted memories only served to turn her insane for many years, until she was picked up by the Predacon Secret Police for destroying three Maximal bars in one night on Cybertron. She was locked away in solitary until somehow some high ranking former Decepticons became aware and intrigued by her condition. Through programming and psychology they and a team of doctors were able to get her to purge most of her implanted memories and reform her identity. Meanwhile it was becoming increasingly clear that she was great Secret Police material. Whether the encounter with the Decepticon spy had anything to do with these newly apparent skills, not even she was certain. She enrolled, and became the superior among her peers in most aspects of training, the virtual protégé of more than one experienced agent. She worked her way up the ranks, though she was far more intent on sharpening her skills than political advancement. She simply secured her place by killing anyone of inferior skill that outpoliticked her (completely acceptable in the PSP organization, so long as no evidence could be found and it wasn't a "time of emergency").
--At this point, Ultimate Board Lightspeed's history diverts. She was not given the following mission, and instead later after turning TM was given a really boring routine mission that happened to get her sucked into a wormhole and spit out near the Rock.--
One of her missions involved gleaning information from a Predacon that recently turned up on an outlying colony, stark raving mad. Though she could have gotten things out of his cpu about the activities of certain members of the band of thieves he was formerly a member of by conventional torture and interrogation methods, she took pity on the guy. He reminded her of herself as she had once been. Also, he was hot. She weaned him back to sanity, and slowly discovered just what an egotisitcal nutcase Prism really was. Also, how fun and easy to mentally torture and manipulate, and how absolutely fabulous in bed. She quickly engineered a "relationship" for the two of them, which consisted of him doing whatever she wanted, whether he knew it or not. Prism, not a total fool, tried to get out several times, sometimes even succeeding for days, months, or years at a time. But such freedom never lasted. During the time when they were intermittently members of a group known as Unicron's Mercs, they grew feelings for one another on a deeper level.. or at least admitted to them.. or pretended to have them for convienience.. or something. Anyway at some point, by a series of flukes and technicalities, they were married.
Lightspeed and Prism had over a dozen kids, which they trained into a black ops mercenary team of great competence and renown. Their success and growing power was hampered somewhat by the attentions of certain pesky authorities, but moreso by constant sibling rivalries and stupid mucking around in the timestream and multiverse. Then again, they've been involved in military operations in more theatres than practically any nuclear family in multi-history, so it wasn't a total loss. Anyway, the kids were finally starting to mature and the family finally getting things together big time when, of course, Megatron's virus struck.
It is not known whether the Vehicon Board and Predacon board universes are identical, but the Lightspeeds on both are definitely one and the same. At the beginning of the Beast Machines age she was on Cybertron, and reformatted into a technorganic. She formed a weak alliance with the Vehicon Cyberscream, then escaped the Apocalpyse Storm by stowing away on a Vehicon shuttle- a gambit that resulted in her capture, then re-creation as a Vehicon cassette player and hovercar with Ravage, Laserbeak, and Frenzy (the original G1 cons, now back in bodies closely resembling their G1 selves) as her cassettes. Ravage and Laserbeak, it is worth noting, were two of her mentors in her early PSP days.
Megatron gave her limited if any personality control software, so apparently he trusted her. Perhaps this was due to certain assurances, agreement on the necessary objectives at the time (Unicron was threatening to destroy the planet), or her contractor nature, but it was later revealed that Megatron has been holding at least four of her children captive.
Lightspeed, though not the most subordinate of Vehicon generals, nor ever on very good terms with Burnout or Megatron, has acheived and maintained a high rank due to consistant and competent performance, and never letting her disargeements with the leadership turn to outright defiance. She has taken active command of the Destronger and the bulk of Vehicon forces on several occaisions, including her first day on the job.
Her efficiency may have gone down somewhat over time, as memories from her previous life became more clear (never erased, but they were a little foggy and distant at the start), and her husband and one of her children came back on the scene.
Based on perfomance evaluation and her own reccomendations and requests, a new body for her has been under development in Megatron's central facilities for several months. It was rushed past final stages and to spark and program transferral and activation as a security precaution after Quantum temporarily succeeded in taking over her mind.
