Faction: Vehicons
Allegiance: Cyber Angels
Type: Triple-Changer
Vehicle Mode: Motorcycle
Alternate Mode: Helicopter
Function: Assassin
Height: 7 ft.
Size: Medium
Theme Song: "Enter Sandman" - Metallica
Quote: "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful; I already do that."
Physical Description:
-Robot Mode: Prism, now known as Prisma, has undergone significant physical changes since the coming of Megatron. For one, he is now a she. Due to circumstances to be explained later on, Prism's spark now resides in a female shell. She is tall and sleek, colored black and red. She has an angular face with no nose, a small mouth, and a wrap-around optical visor with a pair of comms antennae built into the sides. She has long legs with red knee-high armored boots and traction grips built into the soles. She wears red gauntlets with pads on the back of her hands. Her Vehicle Mode windshield is set over her ample chest and its two wheels are folded up on her shoulders. She has spare chaff grenades hanging from clips on her waist and her blade in a silver sheath slung over her back. She has a distinctive slink/stomp way of walking, the byproduct of her personal gender clash, and a husky feminine voice. She is very attractive and sexy, a problem that personally plagues her for reasons also to be explained.
Vehicle Mode: A sleek, futuristic motorcycle colored red. Think Kaneda's bike in "Akira". The motorcycle is low to the ground, with a curved windshield hanging over the handlebars, and has two wheels with crackling electric hubcaps. The wheels, unlike the rubber and spokes of today, are composed of a smooth metal capable of impossibly precise steering and driving. The cycle, modified with the same traction grips in its wheels as in Prisma's feet, can climb walls and drive across water, as well as allowing for perfect jumps and landings from said jumps. To transform into Vehicle Mode, Prisma's body folds up and the windshield on her chest slides over her head, which slides into the front as handlebars slide out from either side. The wheels on her shoulders move down into the front and back, with her arms comprising the fenders and hubcaps.
Alternate Mode:: A small, futuristic one-Bot helicopter with two sets of rotors. Upon transforming into Vehicle Mode, her wheels move up to the top of the bike as her windshield slides down more in front, with the front of the bike and front fender shifting into a cockpit nose. The wheels split and elongate into helicopter rotors, two sets of four, and her body stretches out more to make room for the rotors. Landing rails emerge from the bottom of her stretching, thickening body, and a tail sprouts from her back end with a tail rotor folding out of a compartment on it.
Strength: 7
Speed: 10
Skill: 9
Stamina: 10
Intelligence: 8
Firepower: 7
Discipline: 6
Aim: 6
-Optical Visor: Prisma's visor is not only uber-fashionable, but it can also provide night vision and thermal view, as well as zoom magnification. It also has a comms/mini-computer setup that Prisma can communicate through and read mission objectives and briefings on her visor with.
-Traction Grips: Prisma's feet are set with molecular traction grips that allow her to retain footing and buoyancy on any surface. This can include useful skills like standing/running on water, walls, ceilings, what-have-you. The traction can also be reversed, allowing her to launch herself off surfaces and give her already fearsome kicks that much more stopping power.
-Alloy Blade: This deadly sword is Prisma's weapon of choice and the only one she really needs. It is composed of various strong metals bonded to make a nigh-indestructible blade. It has a silvery magnetic hilt and a light-reflecting blade; if needed, Prisma can blind enemies for a split-second by bouncing the sun off the blade into their optics, plus the magnetic hilt, specially attracted to her hands, ensures that she will always perfectly catch and maintain her grip on the sword. The blade is also capable of blocking and deflecting bullets with little to no damage. The hilt has built-in electrodes comprising a security system that will deliver a massive shock if the hilt is taken by unauthorized hands. It recognizes Prisma's spark signature and hands, and also has a built in tracer. Prisma is extremely skilled with the blade, and can use it effectively in firefights and melee combat, among other situations. When not in use, it is stored in a metal sheath slung over her back.
-Chaff Grenades: These devices jam electronic equipment by dispersing clouds of tiny particles of foil that play hell with electronics and render them useless for a period of time. Depending on the complexity of the equipment affected, the effect of the grenades ranges from complete shut-down to simple glitchiness and disruption. The grenades are small and gray and are activated by pressing a trigger, at which point a five-second countdown commences. The countdown cannot be aborted. Prisma also has proximity-detonation and remote detonation variants of the chaff grenades. They do not personally affect her, as she has devised personal armor shielding that can keep out the disrupting foil particles. She uses them mainly to jam surveillance and security equipment, but they also work well in momentarily disorienting Bots. She keeps spare grenades hanging from clips on her waist.
-Electric Bubble: This is a large electric sphere that surrounds Prisma for both offensive and defensive purposes. Generated by electrodes sequestered in her shoulder plating, the bubble doles out thousands of volts to enemies, as well as absorbing kinetic energy to work as a shield for Prisma. It is colored a translucent blue, crackling with voltage, and things within the bubble appear in photo-negative hues. Prisma can keep the bubble on for anywhere from ten seconds to ten minutes, depending on the intensity of the electricity. After deactivation, the bubble automatically recharges itself in a process taking a few moments.
