Name: Quantum
Aliases: Q, Quantium
Serial Number: ZXLS-436-????
Spark Identity: Quantum

Faction: Vehicon
Allegiance: Cyber Angels

Type: Angel
Vehicle Mode: Fightercraft
Function: Scientist

Height: 13 ft.
Size: Large

Quote: "Your children are not your children. Though they come through you they will never belong to you...They will belong to me."

Physical Description:
-Vehicle Mode: Quantum's vehicle form is that of a fightercraft functional in both space and atmosphere environments. The body of the craft is sleek and long, very slightly arrow shaped. The front end is blunt and the back is only slightly wider than the front. The cockpit is toward the back of the purple body and the wings are positioned on either side of that. The wings look like a large ring extending from the ship that was split at the top and bottom. Three holding struts connect each wing to the main body. The underside of the craft bears the Angel insignia (A golden sun with wings on either side).
-Transformation: Unlike most other Angels Quantum completely morphs, becoming liquid metal between forms.
-Robot Mode: Quantum's Robot mode is very humanoid. The basic structure of his body is that of a fit human male with silver skin. His head has two baleful blue eyes with nearly visible black pupils He wears a purple armored faceplate that is attached to his head and adorned with a beautiful golden cross. The faceplate can slide over his face in battle or sit up on top of his head. Even though this faceplate has no optical ports Quantum can easily see through it. On either side of the plate, attached at the points his ears would be and where the points of the cross end he has two small golden wings standing to about the top of his head. Unlike his wings below, these are actual metal and always exist. His body is adorned in a type of purple plated armor that covers his entire body showing the only 'flesh' at his neck. His shoulder pads are large and extend beyond his arms by about half a foot. They also have a single golden cross on each facing upward. Quantum's forearms are more heavily armored than his upper arms making his forearms look to be about twice as thick as his upper arms. The armor is longer than his arm along the back making the armor go well past his hands and fingers, but only along the back, his hands still have easy access to whatever he'd need. His hands seem to be in white cloth gloves with blue jeweled finger armor along his fingers (of course). His chestplate has a blue jewel just under the collarbone and two more down by his ribcage on either side. In the center of his chest is the Angel insignia. His lower body is protected by the skirting from his plated armor down to about his knees. The front between the skirting and his legs is the only cloth on his body, it is golden and drapes to the ground whilst bearing the Angel insignia. His lower legs and feet are armored in the purple plate creating the appearance of boots around his feet.
-Wings and Halo: Quantum has six wings that appear as blazing gold and all emit from his back, burning with an unrivaled intensity. When he takes flight they actually leave a brief energy trail and cause scoring damage to whatever surface he left from. In addition to the flaming 6, he now has sprouted 2 'real' golden wings that stand from his midback where they attach. The wings themselves stand a good 2 feet taller than Quantum's head and drape to the ground giving him a full wingspan of nearly 32 feet. The build of these wings is similar to those of Archangel from X-men. They look to be made of numerous shards of metal feathers. Quantum's Halo trails behind him and stands vertically, it is a blazing blue ring large enough to surround his entire body. The halo actually consists of three rings, two thin outer ones and one thick inner. The inner ring appears adorned with circuitry and rotates counterclockwise, the outer rings are plain but rotate clockwise.

Strength: 8
Skill: 10
Discipline: 10
Stamina: 8
Intelligence: 10
Speed: 5
Aim: 7
Firepower: 10

-Invention: Quantum can invent practically anything he a come up with, assuming he has the parts and time.
-Upgrade: The act of transforming other transformers into Angels.
-Micro Drones: Quantum can create a number of intelligent spy drones. They can look like most anything he can imagine but as a default they resemble bright blue humanoid females. The drones are about 6inches tall and are unable to communicate with anyone except Quantum via a telepathic link. When they fly they glow resembling sprites or fairies unfortunately making them easier to see but it's remnants of Quantum's energies during their creation. Quantum can have 5 active drones at any one time.

-Rail cannon: This weapon is now kept in a pocket of subspace when Quantum Angel is in robot mode. When revealed this cannon is roughly 1.5x Quantum Angel's height (About size 19), but he can easily hold it with one arm. The rail cannon throws a magnetically propelled projectile at extreme velocity through almost any material with no recoil. This weapon has an effective range of over 1000 meters can only be stopped or slowed by an energy barrier of somesort. The projectile does begin to lose velocity after 600 meters and will now become vulnerable to being slowed by objects it impact.
-Sword: Quantum now only has one sword that he carries on his back. Only the hilt can be seen sticking up directly behind his head. The blade is stored in his back actually within his body. The cut of the blade is French making it very thin and narrow but powerful none the less.
-Energy Blast: Quantum can fire bursts or a single constant stream of yellow energy from his fists. This is about as powerful as a heavy blaster when he uses them. Before and after he uses the attack his hands begin to smoke with the energy briefly. In his vehicle form these simply appear as standard blaster fire from his ringlike wings and can fire more rapidly.
-Wings: Only in his Robot form, his physical wings are very resilient to damage. Quantum can use them to protect himself as well as others from damage. The edges of the wings are very sharp and can slice through things as easily as his sword.

