The Techno Orb, an orb-shaped "puzzle" created by a race simply known as the Creators, as an experiment.
Not much is known about the Techno Orb, except it’s purpose. The Creators were a race of techno-organic beings, but some wanted to be pure technological. So they created the Techno Orb so they could purify themselves and rid their organic sides, but it proved too dangerous. While it did eliminate the organic components, it also slowly destroyed the being possesing the orb, so the Creators created Cyberus to guard the Techno Orb.
In an attempt to rid themselves of the Techno Orb, the Creators buried the Techno Orb, along with immortal Cyberus, deep in the mantle of Cybertron.
While it’s main purpose is known, not much else is known about it, whether there are other side effects or not remains to be revealed.
To solve the puzzle, it is much like the box from the Hellraiser series, where one must turn and flip the components of it. Once it is solved, the top will open and emit an enormous blast of energy that blankets an entire planet, destroying organics and the beings containing organic components.
Status: Destroyed