Name: Samantha Errin
Aliases: Neon (preferred)
Type: Human
Allegiance: Terraspace Force
Function: Scientist
Sex: Female
Age: 28
Height: 5'6

Physical Description: Neon is a petite yet vaguely muscular woman with pale white skin. She wears a body suit that looks leather in appearance and sleeveless over this she wears a white lab coat. Both her arms are entirely Cybernetic and her hair has been augmented to glow various neon colors. The rest of her body looks normal under her cloths except for the occasional networking of circuit-looking patches on her form.

Personality: Neon is a bright lady with a bit of a reputation for being 'easy'. This is somewhat untrue, she earned the insult when she wouldn't have sex with a fellow researcher. He told everyone the exact opposite out of spite and 'boom' she was branded a slut. This has made her a bit secluded into herself as female researchers who were jealous all along were given a reason to turn their noses and the male ones would occasionally harass her. She does of course have a few friends, namely her close partners who know the rumors to be completely untrue but such things still have their effects. The way she acts is in much contrast to what you'd expect from just seeing her hair. Neon talks quietly and slowly not always ready to give her opinion even if it's brilliant. She shys away from members of the opposite sex. In her spare time she works on the rums and watches movies.

-Pistols: Neon spends some time at the firing range and has developed quite a skill at using small arms.

Strength: 6
Speed: 7
Skill: 10
Discipline: 7
Stamina: 5
Intelligence: 10
Aim: 6
Firepower: 5

-Plasma Pistol: A simple plasma pistol that fires plasma energy and is able to damage most armors.

-Various scientific and lab equipment including collectors, vials, and even a mini chemestry kit.


History: Unknown

Created By: Vasdenjas