Faction: Vehicon
Allegiance: Brotherhood of Steel
Type: Triple Changer
vehicle Mode: Battle cruiser/battle base
Alternate Mode: Big friggin' scorpion
Function: Field Refueling/Battle Base
Height: 37 ft.
Size: Optimal
theme Song: "Unnoposed" Magnied Plaid
Quote: "Those who find my beliefs to be wrong, will find themselves un-created."
Physical Description:
-Scorpion Mode: A really BIG scorpion. Reminiscent of the original Scorponok, with more 'roundness.' He is strapped to the teeth with weapons, but prefers to use only his stinger cannon and his giant pinchers in this mode. His color scheme is a dark mettalic red and black. His stinger is red, and most of the tail black, his scorpion head is black with red jaws. His pinchers are black and his arms and legs red. The majority of his body is black, with two red stripes going down the interior, equidistant from the center.
-Battle cruiser/base mode: The scorpion pinchers fold open and the larger sides interior faces upward, revealing a cannon, which folds out, and a refueling spot for smaller Vehicons. His legs fold up and form side cannons. His tail folds onto his back, revealing his quartet of large engines, along with smaller booster jets. His scorpion head slides into his body, and the stinger sets where it was, forming more foward cannons, and the cockpit. On the tail itself, two panels fold away from each other, forming a refueling spot for larger Vehicons. When on the ground, a ramp folds out from his right side, and from the front of each pincer whenever a ground based vehicle needs to refuel.
-Robot mode from Scorpion mode: The pinchers and arms fold down to form robot arms, although it is hard for him to grasp weaponry without crushing it, he finds the crushing effect better for smaller foes. The stinger folds onto his back and the beast had folds in, like in cruiser/base mode. The stinger cockpit unfolds in half and rests in his shoulders, revealing his bot head. His scorpion bottom side folds down, and the beast legs form blasters coming from the sides of the legs foward. His robot mode chest is red in the center, were a black Vehicon symbold shines, and black on the most of the rest of his torso. Near his waistline, near the sides, there are two bars of red, forming a trapezoid on each side of his 'stomach area.' He has the ability to fold out his guns at his pinchers, but only does so when in long range situations.
Strength: 10
Speed: 5
Skill: 8
Stamina: 9
Intelligence: 5
Firepower: 10
Discipline: 10
Aim: 9
-Small Transwarp Drive: Slow model, used sparingly, or pretty much never.
-Flight: It'd be weird to have a TW drive and not fly, would it not?
-Strength: Due to massive size, especially in gravitational fields when gravity aids his mass
-Pincher Guns: Fold out from pincher. Mettalic black. Small recoil. 200 shots/minute. Large bank of ammunition inside Octanok's pinchers containting thirteen cases of shots. Each case contains 400 shots. Reload time for single shot is 1/4 of a minute. Reload time for an entire case takes two minutes.
-Big Scorpion Pinchers: Mettalic black. Super strong crushing mechanism that can react as quickly as an alligator's jaw. Can be destroyed from armor piercing, but highly unlikely.
-Eight Single Barrel Turrets: Emplaced on back side, standard steel, no paint Automatic guns, 832 shots/minute, a reload stock of 52 cases in all(for all eight guns). 1 case = 3328 shots. Takes six minutes to reload cases.
-Auto-aim Device for Turrets: Auto-aims for turrets
-Self-Repair Drones: Three weaponless drones that float about him whenever he needs repair, very thick armoring, fairly slow.
-Personal Command Chamber: Holds a small chamber in his innards which allows an operator with the right codes Chamber, Megatron, or Burnout
Personality: Octanok has the mixed personalites of the original Scorponok, and the late Astrocon, Octane Core. He has a cold sense of humor, not to mention life. He follows the commands of anyone who has been deemed right to listen to by Chamber, Burnout, or Megatron himself. His ridicously large size often finds him stuck outside, although he is sometimes used as a base, when a small amount of Vehicons can enter inside him and take care of sheilds, logistics, and flight, while he concentrates on attacking. Likes to squish things, either with foot or his wondrously strong pinchers. Doesn't take disobedience lightly, and with the permission of his commanding officer, he will make the disobedient feel guilty, with a barrage of weapons. Barely ever does anything without the consent of those above him, which often leads to him not doing anything in a battle where he could be more effeciently used.
History: Chamber had recently found that the spark he had been melded to was actually Scorponok's, when he found his old personal strong hold floating through space. He removed the spark, and placed it inside the small base, which he then placed in the nearby asteroid field.
Later on, before Octane Core committed suicide in the depths of the Destronger, he gave Chamber a disk containing his core program. Chamber then altered this program so that it would give him total control of the power that was in Scorponok. The only problem was the need of a body, he had brought several files speaking about Scorponok from the base, and examind them on a private datapad not hooked to the Destronger, and had found that during the Megatron/Cybertron Wars, there had been an attempt to revive Scorponok as a fully technological threat to Meagtron's virus. The project was cancelled, as the virus found its way into the builders of the new shell for Scorponok, who had through some unknown luck found his spark inside a container in the bowels of an abandoned Decepticon base on Cybertron.
Chamber went to Cybertron after the threat of Unicron was handled with, and found the shell, only needing minor repairs. After these repairs were finished, he finished the programming of Octane Core's old shell prog, and inserted it and the spark into the shell, birthing Octanok. The new battle chariot of Megatron's Vehicon forces.
Mission History:
None as of yet.
Created By: Chamber