Personality: Prisma may be a new shell, but it's still Prism under there. Prisma is egotism defined. If the universe doesn't revolve around her, it damn well should. She likes degrading other, weaker Bots and pointing out her own greatness for anyone who'll listen, and especially people who won't. One of the most irritating aspects of her self-centeredness is her ability to back it up. She is smart, strong, and skilled, and lets people know it. She doesn't brag as much (s)he used to, feeling more assured of her own superiority than to have to go around trumpeting it all the time. Prism's famed ego also took a beating following his awakening in a female shell. If one spends their whole life believing men to be superior to women, and themself to be the most superior man of all, then ending up in a woman's body is going to cause some problems. Prisma's attractiveness is 1/3 blessing and 2/3 curse; sure, Prisma can attain levels of manipulation over men never known in her previous gender, but that means she has had to put up with unwanted male advances for years. Prisma wants nothing to do romantically with men, as she used to be one, so any relationships she's had since her reactivation have been with other women. None of them were serious; only one woman (s)he's known was with him/her for the long run.
Lightspeed. Prism's ex-lover, ex-partner, and ex-wife. As Predacons, the two enjoyed a close, if argumentative, relationship filled with enough sex to make Ron Jeremy blush. The fireflies (their shared original Beast Modes) started out hating each other and using each other for physical gratification, but over time developed a more loving and dependent bond. Prism would never have admitted it at first, but he gew to love Lightspeed for more than her sleek legs and shapely kid. He came to enjoy her wittiness, intelligence, and take-charge attitude as much as he openly decried them while arguing with her...an activity that may have slowed, but never really stopped. They most likely loved the arguments too. The two were eventually married and had over a dozen children to work with them in the family business, and it looked as though they would live happily ever after...until Megatron invaded. Prism, Lightspeed, and their family were caught in the battle, and the family was separated and Prism apparently captured and killed. Long story short, for the past few years Prisma has believed Lightspeed and all of their children to be dead. This sowed the seeds for both Prisma's new moodiness and enigmatic nature, and her hatred of Megatron.
Upon escaping Megatron's clutches, Prisma joined the Cyber Angels for their independence, proactivity, and the chance of a new life free of painful memories. Although always unwilling to divulge information of her past (even getting her name took some doing), Prisma remains a highly skilled and capable soldier, with new skills learned since her reactivation. She has no particular cares about the Loyalists or the Brotherhood of Steel, and her hatred of Megatron has dulled to a dim dislike; she's currently more occupied with a personal quest to gain access to and control of one of Megatron's manufacturing plants so she can finally get herself into a male shell again. She believes the Angels can help her accomplish this, though she has openly told Quantum that she only runs with them out of convenience. Prisma is as yet unaware that Lightspeed is still alive, but once she finds out, her response should be...interesting.
(Be sure to read the handy-dandy Prism application on the Predacon Base Approved Character list for more on the Effervescent One.)
History: Prisma was originally manufactured as Prism, a male firefly Predacon. For more info on the original Prism's past, feel free to peruse his application on the PBACL as mentioned above. Prisma's history starts quite some time after Prism's construction.
Having been an exceedingly close couple for quite some time, Prism and Lightspeed finally got married. Word has it their original intention was never to tie the knot, but following the need for marital licenses for an infiltration mission to assassinate the secretly drug-dealing host of the Newlywed Bots game show, they had a quickie ceremony performed by a Decepticon mercenary in a tavern complete with forged licenses, and the husband/wife terms just stuck. Knowing they weren't safe on Cybertron with their scores of enemies, they stole a large cruiser ship for themselves and ended up making it their permanent spacefaring home. Prism and Lightspeed went on to have over a dozen children, all of which were trained in the mercenary/soldier trades that their parents specialized in. The massive family group came to be known as the Lightspawn, and became infamous for being the most tightly knit yet most successful mercenary group to come along in years. The family prospered with every assassination, sabotage, and grand theft performed for shady bosses, until Megatron invaded Cybertron with his stasis virus and army of drones. The Lightspawn family cruiser was orbiting the planet at the time of invasion, and the ship was swarmed with drones.
Prism, Lightspeed, and their children fought valiantly, and kicked a lot of ass I might add, but it was ultimately futile. Too many drones, and for once, they were caught completely by surprise. The full details of the battle are unknown, but apparently, the children were separated and disappeared, either killed or escaped; Lightspeed definitely escaped, and Prism was captured and apparently killed. Or at least that's what Lightspeed thought. Prism's shell was destroyed and his spark extracted, and the drones took him to one of Megatron's ubiquitous spark-tank thingies and left his soul for later use.
A while later, construction began on the new Prism's shell in an early protoform stage, when a group of Maximals attacked the manufacturing plant and implanted a virus in the shell selection/program system. The attack was quelled by drones, but a little too late- in the virus' ravages, the wrong shell was selected for Prism's spark and he woke up in a new, svelte, sexy FEMALE body. (S)he was understandably pissed. Megatron shrugged off the annoying glitch and told Prism, now christened Prisma to avoid confusion in computer records, that for lack of funds and resources through the war with the Maximals, she would have to accept her new shell for the time being. This was the last straw. Prisma was already hurt internally by the belief that her wife and children were dead, but this?! She made her escape from the services of Megatron that very night, cursing his name. She captured a small ship and wandered aimlessly for some time, years in fact, and was out of the system during the end of the Maximal war and the coming of Unicron. When she finally returned, she found out about the Cyber Angels and, intrigued, contacted Quantum covertly for news on possibly joining the ranks, for lack of anything better to do. Telling him nothing of her past, the two hit it off, and she joined the Angels on a reserve basis, keeping out of sight of the Loyalists and the Brotherhood of Steel. She has recently been on a lone mission off-planet for the Angels, but has just recently returned following news of their takeover of the Head. What part she will play in coming days is unclear.
Mission History:
*None as of yet
Created By: Psyckogod