Name: Ravage
Faction: Vehicon
Type: Basic
Height: 3 ft.
Physical Description:
Personality: Loyal, thoughtful, and vicious, Ravage has always been a cross between a guard dog and an expert spy. Lately he has become more defiant, but he always backs up his defiance with sound reasoning, and does not try to overthrow his master, though he sometimes will ignore him (Megatron) or her (Lightspeed).
Strength: 7
History: One of the first Transformers to join Megatron I and next to Soundwave his staunchest
ally. Rebuilt as a Predicon and served in the Secret Police as its most elite officer. Actually was Lightspeed's mentor for a while. Killed in Prehistoric Earth in BW but through a complex series of events involving a partial merger with Soundwave's spark
(i dont remember all the details of Cloud's history) he resurfaced on Cybertron after the Virus as a Vehicon. Served Megatron II for a time, then tried to form his own faction dedicated to rebuilding the Decepticon Empire. Circumstances didnt favor him though, as the remnants of the old Decepticon empire now served Unicron, and he happened to be in a CR chamber unconcious when the Apocolypse Storm hit. His, Laserbeaks, and Frenzy's sparks survived, but their bodies were damaged beyond repair. Megatron collected the sparks, undecided on how to deal with them, as they were potentially powerful allies. When he needed more soldiers to fight Unicron, Megatron promised the former cassettes new bodies in exchange for loyalty, they agreed, as Megatron's agenda was now much closer to their own. They were given their original G1 bodies, which was beneficial to all, as they were most fond of and familliar with these bodies, and them being small cassettes meant Megatron could worry less about them being a threat if they revolted. Megatron's only regret is that he had to bend his anti-organic stance a bit, as Ravage had an organic form, but it was only a facsimile, with no actual dna. Ravage's only regret is that he misses his big cannon.
Though he is intensely loyal, has some trouble with following Lightspeed, who is far younger than he, and once his student. Eventually, as the mysterious bond between player and cassette grows stronger, they learn to respect each other and function as a team.
Name: Laserbeak
Faction: Vehicon
Type: Basic
Height: 3 ft.
Physical Description:
Strength: 7
Personality: Playful and sadistic, Laserbeak loves to toy with her victims and prey on the weak.
However, she also has a sly, fun attitude with her friends that leads some to believe she doesnt take her
job seriously. Nothing could be further from the truth.
History: One of Soundwave's tapes, became a Predicon Secret Police agent with Ravage, reborn as a Vehicon after the Virus, allied with Ravage at all times. Became Airplague's girlfriend before the Apocolypse Storm deactivated her. Reactivated with
Ravage, in original Cybertronian G1 form. Still has a close relationship with Airplague, though structural difference make it difficult for it to be the same. Very good friends with Lightspeed.
Name: Frenzy
Faction: Vehicon
Type: Basic
Height: 4 ft.
Theme Song: Fight Club theme
Physical Description:
Strength: 9
Personality: Frenzy spent most his life as your basic street punk, ready to brawl at the slightest provocation. Still, he had a bit more restraint and ability to think things out than his brother, Rumble. Taking the body of a diagnostic drone allowed him to unlock previously unknown mental abilities. He assumed a impartial scientist's mentality. (note:
scientists are rarely truly impartial, but they try to keep their judgement that way). Now, he's somewhere in between, loving a good dirty fight, but also an ardent intellectual. If it weren't for his fierce loyalty to his leaders and friends, he'd be the TF version of Tyler Durden in Fight Club.
History: One of Soundwave's tapes, put into permanent stasis lock fighting the Swarm. Spark recovered (again, dont remember how exactly), eventually put into a Diagnostic Drone body. Interface with the DD systems turned him from unruly adolescent into calm scientist, but his underlying loyalties still showed. Given new body with Ravage and Laserbeak. The intellegence boost stuck, but the
laid back manner did not. He now combines the best qualities of his previous personalities.
Mission History:
Ravage talked to and gave a bit of stealth training to DarkChylde, and served as tactical officer.