-Telekensis: Quantum can manipulate physical objects with the power of his mind. While unable to do things as difficult or complex as rewiring a computer (he uses his insects for things like that), he can pull and throw things of varying size though oddly he is unable to telekeneticly lift anything he couldn't lift with his physical strength.
-Ion Blast: Quantum can fire a blast of concentrated ionic particles from his hands at a target. An ion blast disperses and drains power from a target but does so damage otherwise. He'll often use this tactic to weaken a foe before delivering a fatal blow or do drain energy from various devises.

-Manipulation Insects: His new form is not exactly designed to allow Quantum to do work on small delicate equipment. His body has compensated by altering the manipulation appendages he once had into tiny purple and turquoise spider insects. Once active they can be utilized as easily as any other appendage Quantum has. They have no will of their own and die almost instantly if moved more than 10 meters from his body.
-Segmented Armor: On close inspection it can be seen that Quantum Angel's armor is made up small hexes. This allows each area to take a certain amount of damage and break away without damage spreading to other areas of his body. This also applies to his internals and makes repairs as easy as popping out the defective system and sliding in the new one.
-Various small tools stored in forearm armor, Small spy cameras, and special communicators.
-Lab: Quantum Angel has an advanced laboratory which he keeps hidden with a special cloaking shield. Much of the lab is managed by a large and heavily modified Spark Extraction Droid which Quantum Angel calls S.E.D (formally E.D). The lab is armed with a variety of scanners and defense mechanisms. This lab's current location is still being decided.

Personality: Quantum is himself once again. After becoming an Angel a deeply repressed personality of a warrior seemed to begin to creep forth. After the destruction of Cybertron coupled with deep inner Quantum realized it had not been a latent personality, rather a desire to be able to battle well like the other vehicons. After it was realized it dissolved leaving his true personality, his original personality. Quantum is a scientist through and through, perhaps one of the most brilliant to ever exist. He knows (or at least believes) this as well and thus has a huge ego. His research is the most important thing in the world to him and he will do anything to see it through.

Quantium did not know himself for a large while after he was activated. There were things he knew but could not explain until he interfaced with the Oracle super computer. This awakened his spark to a creature living within, a creature calling itself Morpheus. Morpheus freed itself transforming the spark into a black orb, taking control of a body Quantium built for it. For a time Quantium had no spark within his body, during this period he could only truly be destroyed by destroying Morpheus as they shared life through the spark that had been commandeered. Eventually Quantium recaptured his spark through use of a transformer named Dark Chylde, this returned his venerability but allowed Quantium to be able to enhance himself.

Quantum Angel is much older than Quantium. The Angel was an elite warrior from Cybertron. He claimed no allegiance to Maximal or Predicon factions but acted in what he believed to be the best interests of the preservation of Cybertron and the noble history of all transformers. The Angel had a beast mode of a hawk and battled with twin blades against those who sought to harm the planet. For the majority of the time this means that he fought with the Maximal faction as the Predicons seemed to seek conquest. Angel knew they may alter the planet into an incurable manner so he was forced to choose sides. The end did eventually come when Megatron manufactured a virus that devastated all who were on Cybertron. Angel was disabled with all others and was soon lost in limbo as his spark was lost.

And it was all a lie. A pure fantasy that existed only in his head for the sake of believing he should have been something more than he was. Quantum kept the spelling of his name without the 'i' simply as a remberence and to mark the occasion to when he first became an Angel.

Mission History:
Unfortunatly I do not remember what missions most events happened in however; here is a list of important things Quantium has done in his existance:
Apocalypse Storm Series:
-During the beginning of this series Quantium awoke
-Made allies with Cyclonus
-Began reasearch on the Maximals
-Attempted to kidnap Blades friend (Can't remember her name!!!)
-Made fragile allience with Blades, Chamber, Ambush and others
-Gave them all specialy designed communicators
-Interfaced with the Oracle
-Created Morpheus and lost his own spark
-Two of his drones, Savage and Sheeva died
-Ambush agreed to be his test subject
ADV 7: Beginning of the End Pt. I: The Arrival:
-Was on moonbase when destroyed, took some vital readings of Unicron's energy
-Took the sparks of DC and Cyclonus
ADV 8: Beginning of the End Pt. II: The Seige:
-Turned Cyclonus into Bombshell
-Turned DC into an adult
-Forced DC to take Morpheus spark
-Purged thoses infected by Unicron back to themselves (Octane Core, Neoclonus, and 1 other)
ADV 9: Beginning of the End Pt. III: Doomsday:
-Upgraded to Angel form
-Upgraded Bombshell and Romsca
-Rescued Ashe
-Captured Supercomputer and stored in a very well armored bunker
ADV. 10: Oblivion
-Repaired Burnout
-Joined attack on Descepticon Vessel
-Contemplated his death as Destronger was crashing

Created By: Oscillate