Frenzy did ship repairs, and assisted Chamber in awaking Octanok.
Laserbeak served intermittantly at helm, tried to stop Bombshell from deactivating shell programs, but got there too late, and spied on the Brotherhood for a while.
Created By: Riboflavin
-Eye Lasers: Ditched her laser cannon, preferring a hands free beam weapon. A little less powerful, but she has better aim with this more familiar and easy to use weapon. Very high powered, focused beam, capable of both constant and burst fire. Can defocus for a blinding but physically harmless blast as well. Note that she has no qualms about using this or any other ranged weapon in melee battle.
-Twin Daggers: Nasty looking 2 foot metal blades with diamond-composite edges.
-Nailguns: Fairly small machine guns that fire sharp tipped bullets. Formerly mounted on shoulders, now has two on either side of lower abdomen, firing out of compact ports. Better at causing pain than actual damage. Also available in vehicle mode, on either side of front chassis.
-Built-in Blades: Several sharp things built into her body, some new since her last revision. In vehicle mode these are foreward mounted on front bumper and side wings. In robot mode the bumper blade is pointed downward below her chest, not very useful (can be rotated foreward, but not without revealing a couple things). Wing blades are mounted raised from outer forearms, with a a pointed six inches protruding back from the elbow. Bumper blade is fairly dull, mainly designed to almost bludgeon through things at high velocity. Wing/forearm blades are much more refined- they bend sideways easily to preserve her mobility but are very rigid blade to back, and are are self sharpening via nanotechnology- they still have trouble with stronger armors though. Also has the familiar knee spikes, and a new accessory, six inch retractable stilletto blade heels. An automatically retracting sheath is over them so she can actually walk on them without stabbing into the ground, though they are usually retracted altogether if she's doing anything remotely active and not in the middle of kicking or stepping on someone.
-Tapes: 3 warriors/spies, who dont always respect her authority.
-Chameleon Device: In hovercraft mode, while still, will match coloring, reflectivity, other visual properties of surroundings. In technological environments, her vehicle form is generic enough that it can usually blend in with its surroundings given the right color and positioning, and only a smart bot
who knows what they're looking for, or a stupid bot who trips right over her, will notice.
-Communications Equipment: Built in, described in abilities. Has additional equipment in quarters, and is de facto in charge of the Destronger's communications systems. Recent additions include semi-experimental pyschic coms array, capable of transmitting, receiving, and intercepting psychic communications (Correction from Lightspeed: My creator is a dolt. The device in question is specialized for a wide class of extradimensional transmissions. What are commonly referred to as "psychic" communications are simply low band radio transmissions on a specific dimensional plane. Intercepting them is not a challenge at all- interpreting them is, due to the nature of the communications. At this point the system requires a dedicated operator to interpret all messages received, or even identify them as messages. Genetic algorithms are being employed to improve the automation of these functions, however, and are proceeding rapidly.)
Serial Number: 9947-3865-8042
Spark Identity: Ravage
Allegiance: Megatronian Loyalist (Decepticon subfaction)
Sub-Type: Cassette
Altenate Mode: Cassette
Robotic Animal Mode: Panther
Function: Espionage/Combat
Size: Small
Gender: Male
Near-exact replica of Ravage's G1 body.
-Espionage: Ravage doesnt need a cloaking device not to be seen. He can infiltrate just about any
installation, get what he wants, and get out without a scratch.
-Close Range Combat: Sharp titanium claws and teeth and the fearless instincts of a predator
make Ravage tough to beat. Despite his size, he had no qualms about pouncingon full size Autobots, so he doesnt view Vehicons or Maximals as much of a problem.
-Guerilla Combat: His small size, maneuverability, and firepower make him ideal for quick attacks on rough terrain.
Skill: 10
Speed: 7
Stamina: 7
Aim: 7
Firepower: 6
Intelligence: 10
Discipline: 9
-Dual Missiles: Very powerful, can cripple a full sized Vehicon, but he only has two (though he can reload once by entering Lightspeed)
-Titanium Claws: On feet and teeth, retractable, quite nasty.
-Eye Lasers: If the claws wont cut it, these will. 300 yard range.
-Cloaking Device: If there's a shadow to dwell in, he won't bother with it, he's that good, but cloaking comes in handy if you have to go through a field in broad daylight undetected.
Serial Number: 2134-3865-8042
Spark Identity: Laserbeak
Allegiance: Megatronian Loyalist (Decepticon faction)
Sub-Type: Cassette
Altenate Mode: CD
Robotic Animal Mode: Cybertronian Condor
Function: Interrogation, Espionage, Aerial Combat
Size: Small
Gender: Female
Age: 5.8 million stellar cycles
Near perfect replica of Laserbeak's original Cybertronian aerial spy mode, based on the long extinct Cybertronian Condor. (This form appeared in the first G1 episode, main difference is she had a rounded disc instead of wings) Her rounded shape made it easy to adapt her to a CD alternate mode, which is more compatable with other players. Transformation: legs and head retract, body flattens
into a CD, reflective coating is secreted.
Skill: 10
Speed: 10
Stamina: 8
Intelligence: 8
Discipline: 6
Aim: 7
Firepower: 7
-Interrogation: Knows how to get information out of someone, and has no scruples about it.
-Espionage: Always gets a nice hidden perch for spying on enemy conversations.
Aerial Combat: Not too much firepower, but she's fast, maneuverable, cunning, and knows effective tactics.
-Surveillance Camera: 300x zoom, night vision, infrared, compact (pops out of front of head)
-Beak and Claws: Sharp, and have a tight grip- can lug around bots two or three times her size for great distances.
-Plasma Rifles: Twin, mounted on her back. Main weapon, rapid fire, low to moderate damage.
-Eye Lasers: Short range, used for cutting and torturing victims.
Serial Number: 5345-3865-8042
Spark Identity: Frenzy
Allegiance: Megatronian Loyalist (Decepticon faction)
Sub-Type: Cassete
Alternate Mode: Cassette
Function: Brawling, Data Anaylsis
Size: Small
Gender: Male
Age: 4.7 million stellar cycles
Near exact replica of G1 Frenzy. Main difference is that he also has Rumble's pile drivers.
Skill: 6
Speed: 5
Stamina: 10
Firepower: 8
Aim: 9
Discipline: 6
Intelligence: 10
-Melee Fighting: He's small, but he fights raw and dirty, and doesn't back down.
-Data Analysis: Impressive ability to sort through information, draw conclusions, make plans. Somebody's gotta do something with all that information the spies collect. Uses tape mode for recording and sending info quite often, and will often use it like hacking bots use their direct connection.
-Tech: He's no Rhinox, but he's at least a Rattrap.
-Wisecracking: What over intellectual street punk can resist the urge for smart aleck remarks?
-Laser Pistols: Has two, stores on his back. Basic semiautomatic laser gun.
-High Frequency Sound Generation: Loud, high pitched noise overloads nearby audio systems,
can induce temporary paralysis. Can be neutralized by deactivating audio system before he does it.
-Pile Drivers: Rumble's favorite toy back in the day. Frenzy now has these too. Shake the
ground to knock nearby bots off their feet. The bigger they are...
-Med Kit: laser scalpels, quickset liquid metal guns, and circuit micromanipulators are useful for more than just repairs.
-Lab: Has a general purpose computer and tech lab at headquarters.
-Beginning of the End: Came online shortly after the Destron was downed. Assisted in repairing Destron, then took communications post on the Destronger. Often argued with Blades and Burnout, but establised a working relationship. Took an interest in DarkChylde. On multiple occaisions was forced to take command of the bridge, and did well, considering it was her first ship command. Cooperated with the Brotherhood to attack Unicron while they were in control of the giant head. When Blades was transferred into the computers, initially took strong precautions, as he was acting unstable, but eventually they learned to trust one another somewhat. Ordered off the ship by Burnout for the Destronger's near-suicide attack, so she got troops to gather transwarp cells t use against Unicron, and used a shuttle to rescue damaged bots.